Genetic risk and a primary role for cell-mediated immune mechanisms in multiple sclerosis
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HLA B*44
Healy BC, Liguori M, Tran D, Chitnis T, Glanz B, Wolfish C, Gauthier S, Buckle G, Houtchens M, Stazzone L, Khoury S, Hartzmann R, Fernandez-Vina M, Hafler DA, Weiner HL, Guttmann CR, De Jager PL. HLA B*44. Neurology 2010, 75: 634-640. PMID: 20713950, PMCID: PMC2931768, DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0b013e3181ed9c9c.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultChi-Square DistributionDisease ProgressionFemaleGene FrequencyGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseGenome-Wide Association StudyGenotypeHLA AntigensHLA-A AntigensHLA-B AntigensHLA-B44 AntigenHLA-C AntigensHumansLogistic ModelsMagnetic Resonance ImagingMaleMiddle AgedMultiple SclerosisOutcome Assessment, Health CareRadiographySeverity of Illness IndexConceptsDisease courseT2 hyperintense lesion volumeBetter radiologic outcomesHyperintense lesion volumeT2 hyperintense lesionsBrain parenchymal fractionBone Marrow Donor RegistryMHC class IMarrow Donor RegistryMS susceptibility lociClass I MHC lociRadiologic outcomesHyperintense lesionsParenchymal fractionLesion volumeOutcome measuresClinical measuresMS susceptibilityBrain volumeHLAProtective allelesLogistic regressionPatient samplesDonor registryRisk alleles
Conserved CDR3 Regions in T-Cell Receptor (TCR) CD8+T Cells That Recognize the Tax11-19/HLA-A*0201 Complex in a Subject Infected with Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1: Relationship of T-Cell Fine Specificity and Major Histocompatibility Complex/Peptide/TCR Crystal Structure
Bourcier K, Lim D, Ding Y, Smith K, Wucherpfennig K, Hafler D. Conserved CDR3 Regions in T-Cell Receptor (TCR) CD8+T Cells That Recognize the Tax11-19/HLA-A*0201 Complex in a Subject Infected with Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1: Relationship of T-Cell Fine Specificity and Major Histocompatibility Complex/Peptide/TCR Crystal Structure. Journal Of Virology 2001, 75: 9836-9843. PMID: 11559817, PMCID: PMC114556, DOI: 10.1128/jvi.75.20.9836-9843.2001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsT cell clonesT cell receptorCDR3 regionTCR alphaHTLV-1-associated myelopathyTax11-19Beta chainHTLV-1-infected individualsT cell receptor repertoirePeripheral blood lymphocytesHuman T-cell leukemia virusHuman T-cell leukemia virus type 1T-cell leukemia virusVirus type 1TCR usageT cell fine specificityBlood lymphocytesT cellsImmunodominant epitopesReceptor repertoireType 1Fine specificitySimilar recognition patternTCR structureLeukemia virusUncoupling p70s6 Kinase Activation and Proliferation: Rapamycin-Resistant Proliferation of Human CD8+ T Lymphocytes
Slavik J, Lim D, Burakoff S, Hafler D. Uncoupling p70s6 Kinase Activation and Proliferation: Rapamycin-Resistant Proliferation of Human CD8+ T Lymphocytes. The Journal Of Immunology 2001, 166: 3201-3209. PMID: 11207273, DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.166.5.3201.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAntibodies, MonoclonalCD2 AntigensCD28 AntigensCD3 ComplexCD8 AntigensCD8-Positive T-LymphocytesCell Line, TransformedClone CellsDose-Response Relationship, DrugDose-Response Relationship, ImmunologicDrug ResistanceEnzyme ActivationEpitopes, T-LymphocyteHLA-A AntigensHumansImmunosuppressive AgentsInterleukin-2Lymphocyte ActivationMajor Histocompatibility ComplexModels, ImmunologicalRibosomal Protein S6 KinasesSirolimusT-Lymphocyte SubsetsConceptsT cell clonesT cellsEffect of rapamycinHuman T cell responsesPeripheral blood T cellsCell clonesHeterogeneous proliferative responsesT cell responsesBlood T cellsT cell proliferationSpecific costimulatory signalsGraft infiltrationResistant proliferationInhibition of AgGraft rejectionHuman CD8IL-2RT lymphocytesProliferative responseCostimulatory signalsCell responsesPresence of rapamycinCell proliferationRapamycinProliferation