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December 12, 2022
  • 00:00Sleep centers and just a few announcements
  • 00:05before we introduce today's speaker.
  • 00:08So first, please take a moment
  • 00:10that you are muted and if you
  • 00:12wanted to receive CME credit,
  • 00:14please see the chat room for instructions.
  • 00:17If you're not registered yet,
  • 00:18you'll have to do that
  • 00:20before you receive credit.
  • 00:22And then usually the recording of
  • 00:24this session is available online
  • 00:26within a couple of weeks and the
  • 00:28link will be provided in the chat.
  • 00:30And if you have questions,
  • 00:32please make use of the chat room.
  • 00:35And throughout the hour.
  • 00:37And we will get to them at
  • 00:39the end of the talk.
  • 00:40And so I'm going to hand it
  • 00:43over to Doctor Javaheri,
  • 00:45who will introduce today's speaker.
  • 00:48Welcome, Sir.
  • 00:49Well,
  • 00:50thank you so much.
  • 00:51It is my honor to introduce
  • 00:54Doctor Ali Azar Barzin.
  • 00:57He's an assistant professor in the
  • 00:58Division of Sleep and circadian rhythm
  • 01:00disorders at Harvard Medical School,
  • 01:02and he's director of the Sleep apnea.
  • 01:05Health Outcomes Research Group
  • 01:06at Brigham Women's Hospital.
  • 01:08He's written multiple algorithms to help
  • 01:11improve characterization and diagnosis
  • 01:13of obstructive sleep apnea and to
  • 01:15help identify patients at heightened
  • 01:17risk of morbidity from sleep apnea.
  • 01:20He's really paved the way for precision
  • 01:23medicine and sleep apnea treatment.
  • 01:25He has many publications and and grants
  • 01:29including two R1 and R2154 original peer
  • 01:32reviewed papers and high impact journals.
  • 01:34So.
  • 01:35It's really a treat to have
  • 01:37him join us today.
  • 01:39And without further ado,
  • 01:40I'll hand it over to you, Ali.
  • 01:43OK. Thank you so good for inviting me
  • 01:46to share my research and thanks for
  • 01:49thanks everyone for attending my talk so.
  • 01:54Can you see my slides and hear my voice?
  • 01:58Yes, but you, yeah, and it's in presentation.
  • 02:02OK, great. So the title of my talk
  • 02:06is understanding sleep apnea beyond
  • 02:09the apnea hypopnea index or HIV.
  • 02:13So this slide shows my disclosure.
  • 02:16I just give you a few seconds to.
  • 02:19Taking note of the numbers if you want.
  • 02:22And then I'll continue.
  • 02:28OK, great. So I'll add the the this
  • 02:31slide is actually the outline of my talk.
  • 02:34I'll talk about the background.
  • 02:37And the rationale for?
  • 02:39Developing new metrics,
  • 02:41you know, in sleep apnea.
  • 02:43And then I'll review the hypoxic burden
  • 02:46and and and talk about its determinants.
  • 02:50Then I'll talk to you.
  • 02:51I'll talk about the heart rate
  • 02:53response to respiratory events and
  • 02:55it's importance and if I have time.
  • 02:58At the end of my talk,
  • 02:59I'll talk about the EEG arousals and
  • 03:02their relevance for risk prediction.
  • 03:07So this, I'm sure many of you know, you know,
  • 03:11obstructive sleep apnea better than I do,
  • 03:13but I just quickly go over.
  • 03:16The different signals that
  • 03:18we collect during PSG.
  • 03:20So this shows a 5 minutes PSG tracing.
  • 03:25Of obstructive events for a
  • 03:28patient that have service apnea.
  • 03:30And as you see with the absence of air flow.
  • 03:36There is an out of phase
  • 03:39movement of thorax and abdomen.
  • 03:41And the reduction in oxygen saturation?
  • 03:45The end of each event is accompanied
  • 03:48by an arousal from from sleep which.
  • 03:53Then recovers the SP O2 back to normal.
  • 03:58Levels and.
  • 04:00The transitioning back to sleep
  • 04:03is associated with collapse
  • 04:05of upper airway and recurrent
  • 04:08obstructive apneas during the night.
  • 04:13OK. And and we use a metric called
  • 04:15apnea hypopnea index which is
  • 04:17the number of apneas or complete
  • 04:19collapse of the airway and hypopneas.
  • 04:22Of the events with partial obstruction
  • 04:24in the airway per hour of sleep.
  • 04:28As you know, sleep apnea is associated with
  • 04:32many comorbidities and and health outcomes,
  • 04:35including excessive daytime sleepiness,
  • 04:37reduce quality of life,
  • 04:39impair workflow performance,
  • 04:42increase car accident risk and
  • 04:46several cardiometabolic outcomes.
  • 04:48And for example, in hypertension,
  • 04:51if you define OC as an HIV
  • 04:53AIDS in 5 minutes per hour,
  • 04:55the prevalence of OSA in
  • 04:57individuals with hypertension.
  • 04:58About 82% and it's about 30% if you
  • 05:02use HIV AIDS and 15 events per hour.
  • 05:05And similar associations with other.
  • 05:09Cardiovascular diseases.
  • 05:14However. Despite that,
  • 05:16observational studies of CPAP
  • 05:18showed that CPAP is beneficial.
  • 05:21There have been several recent randomized
  • 05:24control trial that have not been able.
  • 05:27To detect a benefit of
  • 05:29CPAP including save cuts.
  • 05:31And an Isaac study from Spain.
  • 05:35So in addition to steep adherence
  • 05:39and other problems with the
  • 05:42randomized control trial of of CPAP.
  • 05:46An important reason for for now
  • 05:48finding in in these R cities,
  • 05:51we believe is inadequate patient selection
  • 05:53by by indices like apnea and Putnam index.
  • 05:57And the reason for that is HIV is a
  • 06:01simplified metric is a frequency counter.
  • 06:04And doesn't capture the magnitude
  • 06:07of physiological changes that
  • 06:09occur during sleep.
  • 06:10And and for any given HIV,
  • 06:13there are radiation in in
  • 06:16event characteristics.
  • 06:17There are differences in the air
  • 06:19flow reduction in the number
  • 06:21of apneas versus hypopneas.
  • 06:23There's desaturations severity.
  • 06:25We're missing the depths and duration
  • 06:28of Desaturation and we also are
  • 06:31not measuring the cardiovascular
  • 06:32and EG acute cardiovascular and EEG
  • 06:35responses to respiratory events
  • 06:37including changes in heart rate,
  • 06:39blood pressure or or egg characteristics.
  • 06:43How about other commonly used
  • 06:45metrics of our system variety?
  • 06:47They unfortunately they
  • 06:49share similar limitations.
  • 06:50For example oxygen desaturation index.
  • 06:53Again it's.
  • 06:55It's a frequency counter,
  • 06:57doesn't have the depth or duration
  • 06:59information. Minimum saturation.
  • 07:03It's just oversimplifies the dynamic
  • 07:06of breathing and the saturation to just
  • 07:09one number number for 8 hours of recording.
