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Development and external validation of a diagnostic model for biopsy-proven acute interstitial nephritis using electronic health record data
Moledina DG, Eadon MT, Calderon F, Yamamoto Y, Shaw M, Perazella MA, Simonov M, Luciano R, Schwantes-An TH, Moeckel G, Kashgarian M, Kuperman M, Obeid W, Cantley LG, Parikh CR, Wilson FP. Development and external validation of a diagnostic model for biopsy-proven acute interstitial nephritis using electronic health record data. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2021, 37: 2214-2222. PMID: 34865148, PMCID: PMC9755995, DOI: 10.1093/ndt/gfab346.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute interstitial nephritisInterstitial nephritisUrine biomarkersBiopsy-proven acute interstitial nephritisElectronic health record dataExternal validation cohortTypical clinical featuresBlood urea nitrogenTumor necrosis factorCharacteristic curve analysisHealth record dataExternal validationElectronic health recordsAIN diagnosisModest AUCsSerum creatinineCreatinine ratioKidney biopsyClinical featuresValidation cohortNecrosis factorUnrecognized casesInterleukin-9PatientsUrea nitrogenExternal Validation of an Electronic Health Record-Based Diagnostic Model for Histological Acute Tubulointerstitial Nephritis.
Moledina D, Shelton K, Menez S, Aklilu A, Yamamoto Y, Kadhim B, Shaw M, Kent C, Makhijani A, Hu D, Simonov M, O'Connor K, Bitzel J, Thiessen-Philbrook H, Wilson F, Parikh C. External Validation of an Electronic Health Record-Based Diagnostic Model for Histological Acute Tubulointerstitial Nephritis. Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology 2024 PMID: 39500309, DOI: 10.1681/asn.0000000556.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchJohns Hopkins HospitalAcute tubulointerstitial nephritisValidation cohortKidney biopsyTubulointerstitial nephritisDiagnosis of acute tubulointerstitial nephritisProportion of biopsiesElectronic health recordsAnalyzed patientsDevelopment cohortBaseline prevalenceAccurate diagnosisBiopsyCohortHealth recordsClinician's abilityDiagnostic modelPotential predictorsNephritisAssess discriminationKidneyAUC
Early, Individualized Recommendations for Hospitalized Patients With Acute Kidney Injury
Aklilu A, Menez S, Baker M, Brown D, Dircksen K, Dunkley K, Gaviria S, Farrokh S, Faulkner S, Jones C, Kadhim B, Le D, Li F, Makhijani A, Martin M, Moledina D, Coronel-Moreno C, O’Connor K, Shelton K, Shvets K, Srialluri N, Tan J, Testani J, Corona-Villalobos C, Yamamoto Y, Parikh C, Wilson F, Sundararajan A, Wang A, Schretlen C, Singel D, Moss E, Aune F, Iantosca G, Zou G, Chernova I, Bitzel J, Hernandez J, Lindsley J, Dane K, Orias M, Mehta P, Zassman-Isner S, Wen Y, Freeman N. Early, Individualized Recommendations for Hospitalized Patients With Acute Kidney Injury. JAMA 2024, 332: 2081-2090. PMID: 39454050, DOI: 10.1001/jama.2024.22718.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchElectronic health recordsUsual careHealth recordsAction teamsClinicians of patientsHospitalized patientsFinal follow-upIntervention groupHealth systemStudy pharmacistsStudy physiciansMain OutcomesAssociated with adverse outcomesAcute kidney injuryRandomized clinical trialsPrimary outcomeIndividualized recommendationsNew HavenAdverse outcomesAKI detectionCareRhode IslandComposite outcomeFollow-upIntervention
A Comparison Study of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outcomes in Hospitalized Kidney Transplant Recipients.
