Complex Cystic and Solid Masses
Harigopal M, Cole K, Podany P, Verma A, Andrejeva L. Complex Cystic and Solid Masses. 2024, 57-95. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-65711-5_3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCystic lesionsSolid massAspiration of cystsBenign papillary tumorsPapillary apocrine metaplasiaCore needle biopsyComplex cystic lesionsMalignant cystic lesionsPresence of calcificationLeakage of cyst contentsFindingsThe vast majorityPapillary tumorsApocrine carcinomaPapillary carcinomaDuctal carcinomaNipple dischargeCystic componentNeedle biopsyApocrine metaplasiaDuct ectasiaBenign lesionsReactive lesionsComplicated cystsPerimenopausal womenFat necrosisDiscordances Between Radiology and Pathology
Harigopal M, Verma A, Andrejeva L, Lewin J. Discordances Between Radiology and Pathology. 2024, 375-391. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-65711-5_14.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPathological findingsImaging characteristicsMRI-guided biopsyFalse-negative diagnosesRadiology-pathology correlationH&E levelsPreoperative biopsyStereotactic biopsySurgical excisionPercutaneous biopsyDiscordant casesSonographic guidanceBreast biopsyAncillary stainsHistopathological findingsBiopsyMammographic lesionsLesionsIndividual pathologistsPathologistsPotential causesUltrasoundWeekly conferencesImage featuresDiscordanceRare Breast Tumors
Harigopal M, Podany P, Andrejeva L, Singh K. Rare Breast Tumors. 2024, 343-374. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-65711-5_13.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubtypes of breast cancerBreast cancerRare subtypeWorld Health OrganizationRare subtype of breast cancerHistological subtype of breast cancerWorld Health Organization Classification of TumorsCore needle biopsy specimensWorld Health Organization classificationTall cell carcinomaNeedle biopsy specimensRare histologic typeClassification of tumorsRare cancer typesRare tumorHistological subtypesHistological typeCell carcinomaUnusual subtypeBiopsy specimensPrognostic implicationsGenetic alterationsHistological featuresHistologic cluesAncillary testsCircumscribed Masses
Harigopal M, Raghu M, Pham R, Rende A, Podany P, Andrejeva L. Circumscribed Masses. 2024, 11-55. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-65711-5_2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTerminal duct lobular unitsEncapsulated papillary carcinomaInvasive ductal carcinomaCircumscribed massFibroepithelial neoplasmsStromal componentsScreening mammographyPhyllodes tumorFibroepithelial lesionsPapillary carcinomaDuctal carcinomaInvasive carcinomaComplicated cystsCellular fibroadenomaHigh-grade invasive ductal carcinomaBI-RADSDuctal carcinoma in situOuter layer of myoepithelial cellsAggressive breast malignancyBasal-like carcinomasBenign fibroepithelial lesionsBenign fibroepithelial neoplasmBorderline phyllodes tumorMalignant phyllodes tumorSmooth muscle metaplasiaSpiculated Masses
Harigopal M, Andrejeva L, Lanjewar S, Podany P. Spiculated Masses. 2024, 127-158. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-65711-5_5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInvasive ductal carcinomaInvasive lobular carcinomaDuctal carcinoma in situLobular carcinomaDuctal carcinomaSpiculated massesTumor cellsBenign entitySclerosing adenosisCorrelation of imaging findingsDesmoplastic stromal responseDiscohesive tumor cellsCore needle biopsyPseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasiaCarcinoma in situInvasive mammary carcinomaFalse-negative mammogramsGranular cell tumorInvasive tumor cellsDiabetic mastopathyMucinous carcinomaStromal hyperplasiaInvasive cancerPleomorphic calcificationsDesmoplastic stromaIntroduction and General Consideration of Radiology-Pathology Correlation
Harigopal M, Andrejeva L, Podany P, Lewin J, Raghu M, Singh K. Introduction and General Consideration of Radiology-Pathology Correlation. 2024, 1-9. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-65711-5_1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFull-field digital mammographyInterval cancer rateIncreased cancer detection ratesCancer detection rateScreen-film mammographyCancer ratesBreast pathologistsYears of experiencePatient careNational expertsMultidisciplinary meetingComplex exerciseCore needle biopsyDiagnosis of breast lesionsDigital mammographyMammographyField of radiologyRadiology-pathology correlationTissue samplesRadiology reportsBreastAccurate diagnosis of breast lesionsCharacterization of lesionsBreast tissue samplesBreast imagingArchitectural Distortions
