YNHHS Data Extracts
The use of the Epic system by Yale Physicians and the Yale New Haven Health System has contributed to the development of a large electronic medical record warehouse.
Biomedical Informatics & Computing supports researchers to access large datasets from a variety of libraries and catalogs, including YNHHS datasets, DataMed and Cosmos. The pages below include information about the datasets, as well as sample case studies, how to request access, and frequently asked questions.
YBIC’s upcoming ServiceNow portal will allow researchers to access these datasets through a single streamlined ticketing system.
The use of the Epic system by Yale Physicians and the Yale New Haven Health System has contributed to the development of a large electronic medical record warehouse.
What is MarketScan?
The Cosmos data set combines billions of clinical data points, made up of data from across the Epic community, to form the largest database of EHR patient information.
YNHHHS OMOP is available for self-service, and additional data can be merged with your OMOP data set upon IRB approval, including MRNs, images, and text data from notes and reports.
SlicerDicer is a data exploration, analytics, and reporting tool that allows users to answer questions about health risks, diagnoses, interventions, outcomes, costs, etc.