  • 07:12Arousal index again is is a
  • 07:16frequency counter doesn't consider
  • 07:19the intensity of arousals.
  • 07:21And one of the the better metrics is T-90,
  • 07:25which is basically percent time below 90%.
  • 07:29However it's based on arbitrary
  • 07:32threshold of 90%.
  • 07:34And it's not specific to OSA completely,
  • 07:39it depends on baseline SPO 2 and.
  • 07:44And and if there are other
  • 07:48comorbidities that will affect the
  • 07:50the value of T-90 so it may not
  • 07:53respond to CPAP treatment.
  • 07:56So it's the the problem with T-90 is
  • 07:58that it's not specific to sleep apnea.
  • 08:03OK, so due to all these limitations
  • 08:07of commonly used metrics,
  • 08:10we need to better quantify
  • 08:12event characteristics.
  • 08:14What do you see on the right side?
  • 08:17Is the uh. So we we have time zero.
  • 08:21Is the end of events and we
  • 08:25just overlay all the events.
  • 08:27These these Gray lines as you see here
  • 08:31and and we took an ensemble average
  • 08:34which is the red line in the top.
  • 08:37Top row you see ventilation leader per
  • 08:40minute and then you have the SP O2 signal.
  • 08:43In the 2nd row you have heart
  • 08:46rates and systolic blood pressure.
  • 08:48In this this panel I'll I'll
  • 08:50talk about how this ensemble
  • 08:52averaging works in the next slide,
  • 08:55but as you see here,
  • 08:56there are.
  • 08:57A large variation in the events
  • 09:00characteristics and both within and
  • 09:03between subjects and with with apnea
  • 09:05hypopnea index and other metrics we were
  • 09:09missing all this important information.
  • 09:13Information like events related events into
  • 09:16deficit which we call it when something
  • 09:19better than event related hypoxemia,
  • 09:22hypoxic burden.
  • 09:24And eventually the changes in heart rate,
  • 09:26blood pressure which can be used
  • 09:29to quantify autonomic arousals and
  • 09:32event related changes in each G like
  • 09:35metrics like arousal intensity.
  • 09:38So we are missing all this
  • 09:40information from PSG.
  • 09:42So I'll be talking about hypoxic
  • 09:45burden in this next section.
  • 09:47So this this graph we have air flow.
  • 09:53Here on the top and then
  • 09:56we have tidal volume.
  • 09:58We have SP,
  • 09:59O2 signals and in EKG at the bottom here,
  • 10:03so I'm just going through the algorithm
  • 10:06and how we developed algorithm.
  • 10:09And the marking on the top the the red.
  • 10:14Rectangles. They're hypopneas.
  • 10:18That were manually scored
  • 10:21for this period of the PSG.
  • 10:25So one way to measure the burden
  • 10:27of OC is to just measure the area
  • 10:29under the desaturation curve.
  • 10:31As you see here.
  • 10:35But sometimes it's difficult to really
  • 10:36find the start and end of this situation.
  • 10:39So we because of that we
  • 10:41designed a a search window.
  • 10:44And we defined a local 200 second
  • 10:47window surrounding the end of the
  • 10:50respiratory events as you see here.
  • 10:52And so and and why we choose 102nd?
  • 10:56Because usually it's 100 seconds
  • 10:59longer than the longest events and and
  • 11:02and that's why we use for a second.
  • 11:04So you have this for this event you have
  • 11:07this 202nd and then you go to the next event.
  • 11:11And you do the same and you keep
  • 11:14going until you cover all the
  • 11:17events during the sleep.
  • 11:19At the end,
  • 11:21so we all the events were aligned based
  • 11:24on the end of each event which is times 0.
  • 11:28So we just put everything on
  • 11:30top of each other.
  • 11:32And did an ensemble averaging to
  • 11:36get an idea of average behavior
  • 11:40or average desaturation curve.
  • 11:43For for each subject,
  • 11:44so it's a subject specific search
  • 11:46window that we used to calculate
  • 11:49the hypothesis period.
  • 11:50So once we have the search window,
  • 11:53we go to each respective events
  • 11:54and we have this time information
  • 11:56from the search window.
  • 11:58And then we calculate the area under
  • 12:01the curve for each each event and then
  • 12:05the hypoxic burden will be the total
  • 12:08area divided by total sleep time.
  • 12:11So there have been some
  • 12:13similar metrics in the past.
  • 12:15However, there are some key differences.
  • 12:18For example, some of them were they
  • 12:20were based on the desaturation.
  • 12:23Ohh 24% and that this session
  • 12:26desaturation were not linked to
  • 12:29respiratory events and there were.
  • 12:32They require visual detection
  • 12:34of of incomplete recovery, so.
  • 12:37So we tried to to resolve all
  • 12:40all all these issues with with
  • 12:43the development of 556.
  • 12:45So this graph that you see here.
  • 12:48On the X axis we have apnea hypopnea index
  • 12:51and on the Y axis we have hypoxic burden.
  • 12:54As you see there is substantial
  • 12:57variability for any given HIV.
  • 12:59For example,
  • 13:00HIV of 30 hypoxia and go from
  • 13:0550 to 150% minute per hour.
  • 13:08So and hypoxic pattern of 50%
  • 13:11minute per hour means.
  • 13:13A 10 minute per hour of 5% desaturation.
  • 13:17That's how we can interpret the values of.
  • 13:22And here I'm showing the the
  • 13:26ensemble average desaturation curve.
  • 13:30For six different subjects,
  • 13:32so you you see the HIV values.
  • 13:36On the top and then hypoxic and
  • 13:39values have just below below
  • 13:41the HIV and you see the spike.
  • 13:44The severity of desaturation.
  • 13:46All these subjects have similar ages.
  • 13:50Well,
  • 13:50there's different patterns of the saturation,
  • 13:53so it's it's important to.
  • 13:58To try to better vectorize the
  • 14:01their sporting events and and get
  • 14:04the Disat area of of of the events
  • 14:07and and measure the hypoxic event.
  • 14:10Uh.
  • 14:11Because it's it's better,
  • 14:13it's a better metrics of of our
  • 14:16system ability than just counting
  • 14:17the number of events so.
  • 14:21In this figure,
  • 14:22I'm showing the T-90 on the X
  • 14:25axis and hypoxic on the Y axis.
  • 14:28So there are some subjects here.
  • 14:33Uh,
  • 14:34with a high T-90 but a low
  • 14:38value of hypoxic period,
  • 14:40these are these are the subsequent
  • 14:43sustained hypoxemia as opposed to
  • 14:46a related intermittent hypoxemia.
  • 14:48And and the interesting part is
  • 14:51that T-90 when T-90 is close to 0.
  • 14:55There is a wide variation
  • 14:56in the hypoxic burden.
  • 14:58So for many,
  • 14:59many subjects,
  • 15:00the T-90 really doesn't capture
  • 15:03the the intermittent hypoxia that
  • 15:05we were captured with hypoxia.
