MD-PhD Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
Diversity and inclusion are central to the mission of the Yale MD-PhD Program. By fostering diversity of persons, groups, views and academic disciplines, we strive to enrich academic discourse and create a welcoming, vibrant community. As students and faculty who value diversity and inclusion, we are committed to enacting these values in our training program, at our institution, in our community and nationally in academic investigation and clinical care.
We encourage students from all backgrounds to apply to the Yale MD-PhD Program. Students who join our program and our community of scholars receive the necessary support and mentorship both to thrive at Yale and to succeed in their future scientific careers. Yale offers numerous resources for students from underrepresented populations, coordinated through the Graduate School’s Office for Graduate Student Development and Diversity (OGSDD) and the Yale School of Medicine Office of Diversity, Inclusion, Community Engagement, and Equity (DICE).
We are committed to providing underrepresented minority students with role models and mentors among the MD-PhD Program faculty and to giving students opportunities to network with these faculty and with one another. We are also committed to making our MD-PhD training available and accessible to students with disabilities. In particular, Yale’s Resource Office on Disabilities and the Graduate School’s Office for Graduate Student Development and Diversity (OGSDD) have extensive experience in tailoring transportation, IT, and classroom resources to students with special needs.
MD-PhD Program Recruiting Schedule
MD-PhD students and faculty attend graduate fairs, conferences, and schools to meet with interested students and provide information about our programs: how to apply, what we look for in candidates, information about the BioMed SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship), about New Haven, and life as an MD-PhD student at Yale. We will be attending the following:
NIH Graduate and Professional School Fair | Bethesda, MD |
Leadership Alliance Career Fair | Hartford, CT |
SACNAS Conference | Phoenix, AZ |
ABRCMS Conference | Pittsburgh, PA |