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Sudhiksha Kokkula

2023 YCCI Summer Exposures Interns

I am a rising junior at Farmington High School in Connecticut, and my passion lies in STEM research. Currently, I hold roles as a blog writer and intern manager at STEM-E, a non-profit organization, where I received the gold-level President’s Volunteer Service Award for my dedicated contributions. Beyond research, I strongly believe that making knowledge accessible is paramount for everyone. In my role as Manager & Outreach head at For Every Child an Education, I am dedicated to creating educational resources for underprivileged students, fostering connections with teacher trainees, and tailoring curricula to meet their specific needs. Moreover, I am fueling my enthusiasm for learning and teaching by working on my first picture book, aiming to nurture children's mental health and break the stigma surrounding it. I am committed to making education and research inclusive and impactful for all.

About my YCCI Internship

My experience at YCCI was truly incredible and unlike any other! The wealth of new knowledge I gained during those four weeks was unparalleled. Engaging in conversations with world-renowned experts from various fields gave me a profound insight into the world of clinical and translational research.this YCCI internship provided more than just an opportunity to learn from experts in medicine, informatics, and pharmaceuticals; it allowed me to become a part of a community that is actively shaping healthcare and research. Additionally, working alongside fellow interns and the incredibly kind YCCI team we contributed our unique perspectives and innovative solutions to make research more accessible and engaging for adolescents and children. I enjoyed every day of it.

For Students Considering a YCCI Internship

Make sure to enter the program open-minded and ready to take notes! I continue to refer back to my notes even today. An opportunity like YCCI is an invaluable experience. You will not regret it.