  • 15:10So we we have done several analysis
  • 15:13to show the importance of hypoxic and
  • 15:16the first was the association between
  • 15:19hypoxic burden and CVD related mortality.
  • 15:23We use 2. Observation observational
  • 15:26cohorts Mr Oz and Stephen House Mr
  • 15:31Oz older men average age of about
  • 15:3376 years and they were followed for
  • 15:37about 10 years and there were 440 CVD
  • 15:40related deaths and the Sleep Heart
  • 15:43House we have both men and women.
  • 15:45And the H younger lady longer 64
  • 15:49year old on average followed for
  • 15:52about 11 years 313 CBT related death.
  • 15:55And what we showed that so we there was
  • 16:00a those are some response relationship
  • 16:02with the severity of hypoxic burden and and.
  • 16:07And increased risk of CVD mortality
  • 16:09in these two cohorts.
  • 16:14We then did some analysis with incident
  • 16:17heart failure and as you see here,
  • 16:19I'm comparing HIV versus hypoxic
  • 16:21burden and you see a clear dose
  • 16:25response relationship between if you
  • 16:28use hypoxic burn compared to HIV.
  • 16:31And this figure on the left,
  • 16:34bottom left is is interesting.
  • 16:37What we did here was a
  • 16:39secondary exploratory analysis.
  • 16:40We categorized individuals into
  • 16:43low hypoxic burden and low HIV,
  • 16:46which was our reference group.
  • 16:49And then low hypoxic burn,
  • 16:50higher HI, higher hypoxic burn
  • 16:53and low HIV and high hypoxic IHI.
  • 16:57And as you see here regardless
  • 17:00of the level of HIV,
  • 17:02high hypoxic burden were associated
  • 17:05with increased risk was while if
  • 17:09you have low hypoxylon and high,
  • 17:12it's really there was no association
  • 17:14with with instance or failure.
  • 17:19And. So a study, a clinical cohort.
  • 17:24In in that. From France,
  • 17:28they actually tested hypoxic burden on.
  • 17:31On our clinical cohort,
  • 17:33I think it was HIV written five
  • 17:35they included only and there were
  • 17:38immediate follow up about 78 months.
  • 17:435400 patients with OSA
  • 17:46and without CD baseline.
  • 17:48And they had a composite outcome
  • 17:51of all cosmetology or CD.
  • 17:54And they they saw a similar
  • 17:57association with hypoxia and.
  • 17:59And and the outcomes that
  • 18:02they were investigating so.
  • 18:05Oh, we did some cross-sectional
  • 18:09analysis in Mesa study.
  • 18:11And we looked at hypoxic burden and
  • 18:15blood pressure and also hypoxic
  • 18:18period and chronic kidney disease and.
  • 18:22So these are the two studies
  • 18:23that showed hypoxic pattern was
  • 18:25associated with blood pressure,
  • 18:26increased blood pressure and
  • 18:27hypoxic term was.
  • 18:28So it's associated with higher prevalence
  • 18:31ratios of moderate to severe CKD.
  • 18:37There have been other studies actually
  • 18:41that looked at similar metrics.
  • 18:44In the last two years and
  • 18:47what they found was that.
  • 18:49For example, this this metric which is
  • 18:53called sleep breathing impairment index.
  • 18:55Similar metric was associated with
  • 18:58cardiovascular risk in male patients and.
  • 19:03Also some association with daytime
  • 19:06sleepiness better than HIV and
  • 19:09and some neurocognitive outcomes.
  • 19:11Here PVD based reaction time
  • 19:14and severity of desaturation.
  • 19:16So there have been some other
  • 19:18studies that have been interested
  • 19:21in Desaturation area under the
  • 19:23curve and show some some significant
  • 19:26association with these outcomes.
  • 19:30OK, so now here I would like to talk
  • 19:34about the terminal of hypoxic Berlin.
  • 19:37So. Hypoxic burden in in sleep
  • 19:42apnea is mostly related to reduced
  • 19:44ventilation due to OSA. However.
  • 19:49A recent research letter that
  • 19:52was published in Blue Journal.
  • 19:54They argued about the the
  • 19:57contribution of abdominal obesity.
  • 20:00To hypoxic burden.
  • 20:03And and so and the lack of.
  • 20:08Appropriate adjustment for abdominal
  • 20:10obesity in these studies that we have done.
  • 20:14So the argument was that this abdominal
  • 20:17obesity leads to a reduced FRC,
  • 20:21which leads to decreased baseline SP
  • 20:24O2 and faster and deeper desaturation.
  • 20:27Independent of ventilatory decrease,
  • 20:30which is related to sleep apnea.
  • 20:35So just trying to clarify more.
  • 20:40Assume that we have two subjects.
  • 20:43With similar OSA severity
  • 20:45but different hypoxic burden.
  • 20:48So what you see here is the ensemble
  • 20:52average curve of. Ventilation.
  • 20:57And the hi is 30 and 30 burden
  • 21:00which is basically the area on the
  • 21:03total area under ventilatory curve.
  • 21:06During sleep per hour of sleep.
  • 21:09And so this, this,
  • 21:11this mentality burden leads to a
  • 21:14hypothetical for this particular subject
  • 21:18leads to hypoxic permanent about 83%
  • 21:21minute per hour, as you see here.
  • 21:23Assume that we have a.
  • 21:26We have another subject
  • 21:28with exactly the same age.
  • 21:30The same age are the same entity Berlin,
  • 21:33but with a lower hypoxic Berlin.
  • 21:36So the argument that was done in.
  • 21:40In in the this research letter
  • 21:43was that this subject here in the
  • 21:45top with higher hypoxic Berlin.
  • 21:47Has a lower.
  • 21:50Point volume, which results to more severe,
  • 21:53deeper or faster desaturation. And.
  • 21:58And and we really currently don't have.
  • 22:03Unless we do some city scan of of the.
  • 22:08Of the visceral fat,
  • 22:10we really cannot adjust for this.
  • 22:13And and and and the argument was that.
  • 22:17This will affect the association
  • 22:20between hypercycle and and and CBD.
  • 22:24So we try to answer this question
  • 22:27in this study that the manuscript
  • 22:29is actually under review right now.
  • 22:33So we we assess the relationship
  • 22:37between hypoxic burden and ventilatory
  • 22:39burden as well as available measure
  • 22:42of abdominal obesity and other
  • 22:44confounder in in Mesa sleep study.
  • 22:46They had some astrometry parameter
  • 22:49in Mesa long which we used to try to
  • 22:53answer this question and we separately
  • 22:57tested if ventilator burden predicted CVD.
  • 23:01And we also did another analysis.
  • 23:06We adjusted the association of
  • 23:10HBCD for desaturation sensitivity.
  • 23:13And and and so the.
  • 23:17The the idea behind it,
  • 23:18behind this is that,
  • 23:21so this subject here in the top
  • 23:24will have a higher desaturation
  • 23:27or tendency to desaturate.
  • 23:29So we try to to adjust for
  • 23:32desaturation sensitivity which was
  • 23:34which we defined as the amount of
  • 23:36hypoxia that you get per ventilatory
  • 23:39per reduction in ventilation.
