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Xiaolei Su, PhD

Associate Professor of Cell Biology

Contact Information

Xiaolei Su, PhD

Mailing Address

  • Yale School of Medicine

    333 Cedar St, PO BOX 208002, SHMC 425A

    New Haven, CT 06520

    United States



Dr. Xiaolei Su received initial scientific training at Peking University as an undergraduate. He obtained a Ph.D. degree at Harvard, where he investigated cytoskeleton dynamics under the mentorship of David Pellman. He joined Ron Vale's Lab at UCSF as a postdoc fellow and revealed that phase separation of membrane-associated proteins promotes T cell activation. Dr. Su started his own group at Yale in 2018. His current research focuses on membrane remodeling and membrane receptor signaling during immune responses. Dr. Su's team combined biochemical reconstitution with live cell imaging and animal model to understand how biomolecular condensation regulates immune signaling. They also investigated the molecular pathways underlying CAR T activation and designed CARs with new signaling functions to target blood, skin, colon, breast, and brain cancers.

Education & Training

  • Postdoc
    University of California, San Francisco (2017)
  • PhD
    Harvard University, Cell and Developmental Biology (2012)
  • Student
    Physiology Course, Marine Biological Laboratory (2009)
  • BS
    Peking University, Biological Sciences (2006)

Honors & Recognition

AwardAwarding OrganizationDate
Lion Heart Pilot AwardYale New Haven Hospital and Yale Cancer Center2024
Pershing Square Sohn Prize for Young Investigators in Cancer Research Pershing Square Sohn Cancer Research Alliance (PSSCRA)2023
Gabrielle's Angel Foundation Medical Research AwardGabrielle's Angel Foundation2023
American Cancer Society Research Scholar GrantAmerican Cancer Society2022
Human Frontier Science Program Early-Career Research GrantHuman Frontier Science Program2021
Rally Young ScholarRally Foundation2021
Gilead Sciences Research Scholars in Hematology/OncologyGilead Sciences2019
Charles H. Hood Foundation Child Health Research AwardsCharles H. Hood Foundation2019
Keystone Symposia Future of Science Fund ScholarshipKeystone2015
Cancer Research Institute Irvington Postdoctoral FellowshipCancer Research Inistitute2014
Richard J. Herrnstein Prize for dissertation, Harvard UniversityHarvard University2012
Lola Ellis Robertson Endowed Scholarship, Marine Biological LaboratoryMarine Biological Laboratory2009

Departments & Organizations