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Kristen Delim

2023 YCCI Summer Exposures Intern

I am a senior at Francis Lewis High School in Queens, New York. I am interested in ways to improve the field of healthcare with technology as well as diversifying the field. At school, I am involved in the Science Research Academy, where I have completed projects including The Effect of Fish Oil on Planarian Regeneration and The Effect of Fish Oil on Planarian Memory, Learning, and Regenerative Abilities on Navigation through a Maze. I have also worked on coding courses through Girls Who Code to delve deeper in my interest of developing technology and how it can be involved in healthcare by working on coding projects with real-world implications. Along with my strong passion for STEM, I deeply enjoy my hobbies of dancing and listening to music to increase Asian representation in the arts. Going forward, I hope to gain more exposure to various areas of the field of healthcare while addressing gaps in diversity and equity.

About my YCCI Internship

The YCCI Internship is an unforgettable experience. I was able to learn from an inspirational multidisciplinary team of amazing scientists on the topics of clinical research, equity in healthcare, the rise of technology in healthcare, and recruitment in clinical trials. All of the seminars we received positively altered my outlook on the field of healthcare and most definitely increased my motivations to become more involved in the field. Being engaged in a project with fellow interns and Yale faculty is a part of the program that I will forever take away, and I will never forget the rush of excitement I got when my group and I presented our proposal on recruitment in clinical trials.

For Students Considering a YCCI Internship

You should most certainly apply to this program! Even if you have a slight, or no interest at all in the healthcare field, it is a great way to gain insight on different areas of healthcare, and it is inspiring to see how others are making a change in our community. You also get to bring your ideas to the table and pursue it with other interns that are just as ambitious and enthusiastic as you. Don't wait for this opportunity to pass you by, apply now! :)