  • 23:41So we adjusted this for desaturation
  • 23:44sensitivity to see if it actually.
  • 23:47Anything changes and if these
  • 23:49situations sensitivity by itself is
  • 23:52actually predictive of of the outcomes.
  • 23:55So we did the study in Mesa sleep.
  • 24:00Study about 1950 subjects so the
  • 24:03definition of mentality burden
  • 24:06which he defined it as event
  • 24:09specific area under ventilation,
  • 24:11ventilation signal so mean
  • 24:13normalize and air we calculate the
  • 24:16area under the mean ventilation.
  • 24:19And the outcomes that were tested
  • 24:22was instant cardiovascular disease,
  • 24:24instant coronary heart heart
  • 24:26disease and all cosmos totality.
  • 24:30So this is briefly shows how
  • 24:33we measure penalty Berlin.
  • 24:35So if you look at the ensemble
  • 24:38averaging of the ventilatory curve,
  • 24:41so we can get the average event duration,
  • 24:43we can get the event depth.
  • 24:46And events to burden can simply
  • 24:49be defined as the event rate times
  • 24:52vent depths time event duration,
  • 24:54which is a measure of total total
  • 24:58ventilatory deficit during sleep.
  • 25:01So this table shows the baseline
  • 25:05characteristics of the Mesa
  • 25:07sleep study that we included.
  • 25:11So the average age about 67 year and.
  • 25:18About 5053% of women.
  • 25:23Equal distribution of different
  • 25:25arrays and necessities and you see
  • 25:29the PMI here. What we have here?
  • 25:31Is that we have the HIV,
  • 25:34the median HIV in this cohort was
  • 25:37about 33 events per hour when
  • 25:39switching Berlin and hypoxic Berlin.
  • 25:41So in Mesa as just when I get a feel
  • 25:45of how much rental through loss
  • 25:47there was on average in this in
  • 25:51this population cohort was about 20%
  • 25:54was about 3 minutes of apnea which
  • 25:57is the 100% reduction in airflow
  • 26:00per hour of sleep and the hypoxic.
  • 26:03But 9 minutes of 4% desaturation
  • 26:05per hour of sleep.
  • 26:09And this graph shows the association
  • 26:11between ventilated burden and hypoxemia.
  • 26:14You 17 burden on the X axis and
  • 26:17hypoxic burden on the Y axis.
  • 26:19They were strongly correlated
  • 26:21and the R score was about 0.8.
  • 26:25In this table I'm showing the
  • 26:29contribution of other factors.
  • 26:31So the Model 1 included mentality burden.
  • 26:36BRS score of 0.8 in Model 2 we added a BMI.
  • 26:42And and body surface area.
  • 26:44So the R-squared increased only by 1%.
  • 26:48Model 3 as you see here,
  • 26:51we added wakefulness to baseline SPO
  • 26:542 because there was one argument
  • 26:56that baseline SP O2,
  • 26:58the lower the baseline the the
  • 27:01deeper the saturation and that could,
  • 27:04independent of ventilatory deficit,
  • 27:05affect the values of hypoxic.
  • 27:08And so we added. So what about 1% additional?
  • 27:14Variation explained by adding
  • 27:16these two variables here.
  • 27:19And and and similarly in the other models
  • 27:22where we did some spirometry parameters,
  • 27:25so there was no change in the R square.
  • 27:29So and and what what it tells us is that the.
  • 27:35Did the variation in hypoxic furnace
  • 27:38mostly described by reality burn
  • 27:40which is the OC related component
  • 27:43that we are interested in?
  • 27:45So what you see here is the hypoxic
  • 27:48pattern and venture burden association
  • 27:50with instant CD and all Cosmo thority.
  • 27:54So you have a instant CHD and this
  • 27:56is a hazard ratio for hypoxia.
  • 27:59Incident, CVD and all cosmetology.
  • 28:02And you see a similar association
  • 28:05with Renton Superman.
  • 28:07And these these these hazard ratios were
  • 28:10adjusted for age 6 phase BMI hypertension
  • 28:14as well as the desaturation sensitivity.
  • 28:17So we also adjusted for desaturation
  • 28:21sensitivity to to adjust out those
  • 28:24other unseen or unobserved confounders.
  • 28:28That we really cannot measure in
  • 28:33this large population towards.
  • 28:36So the take home message is that
  • 28:39hypothesis is minimally affected by
  • 28:41available measure of either positive
  • 28:43and lung volume and ERV do not vary
  • 28:46much in OSA population the action in
  • 28:48fact we looked at the coefficient
  • 28:51of variation of of these different
  • 28:54factors waste circumference the
  • 28:56coefficient of variation was about 14%,
  • 28:59BMI 19% while for rental to burden
  • 29:02is was about 100% of the coefficient
  • 29:06of variation. And and the.
  • 29:08Another take home message is the
  • 29:10hybrid and largely captures the risk
  • 29:13attributable to Ben 30 burden of OC
  • 29:16rather than the tendency to desaturate.
  • 29:19And we favor hypoxic burden over
  • 29:22ventilated burden because ventilation
  • 29:24is usually more difficult to measure.
  • 29:26In a home based setting and their
  • 29:29calibration issues and lack
  • 29:31of standardization.
  • 29:34OK. So that was related to hypoxic planets.
  • 29:37Next I moved to Hartford response
  • 29:39to Afghans and Hypopneas.
  • 29:41So this this is slide was actually.
  • 29:46From doctor summers. Paper in 1995.
  • 29:51Where he described sleep apnea and
  • 29:54an increase in sympathetic activity
  • 29:56and and increasing blood pressure.
  • 29:59As you see here with each respiratory events
  • 30:03there are an increase in in heart rate.
  • 30:06So we were thinking so if by
  • 30:09measuring this this delta heart rate,
  • 30:11increasing heart rate with each event we
  • 30:14may gain additional information that and
  • 30:18that may be useful for risk prediction
  • 30:21or for to to identify who respond to
  • 30:25CPAP treatment and who benefit from C.
  • 30:28So some patients have a larger heart
  • 30:31rate response to events than others.
  • 30:34Here I'm showing two different subjects.
  • 30:38And in the bottom figure here you see the
  • 30:41increase in heart rate by this Red Arrows.
  • 30:45So this subject has a minimal increase
  • 30:47in heart rate with each respective event,
  • 30:49despite similar oxygen desaturation amounts.
  • 30:54And while this subject has a
  • 30:57larger increase in in heart rate.
  • 31:00So Delta Hartrick can be easily measured
  • 31:02from in in lab and in home PSG's and
  • 31:05currently is really under utilized.
  • 31:07So and we our previous study back
  • 31:11in 2013 we showed that delta heart
  • 31:15rate increases with event severity.
  • 31:18And and in observations without
  • 31:20cortical arousal and with arousal.
  • 31:22So there was a similar pattern of increase.
  • 31:25Obviously if you have a razor,
  • 31:27you have the biggest,
  • 31:29the the largest increase.
