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Human Systems

Siemens Prisma 3.0 Tesla / Human Whole-body System


Magnetic field strength 2.893620 Tesla (123.256491 MHz for proton)
Manufacturer Siemens Medical Solutions, Inc.
Magnet homogeneity at 40 cm DSV – 0.25 ppm
Imaging FoV – 50x50x50 cm
bore diameter 60 cm
Magnet length 213 cm
Distance to isocenter 1200 mm

Gradient coils

Manufacturer Siemens Medical Solutions, Inc.
GC Type = AS82
GC FoVMax[mm] = 500
GC AcousticResonanceFrequency[0][Hz] = 590
GC AcousticResonanceBandwidth[0][Hz] = 100
GC AcousticResonanceFrequency[1][Hz] = 1140
GC AcousticResonanceBandwidth[1][Hz] = 220

RF amplifiers

Broadband amplifier
Manufacturer Siemens Medical Solutions, Inc.
Model Type DirectRF
Max Peak Power 50KWatts
Frequency range Multiple Nucleus Options:
1H [MHz] = 123.256491
3He [MHz] =93.895425
7Li [MHz] =47.901900
13C [MHz] =30.994841
19F [MHz] = 115.957156
23Na [MHz] =32.603462
31P [MHz] =49.894744
129Xe [MHz] =34.097230
17O [MHz] =16.708809
Peak power RFPA[0]/RFPA[1] 1H [W] = 16200/24200, RFPA[2] x-nuclei [W] = 6800/5800

Gradient power amplifiers

High-Performance MR Gradient System XR 80/200 Manufacturer Siemens Medical Solutions, Inc.
GPA Type = K2309_2250V_951A
GPA GradMaxAmplAbsolute[mT/m] = 80
GPA GradMaxAmplNominal[mT/m] = 34
GPA GradMaxAmpl[mT/m] = 37 / 24 / 22 / 22
GPA GradMinRiseTimeAbsolute[us/(mT/m)] = 5
GPA GradMinRiseTime[us/(mT/m)] = 5.3 / 5.55 / 10 / 20
GPA GradClipRiseTime[us/(mT/m)] = 1
GPA GradMaxSlewRateAbsolute[mT/(m*ms)] = 200
GPA GradMaxSlewRate[mT/(m*ms)] = 188.679 / 180.18 / 100 / 50
GPA GradClipSlewRate[mT/(m*ms)] = 1000
Voltage / current 2250 V/900 A


Manufacturer Siemens Medical Solutions, Inc.
Standard active himming with 3 linear channels (1st order)
2nd-order shimming with 5 non-linear channels
Passive shimming
Dynamic Shim Controller N/A

Console - Platform / software

  • Prisma A Windows 7/VE11C
  • Prisma B Windows 7/VE11B
  • Prisma C Windows 7/VE11E

Receiver Channels: 20/32/64 head/neck, 18 body, 32 spine, 4 flex, and other phased array for torso and limbs

Bruker 4.0T

W.M. Keck High Field Magnetic Resonance Laboratory

4.0 Tesla / 94 cm system

Magnetic field strength 4.0 Tesla (170.2 MHz for proton)
Manufacturer Magnex Scientific Ltd.
Magnetic bore size 940 mm
Cryostat dimensions (HxWxL) 2820/2430/2600 mm
Distance to isocenter 1300 mm
Manufacturer Magnex Scientific Ltd.
Outer / inner diameter 930 / 670 mm
Maximum gradient strength 30 mT/m
Gradient rise time 900 us
RF amplifiers
Broadband F1 amplifier (identical F2 amplifier)
Manufacturer CPC
Model number 5TK4
Frequency range 10-215 MHz
Peak power 4000 W
Gradient amplifiers
Manufacturer Copley Controls Corporation
Voltage / current 350 V/500 A
Shim amplifiers
Manufacturer Resonance Research Inc
Voltage / current 95 V/10 A
Dynamic Shim Controller Yale Built
Manufacturer Bruker
Platform / software Avance / ParaVision 3.1.1
Receiver Channels 4