Butler R, Durand M, Lanjevar S, Podany P, Andrejeva L, Harigopal M. Architectural Distortions. 2024, 185-207. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-65711-5_7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInvasive lobular carcinomaLikelihood of malignancyRadial sclerosing lesionsLobular carcinomaSclerosing lesionsTubular carcinomaArchitectural distortionBenign entityDegree of proliferative changeRadial scar/complex sclerosing lesionDuctal carcinoma in situCarcinoma in situInvasive ductal carcinomaChance of malignancyIncidental microscopic findingAbsence of enhancementPost-contrast imagesMyoepithelial cell layerEntrapped glandsField digital mammographyDiscohesive cellsSonographic correlateDuctal carcinomaInvasive carcinomaPalpable massMasses with Indistinct Margins
Singh K, Lee J, Harigopal M, Andrejeva L. Masses with Indistinct Margins. 2024, 97-125. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-65711-5_4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSkin Thickening and Vascular Lesions
Andrejeva L, Lanjewar S, Woolf G, Killelea B, Brownson K, Podany P, Harigopal M. Skin Thickening and Vascular Lesions. 2024, 297-323. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-65711-5_11.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRare group of neoplasmsInflammatory breast carcinomaInvasive lobular carcinomaMalignant vascular tumorsGroup of neoplasmsIll-defined marginsLobular carcinomaBreast carcinomaBenign tumorsClinical presentationBenign lesionsVascular tumorsBreast parenchymaClinical historyWell-circumscribedSkin thickeningMalignant processVascular lesionsRare groupImaging appearanceSubcutaneous tissueContrast enhancementBreastCarcinomaTumorClinicopathologic Characteristics of MYC Copy Number Amplification in Breast Cancer.
Sun T, Golestani R, Zhan H, Krishnamurti U, Harigopal M, Zhong M, Liang Y. Clinicopathologic Characteristics of MYC Copy Number Amplification in Breast Cancer. International Journal Of Surgical Pathology 2024, 10668969241256109. PMID: 38839260, DOI: 10.1177/10668969241256109.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBreast cancerCopy number amplificationClinicopathological characteristicsAssociation with <i>TP53</i> mutation. InAssociated with invasive ductal carcinomaEstrogen receptor (ER)-negativeDisease-free survival timeGene copy number amplificationC-myc immunostainingNon-amplified tumorsTP53</i> mutationsTriple-negative statusMetastatic breast cancerInvasive ductal carcinomaMYC protein overexpressionBreast cancer patientsTriple-negativeDuctal carcinomaClinicopathological featuresGenetic abnormalitiesClinical dataImmunohistochemical studiesCancer patientsProtein overexpressionSurvival timeFibroepithelial Neoplasm with Hybrid Features of Benign Phyllodes Tumor, Juvenile Papillomatosis, and Juvenile Fibroadenoma: A Case Report.
Liu B, Mehrotra M, Kowtha L, Guan M, Houldsworth J, Baskovich B, Harigopal M. Fibroepithelial Neoplasm with Hybrid Features of Benign Phyllodes Tumor, Juvenile Papillomatosis, and Juvenile Fibroadenoma: A Case Report. International Journal Of Surgical Pathology 2024, 10668969241256112. PMID: 38839253, DOI: 10.1177/10668969241256112.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBenign phyllodes tumorPhyllodes tumorJuvenile fibroadenomaJuvenile papillomatosisFibroepithelial lesionsFibroepithelial neoplasmsFamily history of breast cancerHistory of breast cancerHyperplastic ductal epitheliumPapillary apocrine metaplasiaBreast cancer developmentMiddle-aged patientsProliferative breast tumorsHypoechoic solid massMicropapillary projectionsPreoperative biopsyBiphasic neoplasmPalpable massApocrine metaplasiaTumor featuresBreast tumorsCase reportDuctal epitheliumCellular fibroadenomaBreast cancerIdentification of Glandular (Acinar)/Tubule Formation in Invasive Carcinoma of the Breast: A Study to Determine Concordance Using the World Health Organization Definition.