  • 31:31So the hypothesis was that high delta
  • 31:35heart rates is associated with increased
  • 31:38risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • 31:40And we separately hypothesize that
  • 31:44removing respiratory stimuli.
  • 31:46And and those are apneas and hypopneas
  • 31:49by CPAP.
  • 31:50Could be beneficial in in those
  • 31:52with High Delta heart rates.
  • 31:55So to test the first hypothesis,
  • 31:57we looked at the Mesa and
  • 32:00Steve Hartman study.
  • 32:01And and this here I'm showing
  • 32:04this sample flow chart.
  • 32:06At the end about 14 hundreds were
  • 32:10analyzing Masa and about 4600
  • 32:13analyzing from Cpot health study.
  • 32:16So we saw a U-shaped association
  • 32:19between Dalton Hartry and subclinical
  • 32:22CVD measures including.
  • 32:26Calcium score NT,
  • 32:27probie NP and Framingham CVD risk.
  • 32:31And based on this,
  • 32:32we categorize the doctor heart rate in low,
  • 32:35mid and high groups.
  • 32:36And we looked at, we tested that.
  • 32:40Categories and and sleep harthouse.
  • 32:43And what we saw was that indeed
  • 32:45those with low and High Delta Party,
  • 32:48they were at increased risk of
  • 32:51CVD and nonfatal CVD,
  • 32:54CVD mortality and all 'cause mortality.
  • 32:57So, so basically.
  • 33:01The risk observing the low delta
  • 33:03heart rate group we we thought and we
  • 33:06hypothesized that was actually non OC
  • 33:09specific and mainly due to heart disease,
  • 33:12diabetes or autonomic dysfunction and and
  • 33:14the risk observing the height of the group.
  • 33:17Was mostly OSA specific because we
  • 33:21saw hired hazard ratio in those with
  • 33:24severe OSA whether quantified by HIV
  • 33:27or hypoxic German and the risk was
  • 33:31exclusively observing those with ESS
  • 33:33less than 11, so non sleepy OSA.
  • 33:36So the next question was.
  • 33:40If with CPAP, reduce the risk in
  • 33:42those with high throughput rates.
  • 33:44And and to answer this questions we
  • 33:47we looked at the recuts of trial.
  • 33:51So request the trial was done and
  • 33:53it was published actually in 2016,
  • 33:56non sleepy patients with OSA
  • 33:58and coronary artery disease
  • 34:01randomized to CPAP or no CPAP. And.
  • 34:05The HI criteria for inclusion was
  • 34:08greater than 15 ESS, less than 10,
  • 34:11median follow-up was about
  • 34:1357 months and the outcome?
  • 34:17Was a composite of first event
  • 34:20of repeat vascularization,
  • 34:21my MI stroke or cardiovascular mortality.
  • 34:25And we asked the question is the CPAP
  • 34:28benefit contingent on the heart rate
  • 34:30response to events and what we saw is
  • 34:33these graph here show the point estimates.
  • 34:36At average delta heart rate 6 beats per
  • 34:40minute and this is what's recuts trial.
  • 34:44The original recursive trial showed
  • 34:46was about 0.8 non significant
  • 34:49and low delta heart rate.
  • 34:51There was a suggestion of harm and
  • 34:54so treating people with no low
  • 34:57Delta Harvard seem to I was non
  • 34:59significant and very wide confidence
  • 35:01interval and but within those with
  • 35:03high tops of heart rate,
  • 35:05higher delta heart rate.
  • 35:07We saw a risk reduction at
  • 35:10significant risk reduction.
  • 35:14Compared to other group so.
  • 35:17And and the model were just for age 6,
  • 35:20PMI and cardiac intervention.
  • 35:25This is basically showing the same thing,
  • 35:27but we have binary subgroup analysis.
  • 35:30We have all participants gained similar to.
  • 35:35That's a trial, so it was no effect.
  • 35:38If you look at Delta heart rate
  • 35:41threatens it's it's per minute you
  • 35:43see that the CPAP significantly
  • 35:46reduces the risk compared to this.
  • 35:51So in summary, a greater Harter
  • 35:53response to respiratory events is
  • 35:56a risk factor that's identifiable,
  • 35:58deleterious, and potentially reversible.
  • 36:00And it could be used to select patients
  • 36:04most likely to exhibit long term
  • 36:07cardiovascular benefit from CPAP treatments.
  • 36:09I think I have time.
  • 36:13Do I have maybe 6-7 minutes
  • 36:15to talk about this or?
  • 36:20Yep. OK. Yeah, that sounds good.
  • 36:23Thank you. So in and so this this work
  • 36:27is currently under review and we're here
  • 36:31we we're interested in the relevance of
  • 36:34EEG arousal for risk stratification.
  • 36:37So really the question was,
  • 36:38do arousal improve prediction of OC
  • 36:42related outcomes on top of desaturation?
  • 36:44So over the past four decades, several
  • 36:47versions of OC definition have emerged,
  • 36:50which led to confusion among patient,
  • 36:53clinician and payers.
  • 36:54And and you were interested which
  • 36:56type of hypo you know went to the
  • 36:59desaturation of arousal would inform
  • 37:00research stratification and the reason
  • 37:02to do this study that was this ASM
  • 37:05funded study that to systematically
  • 37:07compare events with arousal and
  • 37:09the saturation in multiple cohorts.
  • 37:11So we used sleep quite health
  • 37:13Mesa and slots for this study.
  • 37:16So we compared events with
  • 37:18minimal desaturation and arousal.
  • 37:21So that's called HIV arousal only.
  • 37:25And events with the saturation
  • 37:27and no arousal.
  • 37:28That's called H greater than 3% only.
  • 37:32So these are the two.
  • 37:35To specific HIV that we were interested in.
  • 37:38So just quickly showed that sample
  • 37:42characteristics of sleep heart
  • 37:44health have shown that in the
  • 37:47previous slide Mesa and Mr Oz and.
  • 37:49The outcomes that we were interested in
  • 37:52was so there were some cross-sectional
  • 37:55outcomes including hypertension,
  • 37:56diabetes and sleepiness and some
  • 37:58follow up data longitudinal data
  • 38:01instance CD in in these three cohorts.
  • 38:04So again so this table shows
  • 38:08the total number of events.
  • 38:11Analyzed in these three cohorts.
  • 38:17And the distribution of events with more
  • 38:20than 3% desaturation only about 54%.
  • 38:2543% in Mesa and in Mr Ross for the 43%.
  • 38:29And but 13% of events would with
  • 38:33arousal only and no desaturation here,
  • 38:37but you see here.
  • 38:38These are the headlines of those events.
  • 38:41And the so this translate to this
  • 38:44HIV values that you see here.
  • 38:47So if you if you include these
  • 38:50events events with arousal only.
  • 38:56So prevalence of Margaret Zero
  • 38:58say would be 67 percent, 70%,
  • 39:01sixty 8% in this state cohorts.
  • 39:04But if you exclude these events,
  • 39:06you get a 10% reduction from
  • 39:10supposedly across street cops.
  • 39:14So it's important to really look at these
  • 39:16and see if there is any any additional
  • 39:19information that these is provided.
