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Aastha Kashyap

2021 YCCI Summer Exposures Intern

Aastha Kashyap is a senior at Glastonbury High School. Aastha has a strong passion for human studies, seeking to develop a knowledge of traditionally marginalized and underrepresented communities. Through her leadership roles within her school’s Newspaper Club and Gender and Sexuality Alliance Club, she has written, edited, and published educational content promoting the importance of tolerance, community, and civic and social responsibility. Aastha’s current focuses include exploring how different groups of people interact with the healthcare system and how to improve access for traditionally marginalized groups. She is currently considering a major in anthropology, psychology, or a public-health related field.

About My YCCI Internship

YCCI’s Exposures Summer Internship was the most extraordinary introductory experience into clinical research I could have hoped for. As summer interns, we were immersed in YCCI’s supportive educational atmosphere, especially as we worked on our projects. Through this internship, I received a crash course on integral systems like Epic, MyChart, and REDCap. Thanks to this internship, I have also developed the skills necessary for thinking of problems from multiple angles.

For Students Considering YCCI

Before this internship, I was super hesitant to consider healthcare as a career. I had no idea how many diverse fields existed within healthcare, because the only professions associated with healthcare that I’d heard of were the traditional doctor, surgeon, and nurse. YCCI expanded my horizons and in a way, helped me to be less afraid of pursuing a career in the future. This internship taught me so much about how many paths I have to pursue the topics that I love. I think that many others, especially high school students, need that type of exposure to the broader world in order for them to be brave enough to pursue their dreams.