Mansour SG, Malhotra D, Simonov M, Yamamoto Y, Arora T, Subair L, Alausa J, Moledina DG, Greenberg JH, Wilson FP, Marin EP. A Comparison Study of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outcomes in Hospitalized Kidney Transplant Recipients. Kidney360 2021, 2: 494-506. PMID: 35369023, PMCID: PMC8786009, DOI: 10.34067/kid.0005652020.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsKidney transplant recipientsHospital complicationsVasopressor useSARS-CoV-2Baseline eGFRTransplant recipientsElixhauser scoreBlack raceSevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2Acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outcomesRespiratory syndrome coronavirus 2High ferritin levelsSyndrome coronavirus 2High rateElectronic health recordsFerritin levelsComparator groupCoronavirus 2Higher oddsViral infectionLarger sample sizeHigh mortalityComplicationsAKIElectronic health record alerts for acute kidney injury: multicenter, randomized clinical trial
Wilson FP, Martin M, Yamamoto Y, Partridge C, Moreira E, Arora T, Biswas A, Feldman H, Garg AX, Greenberg JH, Hinchcliff M, Latham S, Li F, Lin H, Mansour SG, Moledina DG, Palevsky PM, Parikh CR, Simonov M, Testani J, Ugwuowo U. Electronic health record alerts for acute kidney injury: multicenter, randomized clinical trial. The BMJ 2021, 372: m4786. PMID: 33461986, PMCID: PMC8034420, DOI: 10.1136/bmj.m4786.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute kidney injuryElectronic health record alertsKidney injuryPrimary outcomeMedical recordsYale New Haven Health SystemCare practicesGlobal Outcomes creatinine criteriaLarge tertiary care centerComposite of progressionDays of randomizationReceipt of dialysisPrespecified secondary outcomesTertiary care centerPatients' medical recordsSmall community hospitalNon-teaching hospitalsElectronic health recordsCreatinine criteriaUsual careSecondary outcomesAdult inpatientsKidney diseaseClinical centersWorse outcomes
Real-Time Prediction of Acute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized Adults: Implementation and Proof of Concept
Ugwuowo U, Yamamoto Y, Arora T, Saran I, Partridge C, Biswas A, Martin M, Moledina DG, Greenberg JH, Simonov M, Mansour SG, Vela R, Testani JM, Rao V, Rentfro K, Obeid W, Parikh CR, Wilson FP. Real-Time Prediction of Acute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized Adults: Implementation and Proof of Concept. American Journal Of Kidney Diseases 2020, 76: 806-814.e1. PMID: 32505812, PMCID: PMC8667815, DOI: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2020.05.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAKI alertsHospitalized adultsKidney injuryUrban tertiary care hospitalAcute kidney injurySerum creatinine levelsObservational cohort studyTertiary care hospitalSerum creatinine concentrationBeats/minElectronic health recordsAKI diagnosisCohort studyCreatinine levelsInpatient mortalitySystolic bloodFractional excretionCenter studyBlood biomarkersUnivariable associationsUrine microscopyCreatinine concentrationClinical careElevated riskUrea nitrogenA Time-Updated, Parsimonious Model to Predict AKI in Hospitalized Children
Sandokji I, Yamamoto Y, Biswas A, Arora T, Ugwuowo U, Simonov M, Saran I, Martin M, Testani JM, Mansour S, Moledina DG, Greenberg JH, Wilson FP. A Time-Updated, Parsimonious Model to Predict AKI in Hospitalized Children. Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology 2020, 31: 1348-1357. PMID: 32381598, PMCID: PMC7269342, DOI: 10.1681/asn.2019070745.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsExternal validation cohortValidation cohortElectronic health recordsSevere AKIClinical risk stratification toolDevelopment of AKIHealth recordsRisk stratification toolInternal validation cohortLength of stayCharacteristic curveElectronic medical recordsNeonatal AKIInpatient mortalitySecondary outcomesHospital admissionPrimary outcomeHospitalized childrenCreatinine valuesMedical recordsStudy populationAKICohortChildrenPredictive variables