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Postdoctoral Associate/Fellow and ARS Mentoring Program

The Department has initiated a Postdoctoral Associate/Fellow and Associate Research Scientist Mentoring Program led by Dr. Julia von Blume and Dr. Yongli Zhang. The program is voluntary with each mentee having two faculty mentors to meet with approximately 2-3 times per year. Mentoring will include scientific and research advice and is also meant to be a source of personal and career discussions. Mentors can be switched annually as research direction and interests evolve over time in the Department.

Postdoctoral Associates and Associate Research Scientist will submit information for participation in the program including 5 possible faculty choices for mentors, a brief current research statement and possible career path.

Dr. von Blume and Dr. Zhang will coordinate mentor/mentee pairings and communicate any additional information regarding the program. For any questions, please contact Dr. Julia von Blume or Dr. Yongli Zhang.