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Internal Medicine appoints Associate Chair for Diversity and Inclusion

November 17, 2016

Inginia Genao, M.D., has been appointed associate chair for diversity and inclusion in the Department of Medicine, effective November 1. Genao is an associate professor of medicine in the Section of General Medicine, and medical director of the Adult Primary Care Center (PCC).

Genao graduated magna cum laude from Marymount College with a bachelor of science in chemistry and biology. She obtained her medical degree from the University of Rochester, where she also trained in internal medicine. She completed a General Medicine Faculty Development Fellowship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a National Hispanic Medical Association Health Policy Fellowship at the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service of New York University. Prior to joining the Yale in 2005, Genao was on faculty at Emory University where she founded the Department of Multicultural Affairs and the International Medical Center, and served as Director of both programs.

At Yale, under Genao’s leadership, the Adult PCC has undergone a major transformation designed to improve access and quality, and to enhance the educational experience of our trainees. In addition, Genao has emphasized the inclusion of minority participants in a range of collaborative research studies involving the patient population of the Adult PCC. She has served as chair of the Diversity Committee for the Department of Medicine, and been a long term member of the committee for Minority Organization for Recruitment and Expansion (M.O.R.E). Most recently, she was appointed to the executive committee of the Faculty Advisory Council.

Genao has been recognized for her excellence as a clinician, educator and leader. She has received the National Hispanic Medical Association Health Leadership Award, the Georgia Hospital Association Community Leadership Award, the National Association of Public Hospitals Safety Net Award and the Faculty Award for Achievement in Clinical Care from the Department of Internal Medicine at Yale. She has also been featured as an exemplary physician in Action News, a publication of the Connecticut State Medical Society.