  • 39:21So what what you see here is the.
  • 39:26Additional role of events with this
  • 39:28saturation, but no other else.
  • 39:31And the model were adjusted for covariates
  • 39:34and HIV based on events with arousal.
  • 39:37So regardless of desaturation.
  • 39:39As you see here, across all all the
  • 39:43outcomes you see as significant.
  • 39:46Increase in in in risk.
  • 39:48But if you look at the HIV arousal only.
  • 39:53There's basically nothing
  • 39:55so additional those events.
  • 39:58If you adjust for desaturation events
  • 40:00with these saturation of the also Brazil.
  • 40:03So this what what this is is basically.
  • 40:07Assume that you send the subject
  • 40:10and you send an HD to the subject.
  • 40:13And you get all the 3% events
  • 40:16with more than 3%,
  • 40:17so you don't measure arousals.
  • 40:20And then you bring them back to the sleep
  • 40:23lab and you find those additional events.
  • 40:26That were associated with arousals.
  • 40:29And what what we see here that
  • 40:32those really don't add any info,
  • 40:34don't improve the prediction of outcomes.
  • 40:38As you see here,
  • 40:39and in some cases they're even protected.
  • 40:43So this I think we didn't adjust
  • 40:46this for BMI so this this.
  • 40:48This table which is BMI again you see
  • 40:53similar direction and and slightly.
  • 40:55A lower heat hazard or odds ratio,
  • 40:59but it's similar story that we had before.
  • 41:05So what we did this was an
  • 41:08additional exploratory analysis.
  • 41:09We looked at individuals now with
  • 41:12an HI getting 15 events per hour.
  • 41:18Again, based on H 3% regards of arousal.
  • 41:22So exclude everyone who had
  • 41:25severe OSA by desaturation.
  • 41:28Audit to Studio City and again in
  • 41:30this in these individual events with
  • 41:33arousal put but no desaturation.
  • 41:36Were not associated to it with this stuff,
  • 41:38adverse outcomes. So similar,
  • 41:40similar similar results that we've found.
  • 41:45And and to further investigate this,
  • 41:48we looked at the arousal
  • 41:50intensity and arousal index.
  • 41:52I think this was just be part of the study.
  • 41:55You see, that's the arousal.
  • 41:56Intensity tends to go down as well if
  • 41:59you get more arousals per hour of sleep.
  • 42:03So there is a negative association here
  • 42:05and we did another analysis, we looked at.
  • 42:09Change in arousal index and the
  • 42:12sleep heart health and what we saw
  • 42:16was that changing arousal index was.
  • 42:20Predicted by baseline, Oasis, Verity what?
  • 42:23What it tells us is that over time there
  • 42:26is a decline in a number of arousal.
  • 42:30And separately in another study
  • 42:35that my poster Gonzalo Labarca did.
  • 42:39We looked at a razor burn.
  • 42:42Which we defined.
  • 42:43It is similar to the.
  • 42:45Paper published by the Australian
  • 42:48group event rate times arousal duration
  • 42:50and we compared it with hypoxic burden.
  • 42:53So again. Compared to hypoxic burden,
  • 42:56there is no significant
  • 42:58sociation with arousal burden.
  • 43:03So to take your message is
  • 43:05while arousal may be harmful.
  • 43:07Based on experimental data,
  • 43:09measurements of arousal may not
  • 43:11improve its positions department.
  • 43:15So in summary, measuring the depth
  • 43:17and duration of this saturation.
  • 43:19That should provide added predictive value.
  • 43:23So we can measure hypoxic from there than
  • 43:26from inlab and in home sleep studies.
  • 43:29We demonstrated that hypothesis paramedics
  • 43:32multiple outcomes in population base
  • 43:35and and French group in Congo cohorts.
  • 43:39We show that hypoxic burden is strongly
  • 43:42associated with entity burden.
  • 43:43And is minimally affected
  • 43:46by the abdominal obesity.
  • 43:48And we also showed that individual without
  • 43:52sleepiness the elevated heart responsiveness.
  • 43:57Those will be at increased risk
  • 43:59of CVD and may benefit from CPAP.
  • 44:02And additional advanced with
  • 44:03arousal and all the saturation to
  • 44:06not improve this prediction.
  • 44:08And finally,
  • 44:09I'd like to thank you the amazing
  • 44:12team in Boston and elsewhere for.
  • 44:15Great contributions to to help with the,
  • 44:19the data,
  • 44:20with the analysis and and and and everything.
  • 44:23And thanks everyone for.
  • 44:26Listening to my talk.
  • 44:28Thank you so much. That was fantastic,
  • 44:31very informative and really enjoyed
  • 44:34hearing that the different algorithms
  • 44:36you've helped develop or developed
  • 44:38yourself and how they've been
  • 44:40applied to different clinical trials.
  • 44:43I'm going to take questions now,
  • 44:44but I'll ask if you could please
  • 44:47put your question in the chat and
  • 44:50let me call on you rather than
  • 44:52unmuting and and so we can avoid
  • 44:55the risk of missing questions or
  • 44:58not giving everyone a chance. Umm.
  • 45:01So does anyone have any questions?
  • 45:08Doctor Thomas is asking is loop
  • 45:10gain elevated in those with
  • 45:12a high heart rate response?
  • 45:16We looked at this, I think the
  • 45:18correlation between delta heart rate
  • 45:21and Lucan was about 0.2 positive.
  • 45:27Yeah. So it's just like, right, ability.
  • 45:31And then Doctor Winkelman says it looked
  • 45:33as if low hypoxic burden and high age chi
  • 45:37were protective from mortality comment.
  • 45:41I participated and high.
  • 45:44Low hypoxic burden, high I
  • 45:45had lower risk of mortality,
  • 45:47yes, it was actually, it was insulin
  • 45:49heart failure that we found, yes. Yeah.
  • 45:53So lower risk of incident and
  • 45:55heart failure with those with
  • 45:56a high and low hypoxic burden.
  • 45:58Yeah, it wasn't significant.
  • 46:00So yeah. The hazard ratio I think
  • 46:04was 0.9 or something like that.
  • 46:08And clinically that makes sense because
  • 46:10with heart failure patients in particular,
  • 46:12they can often have very long apneas and
  • 46:15in combination with the circulatory delay
  • 46:18it can be much more detrimental than
  • 46:21than a patient without heart failure.
  • 46:23Doctor Thomas says patients
  • 46:24come with now symptoms,
  • 46:26not for future prevention mostly,
  • 46:28so arousals should not be ignored.
  • 46:33Yes, this has been a very controversial.
  • 46:37Study that we, I mean we didn't
  • 46:39expect that to see this results.
  • 46:42But and and I mean it may be
  • 46:44in in younger individuals if.
  • 46:50The beginning of the disease.
  • 46:52They may be very informative, but.
  • 46:55These, these are mostly older individual
  • 46:58and and I think there was another there.
  • 47:01There was a study that showed the
  • 47:04initiation of symptoms and that
  • 47:06the time between the initiation of
  • 47:09symptoms and the official diagnosis
  • 47:11whatever was about maybe 11 years.