Lo Y, Lester S, Ellis I, Lanjewar S, Laurini J, Patel A, Bhattarai A, Ustun B, Harmon B, Kleer C, Ross D, Amin A, Wang Y, Bradley R, Turashvili G, Zeng J, Baum J, Singh K, Hakima L, Harigopal M, Komforti M, Shin S, Abbott S, Jaffer S, Badve S, Khoury T, D'Alfonso T, Ginter P, Collins V, Towne W, Gan Y, Nassar A, Sahin A, Flieder A, Aldrees R, Ngo M, Edema U, Sapna F, Schnitt S, Fineberg S. Identification of Glandular (Acinar)/Tubule Formation in Invasive Carcinoma of the Breast: A Study to Determine Concordance Using the World Health Organization Definition. Archives Of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 2024, 148: 1119-1125. PMID: 38244086, DOI: 10.5858/arpa.2023-0163-oa.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInvasive breast cancerWorld Health Organization definitionNottingham grading systemOrganization definitionMedian concordance rateMicropapillary carcinomaMucinous carcinomaInvasive carcinomaBreast pathologistsBreast cancerConcordance rateGrading systemCarcinomaTubulesPathologistsBreastConcordanceProfessor EllisCancerCases
HER2 amplification in cases with low HER2 expression by immunohistochemistry (IHC): A Single Institutional Experience
Podany P, Golastani R, Zhan H, Liang Y, Harigopal M, Krishnamurti U. HER2 amplification in cases with low HER2 expression by immunohistochemistry (IHC): A Single Institutional Experience. American Journal Of Clinical Pathology 2023, 160: s9-s10. DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqad150.021.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLow HER2 expressionInvasive breast carcinomaIHC scoreHER2 expressionGroup 1Group 3HER2 immunohistochemistryHER2 testingGroup 2HER2 FISHGroup 4ASCO/CAP guidelinesGroup 5Single institutional experienceRecent clinical trialsStandard of careASCO/CAP 2018 guidelinesHER2/CEP17 ratioEquivocal HER2HER2 positivityTrastuzumab deruxtecanMore patientsCAP guidelinesPatient eligibilityCase reportPathological response in mucinous carcinoma of breast after neoadjuvant therapy - a multi-institutional study
Zhan H, Fineberg S, Podany P, Zeng J, Wang Y, Harigopal M, Singh K. Pathological response in mucinous carcinoma of breast after neoadjuvant therapy - a multi-institutional study. Human Pathology 2023, 142: 15-19. PMID: 37972873, DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2023.10.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeoadjuvant endocrine therapyResidual tumour cellularityNeoadjuvant chemotherapyNeoadjuvant therapyMucinous carcinomaPathologic responseEndocrine therapyPathological responseMucin poolsBreast cancerEstrogen receptorTumor cellularityAcellular mucin poolsFavorable histologic subtypePreoperative adjuvant therapyRetrospective cohort studyComplete pathologic responseInvasive breast cancerNET groupMulti-institutional studyNeoadjuvant HER2Adjuvant therapyMC patientsCohort studyPathologic reviewBreast Carcinoma With Tubulopapillary Features Has a Distinct Immunophenotypic and Molecular Signature: A Report of Two Tumors and Literature Review
Carrasco-Tenezaca F, Moreira-Dinzey J, Manrai P, Bearse M, Burela S, Podany P, Singh K, Pareja F, Zheng J, Muscato N, Liang Y, Zhan H, Krishnamurti U, Dolezal D, Wang J, Harigopal M. Breast Carcinoma With Tubulopapillary Features Has a Distinct Immunophenotypic and Molecular Signature: A Report of Two Tumors and Literature Review. International Journal Of Surgical Pathology 2023, 32: 1037-1045. PMID: 37908113, DOI: 10.1177/10668969231209780.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBreast carcinomaTubulopapillary featuresHuman epidermal growth factor 2 (HER2) expressionBreast cancer histologic subtypesNonmetastatic breast carcinomaTriple-negative profileHigh-grade nuclear featuresTriple-negative carcinomasHigh-grade featuresMetastatic breast carcinomaGrowth factor 2 expressionFactor 2 expressionReports of tumorsMicropapillary projectionsNeoadjuvant therapyHistologic subtypeWorse prognosisFirst tumorPoor prognosisAdditional tumorsInvasive carcinomaEstrogen receptorCarcinomaPathogenic variantsTumorsThe correlation of ESR1 genetic aberrations with estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor status in metastatic and primary estrogen receptor-positive breast carcinomas
Moreira-Dinzey J, Zhan H, Rozenblit M, Krishnamurti U, Harigopal M, Zhong M, Liang Y. The correlation of ESR1 genetic aberrations with estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor status in metastatic and primary estrogen receptor-positive breast carcinomas. Human Pathology 2023, 137: 56-62. PMID: 37127079, DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2023.04.017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMetastatic tumorsBreast carcinomaGenetic aberrationsPR statusPrimary tumorBreast cancerControl groupER/PR statusEstrogen receptor-positive breast carcinomasER-positive breast cancerER positivity rateMetastatic breast cancerProgesterone receptor statusMetastatic breast carcinomaMore liver metastasesPrimary breast carcinomaWild-type groupEstrogen receptor 1 geneReceptor 1 geneWild-type controlsLiver metastasesReceptor statusClinicopathological featuresER expressionControl tumorsAI-Powered Biomolecular-Specific and Label-Free Multispectral Imaging Rapidly Detects Malignant Neoplasm in Surgically Excised Breast Tissue Specimens.
