Annie Harper, PhD
Assistant Professor of PsychiatryCards
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Annie Harper has a PhD from Yale University in cultural anthropology. She conducts research on how vulnerable populations, particularly low income people with mental illness, cope with poverty and financial difficulties, and how to support them in this area. She is particularly interested in understanding how the financial services and retail industries could better serve low income people generally, and people with mental illness in particular. She is committed to combining rigorous research with practical work that makes a difference now, to which end she works closely with the City of New Haven and the broader community’s efforts to provide support to low income residents struggling with financial difficulties. She is originally from the UK, but has lived for many years in New Haven with her husband, who is originally from Pakistan, and their three children.
Assistant ProfessorPrimary
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Education & Training
- PhD
- Yale University, Cultural Anthropology (2010)
- MSc
- School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Political Economy of Development (2001)
- BSc
- London School of Economics, Social Anthropology/Economics (1993)
After a career as a researcher and practitioner working internationally on issues of finance and poverty, I completed my doctoral research in cultural anthropology at Yale University, dealing with urban poverty and inequality in South Asia. Living in New Haven piqued my interested in US concerns, and after graduating with my PhD, I began work researching mental illness, poverty and finances locally.
My work currently falls into three related areas: i) research that supports creating just banking/financial services that support everyone, including low-income and racialized people generally, people who are/have been incarcerated, and people with serious mental illness, including through supported financial decision-making arrangements; ii) research that supports creating a just social welfare system that supports everyone, particularly people with mental health disabilities; iii) research that supports a just energy system, in which everyone has affordable utility services that enable them to live safely and comfortably and that have minimal negative impact on our climate.
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
- August 19, 2024Source: The Hartford Courant
Dumont and Harper: Heat and Mental Illness are a Dangerous Combination
- May 01, 2024Source: The New Haven Register
New Yale Program to Help Formerly Incarcerated People in New Haven With Their Finances
- March 26, 2024
PRCH’s Tenant Energy Advocacy Project Holds Meeting with PURA
- March 14, 2024
PRCH to Host Economic Advocacy Talk for Justice-Impacted Consumers