  • 47:14So by that time the arousal may
  • 47:16not be informative any anymore.
  • 47:18So and in terms of risk prediction.
  • 47:22So that's that.
  • 47:23I need to make that clear
  • 47:25so it doesn't predict.
  • 47:27Addition the added risk and top of
  • 47:30desaturation based on these studies.
  • 47:36I'm going to go back to Doctor
  • 47:37Hoffman, doctor Yaggi said.
  • 47:38Do we know the relationship
  • 47:40between arousal threshold and
  • 47:41delta heart rate response?
  • 47:45No, I haven't done that study.
  • 47:48So arousal threshold and delta heart rate,
  • 47:51no, I don't. I don't know.
  • 47:53But yeah, we can, we can look at it.
  • 47:57And then, doctor Huff. Oh, go ahead. Sorry.
  • 47:59No, I was just curious why.
  • 48:02Like the gag is interested in this.
  • 48:05Please unmute and and let us
  • 48:07know Doctor Yaggi if you can.
  • 48:10OK.
  • 48:13And then Doctor Hoffman, if you want to
  • 48:15unmute to ask or to make your comment,
  • 48:18I bring that up just because the
  • 48:21work that Andre has done has
  • 48:24shown that low arousal threshold,
  • 48:26the patients really struggle adhering
  • 48:29to CPAP therapy and we're finding that.
  • 48:34The arousal threshold
  • 48:35and autonomic activity might be
  • 48:38related that it might be challenging
  • 48:40to treat those patients with delta
  • 48:42heart rate response if they if
  • 48:45it's an arousal threshold issue.
  • 48:48That's interesting. Sure. Yeah,
  • 48:50we should look at it. We have the data.
  • 48:55Doctor Hoffman wanted to point out
  • 48:56that using heart rate response can be
  • 48:58tricky when we don't know if the patient
  • 49:01has a cardiac autonomic neuropathy,
  • 49:02which is not uncommon in patients with type
  • 49:052 diabetes and and as patients are aging.
  • 49:11I don't know if you have a comment for that.
  • 49:15I mean I don't have a comments, but I agree.
  • 49:18Yes, yeah, in in some patient
  • 49:20population it may be challenging
  • 49:22to measure heart rate response,
  • 49:24but we haven't had any issue
  • 49:25in in this large cohorts,
  • 49:27population based cohorts.
  • 49:29In terms of measurements of delta,
  • 49:31heart rates and.
  • 49:34And Doctor Winkleman, do you
  • 49:35wanna unmute for your question?
  • 49:37It's a little bit longer if you'd like.
  • 49:46Thank you. Great talk, Ollie.
  • 49:49Progression of.
  • 49:51A very logical approach to this.
  • 49:55I think from my perspective
  • 49:58the next step is looking at
  • 50:01respiratory related leg movements.
  • 50:04Those leg movements that occur
  • 50:05at the end of respiratory events
  • 50:08that have been shown when they
  • 50:09are present to be associated with
  • 50:12a substantially larger increase
  • 50:13in heart rate than events that do
  • 50:16not terminate in the leg movement.
  • 50:19Do you have any plans to investigate this?
  • 50:23Absolutely. I mean, we are doing that.
  • 50:27That's a good time to ask this question.
  • 50:31We're trying and trying to
  • 50:33have some data. To analyze that data
  • 50:37and hopefully, yeah, collaborates.
  • 50:40Thank you. Great talk. Thank you.
  • 50:44And uh, Doctor Thomas ask,
  • 50:47how does one use these insights in
  • 50:49the management of individual patients?
  • 50:51So you've shown a group analysis with
  • 50:54with large cohorts of patients and do
  • 50:56you have any recommendations to us to
  • 50:59tailor this clinically at this point?
  • 51:01I don't, I don't. Yeah.
  • 51:03That's that's too, too early.
  • 51:05Probably it's too early.
  • 51:06Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
  • 51:09Um. And then someone is asking arousal
  • 51:12response is related to obstructive
  • 51:14sleep apnea syndrome or neuropathy?
  • 51:19Uh, if you want to unmute, it's CAI.
  • 51:22If you want to unmute and and.
  • 51:26Clarify the question would be great.
  • 51:43Is that Alice Kai? I'm not sure.
  • 51:48Alice, you want to unmute and.
  • 51:51Alright. Yes, I just want to know
  • 51:55um arouse response is result
  • 51:57is related to the authors or
  • 52:01maybe from the central obstacles
  • 52:05central right you're passing?
  • 52:09Central sleep apnea.
  • 52:16Can you clarify again? Sorry,
  • 52:17we had a little difficulty hearing you.
  • 52:21Means uh arouse response is related
  • 52:26to obstruct sleep as clear syndrome
  • 52:30or symptoms sleep aspirator syndrome.
  • 52:33We only looked at the obstructive sleep
  • 52:37apnea. We didn't get this central.
  • 52:42And their central events were very
  • 52:44rare actually in these these cohorts.
  • 52:50Doctor Yaggi, I'm going to ask you
  • 52:51to any new again as well to share
  • 52:53your comment if you don't mind.
  • 52:57Yeah. One one other question.
  • 52:58I'll leave this unbelievable work.
  • 53:00Thank you for sharing this with us today.
  • 53:03It seemed like in the analysis
  • 53:05you did looking at Delta heart
  • 53:07rate in the observational studies,
  • 53:09I think it was sleep heart health,
  • 53:11Mr Ross Mesa where it's at a low,
  • 53:14medium, high heart rate cut points
  • 53:16where you dichotomize this and the
  • 53:19CPAP analysis for ricotta using
  • 53:22different different cut points.
  • 53:25And I'm just wondering.
  • 53:26The reason behind that was that yeah,
  • 53:29how did you come up with those cut points
  • 53:31and ricotta versus versus the other
  • 53:34side. So sure. Thank you for comments.
  • 53:38So basically in in sleep in Mesa
  • 53:41and sleep Heart health actually
  • 53:43in Mesa we looked at this U-shaped
  • 53:47relationship and based on that.
  • 53:49We just categorize based on the
  • 53:52top 25% and and lower 25% and
  • 53:57the middle was the middle 50%.
  • 54:00And and then we use the same
  • 54:02threshold in sleep Charter.
  • 54:03So we didn't change the
  • 54:05threshold in sleep harthouse.
  • 54:06In regards to the,
  • 54:08the question was different actually
  • 54:10it's because we hypothesize that
  • 54:13those with higher heart rate
  • 54:15response those would benefit more
  • 54:17and and we test it as a linear.
  • 54:21So we test it as a.
  • 54:22We didn't in the main analysis we
  • 54:24it was a continuous variable and
  • 54:27we showed that there was that,
  • 54:28I showed the point estimates and the.
  • 54:31The the binary.
  • 54:33Categorization that was just just to
  • 54:35show that you see the same thing if
  • 54:38you divide it by a nice around number,
  • 54:41like 6 beats per minute.
  • 54:44And and and there is also a
  • 54:45difference in the in the population.