Pandey R, Fournier D, Root G, Riccio M, Shirvalkar A, Zamora G, Daigneault N, Sapack M, Zhong M, Harigopal M. AI-Powered Biomolecular-Specific and Label-Free Multispectral Imaging Rapidly Detects Malignant Neoplasm in Surgically Excised Breast Tissue Specimens. Archives Of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 2023, 147: 1298-1306. PMID: 36730476, DOI: 10.5858/arpa.2022-0228-oa.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMalignant neoplasmsPredictive valueBreast tissueBreast conservation surgeryNormal breast tissueNegative predictive valuePositive predictive valueInitial gross examinationFresh tissue samplesResection marginsConservation surgeryCosmetic outcomeBreast cancerIntraoperative usePathology evaluationGross examinationBreast specimensFrozen sectionsNeoplasmsTissue blocksTissue samplesLumpectomy specimensMargin assessmentSurgeon's handObjective toolSignificance of Myoepithelial Cell Layer in Breast Ductal Carcinoma in situ With Papillary Architecture With and Without Associated Invasive Carcinoma
Golestani R, Singh K, Karam P, Pinto M, Liang Y, Orsaria M, Harigopal M. Significance of Myoepithelial Cell Layer in Breast Ductal Carcinoma in situ With Papillary Architecture With and Without Associated Invasive Carcinoma. Clinical Breast Cancer 2023, 23: 91-100. DOI: 10.1016/j.clbc.2022.09.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSolid papillary carcinomaPapillary DCISInvasive carcinomaMyoepithelial cellsPapillary architecturePapillary carcinomaConventional invasive carcinomaFoci of DCISPapillary breast lesionsAssociated invasive carcinomaBreast ductal carcinomaME cellsMyoepithelial cell layerCell layerMedian followDistant metastasisHistologic evidenceDuctal carcinomaME cell layersPathology databasePapillary componentRetrospective searchResults MajorityCarcinomaDCISMulti-institutional Assessment of Pathologist Scoring HER2 Immunohistochemistry
Robbins C, Fernandez A, Han G, Wong S, Harigopal M, Podoll M, Singh K, Ly A, Kuba M, Wen H, Sanders M, Brock J, Wei S, Fadare O, Hanley K, Jorns J, Snir O, Yoon E, Rabe K, Soong T, Reisenbichler E, Rimm D. Multi-institutional Assessment of Pathologist Scoring HER2 Immunohistochemistry. Modern Pathology 2023, 36: 100032. PMID: 36788069, PMCID: PMC10278086, DOI: 10.1016/j.modpat.2022.100032.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOverall percent agreementHuman epidermal growth factor 2HER2 IHCReal-world settingEpidermal growth factor 2HER2-negative statusBreast cancer biopsiesCompanion diagnostic testsMulti-institutional assessmentGrowth factor 2Breast cancerImmunohistochemistry assaysCancer biopsiesHER2 immunohistochemistryPathologist concordanceIHCClinical standardsPercent agreementDiagnostic testsSubstantial discordanceERBB2 geneInterrater reliabilityPathologistsFactor 2Concordance
AMACR Expression is a Potential Diagnostic Marker in Apocrine Lesions of Breast, and is Associated with High Histologic Grade and Lymph Node Metastases in Some Invasive Apocrine Breast Cancers
Lerner G, Tang H, Singh K, Golestani R, St Claire S, Humphrey P, Lannin D, Janostiak R, Harigopal M. AMACR Expression is a Potential Diagnostic Marker in Apocrine Lesions of Breast, and is Associated with High Histologic Grade and Lymph Node Metastases in Some Invasive Apocrine Breast Cancers. Clinical Breast Cancer 2022, 23: 199-210. PMID: 36577560, DOI: 10.1016/j.clbc.2022.11.012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInvasive ductal carcinomaTriple-negative breast cancerHigh histologic gradeApocrine differentiationAMACR expressionEstrogen receptorApocrine DCISER-/PRHistologic gradeProgesterone receptorApocrine featuresBreast cancerHuman epidermal growth factor 2 (HER2) statusLack of ERDistant metastasis-free survivalDiagnostic markerInitial N stageLack estrogen receptorApocrine breast cancerLymph node metastasisNegative breast cancerAndrogen receptor mRNACoA racemase expressionBenign breast tissueBreast cancer cohort