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Ian Gonzalez

Peer Mentor

Graduate Student, Cell Biology

Ian was born and raised in San Marcos, Texas before pursuing a degree in Neuroscience at The University of Texas at Dallas. There, Ian worked on validating vagus nerve stimulation as a therapeutic adjunct to classical cognitive behavioral therapy, specifically for the treatment of an animal model of posttraumatic stress disorder. Then, as a part of a joint fellowship program with UT Southwestern Medical Center, Ian completed his honors thesis in the lab of Peter Douglas, studying the role of heat shock response in maintaining intestinal cytoskeletal integrity and longevity in C. elegans nematodes. Ian was also an active peer mentor in the UTD peer-led team learning program, primarily tutoring general chemistry and physics.
Ian is now a second year PhD student in the Cell Biology department in Daniel Colón-Ramos’ lab. There, he studies the supramolecular organization of glycolytic proteins in C. elegans neurons and seeks to understand their role in fundamental physiological processes. He is also on the editorial board for the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine and is a track leader for the Yale BBS Diversity Inclusion Collective. In his free time, Ian likes playing board games with friends, playing & watching basketball, and birdwatching.