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The George M. O’Brien Kidney Center at Yale

The George M. O'Brien Kidney Center at Yale was established to facilitate translational and clinical research that will advance the prevention and treatment of kidney diseases.

A critically important benefit of the center is to provide renal investigators both at Yale and across the country with access to highly specialized services not otherwise routinely available to support their research. To this end, three research cores have been established.

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  • Associate Director

    C. N. H. Long Professor of Medicine (Nephrology) and Professor of Genetics; Chief, Section of Nephrology

Animal Physiology and Phenotyping Core

The Animal Physiology and Phenotyping Core provides specialized services and training for assessing renal function in small animals at the level of single tubules in vitro and in vivo (e.g. micropuncture, microperfusion, and tubule-specific microdissection), the whole kidney (e.g. clearance studies in anesthetized animals, perfusion fixation for histology studies), and the intact organism (e.g. balance studies in metabolic cages, acute and chronic BP measurements).

Disease Models and Mechanisms Core

The Disease Models and Mechanisms Core provides services to generate unique in vivo mouse models and kidney specific cell lines.

Human Genetics and Clinical Research Core

The Human Genetics and Clinical Research Core provides services to enhance translational studies in kidney disease, particularly in the area of human genetics.

This core provides infrastructure support for several key steps in translational research, including development of HIC protocols, patient recruitment, patient DNA extraction and archiving, tools for high throughput SNP genotyping and DNA sequencing, and analysis of genetic linkage and linkage disequilibrium.


The Center also includes a Research Training Program to enhance the training of college students, graduate students, medical students, and postdoctoral fellows in kidney disease research in general, and in the specialized methods provided by the Research Cores in particular.

This Center is supported by Award P30DK079310 from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, within the National Institutes of Health.

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