Amy Giguere Carney, LCSW
Social Worker Child Study Center; Clinical Social Worker
Amy Giguere Carney is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the Developmental Disabilities Clinic for Infants and Toddlers. She acquired a B.S. in Human Development and Family Relations from the University of Connecticut, earned her Master's Degree in Social Work at Southern Connecticut State University, with a specialization in clinical work with children and families, and completed a post graduate fellowship within the Yale Child Study Center's autism clinic. Currently, Amy provides clinical support to families during and after their visits, and serves as a liason between families and the community. In addition, she writes and edits clinical documents, administers developmental testing to very young children, and conducts parent interviews for both clinical and research purposes. In addition to her extensive experience working with families affected by autism spectrum disorders, Amy is interested and experienced in working with individuals with anxiety disorders.