  • 54:47So in the recuts I think it was
  • 54:4990% or maybe 80% had cardiac,
  • 54:54cardiac problems and about
  • 54:5690% were on beta blockers so.
  • 54:59It would be a different population compared
  • 55:01to State Park health and other records.
  • 55:08Sorry, I couldn't hear the rest.
  • 55:11Or Andre, feel free to unmute,
  • 55:12unmute if you wanna.
  • 55:14No sure. So I'll, I'll leave.
  • 55:16Great, great work and like Doctor
  • 55:19Wickman said are really nice and
  • 55:22elegant progression of going from
  • 55:23HIV to these more continuous metrics,
  • 55:25which is really nice.
  • 55:26And I guess I have a couple of questions.
  • 55:29One question is?
  • 55:30You know, I think that, Umm,
  • 55:32the markers you've developed
  • 55:33are very promising and I'm just
  • 55:35wondering if you were to take it
  • 55:37to the next level or someone else
  • 55:38were to take it to the next level.
  • 55:40You know what,
  • 55:41I'm going to sort of piggyback
  • 55:44on Clara's question.
  • 55:45You know, how do we design a trial
  • 55:47where we look at people most at risk
  • 55:50or most likely to respond for example.
  • 55:52So what delta heart rate caught up do we use?
  • 55:55Do you think we need to validate
  • 55:57this more in other populations
  • 55:58before you have a cut off?
  • 56:00How can we operationalize that to
  • 56:02the point where we can perform a
  • 56:04trial that's a little bit more?
  • 56:06Umm.
  • 56:08Successful.
  • 56:11Yes, we are trying to to do that trial
  • 56:14and submit the proposal and hopefully
  • 56:17get that fund that's for the delta
  • 56:20heart rates and we proposed that delta
  • 56:23heart rate of 6 beats per minute. OK.
  • 56:27Because again we're going to recruit
  • 56:30from cardiology clinic most likely.
  • 56:32And yes, that's I'm going to use the same,
  • 56:36the same threshold that that was in bukasa.
  • 56:41You know. So.
  • 56:44OK. All right.
  • 56:47Three of six cardiac population.
  • 56:48Here we go. All right, excellent.
  • 56:50And I guess the other question I had was?
  • 56:54In regards to your more recent work
  • 56:56where you're looking at the risk
  • 56:59of adverse outcomes and different
  • 57:01definitions of the HIV that we could
  • 57:03extract from the routine PhD data
  • 57:05without having to use signal processing.
  • 57:08And so when you're looking at events that
  • 57:10are associated only with arousals versus,
  • 57:13those are the 3% disabled.
  • 57:15So in that population,
  • 57:16what was the distribution of the
  • 57:19events that were associated with 3%
  • 57:22dsat versus events with just the?
  • 57:24There's always is arousals alone,
  • 57:27minority of events or whether
  • 57:28I think I showed that in
  • 57:30the one of the tables,
  • 57:31I think yes, about 15% or so,
  • 57:37yes, only arousal notice,
  • 57:40right? So in your analysis you
  • 57:44essentially you add her on the
  • 57:46arousal frequency really you know
  • 57:49register event related arousals or
  • 57:52you know hoping really arousals.
  • 57:54The total amount of the exposure
  • 57:56that's already there with the 3%
  • 57:59exactly and that's exactly what we did, yes.
  • 58:03All right. And one of the other
  • 58:05things I might suggest is that,
  • 58:06you know, as we look at these
  • 58:08different different studies,
  • 58:09one of the key pieces of information is
  • 58:12that often we use composite outcomes,
  • 58:14you know, CAD stroke and they actually might
  • 58:17be different mechanisms for those events.
  • 58:20And similarly, you know, maybe the
  • 58:22arousals may be more relevant for you know,
  • 58:25cognition or rather than CVD.
  • 58:28And so there's some data I think
  • 58:30from Stanford looking at the.
  • 58:33Hypopneas with arousals only would
  • 58:35be correlating this objectives.
  • 58:39I mean, we looked at the ESS,
  • 58:40but you're right, yes.
  • 58:42So we should look at other
  • 58:44outcomes that are available,
  • 58:46I think, yeah. Unfortunately,
  • 58:49in this course is I think ES was
  • 58:52the only one we could look at.
  • 58:57Our next question asks what clinical
  • 58:59parameters would help delineate
  • 59:01individuals more likely to have
  • 59:03significant hypoxic burden when
  • 59:05they're being evaluated and in.
  • 59:08So. So the. In terms of the,
  • 59:13so you mean people with maybe high HIV,
  • 59:16high Tina, is that the question?
  • 59:20Please feel free to unmute
  • 59:21the individual asking this.
  • 59:23I think they mean.
  • 59:24I'm wondering if they mean in the clinic.
  • 59:25Are there any characteristics we can
  • 59:28use to to sort of identify those?
  • 59:31But I could be wrong.
  • 59:36That's from
  • 59:39EN 12901.
  • 59:42I mean if you see a lot of events.
  • 59:45A lot of these saturation,
  • 59:47I mean in that meeting before before
  • 59:50actually the study like you in the clinic
  • 59:52you evaluating a you know patient.
  • 59:56You know I understand that you know all
  • 59:58that is from the study but you
  • 01:00:00know clinically if we evaluating
  • 01:00:02patients since they are you know pack
  • 01:00:05some car clinic or characteristics that
  • 01:00:08you know we could. Basically,
  • 01:00:11I derive from the studies
  • 01:00:13that would predict that those
  • 01:00:14individuals are more likely to
  • 01:00:18have significant hypoxic burden.
  • 01:00:20Done that that study.
  • 01:00:25You showed that abdominal adiposity
  • 01:00:27wasn't associated with it,
  • 01:00:29but were there any other anything like?
  • 01:00:32Any characteristics?
  • 01:00:36To some extent. Uh.
  • 01:00:39Which is related to both sleep
  • 01:00:41apnea and also maybe just
  • 01:00:44adding some more hypoxia.
  • 01:00:46By lowering the lung volume.
  • 01:00:50I think you have BMI was the only
  • 01:00:52factor that remained significant after
  • 01:00:54it's just include the covariance.
  • 01:01:00Ali, thank you so much.
  • 01:01:02What a great talk and thank you, so good
  • 01:01:05for hosting a lot of outstanding data,
  • 01:01:08a lot of promising directions and
  • 01:01:11looking forward to hearing from you in
  • 01:01:13a couple of years when you update us
  • 01:01:16and tell us that you figured it out.
  • 01:01:18And looking forward to our next
  • 01:01:20session that we presented by our
  • 01:01:22own doctor minor at Yale,
  • 01:01:24we'll be talking about sleep
  • 01:01:26disturbance in the elderly population,
  • 01:01:28something that we see fairly commonly.
  • 01:01:30And so thank you everyone for
  • 01:01:31spending your time with us today
  • 01:01:33and we'll see you in one month.
  • 01:01:35Thank you so much for hosting.
  • 01:01:37Bye, bye. Thank you. Bye.