Differences in employment, job characteristics, and work-related perceptions by sociodemographic factors among registered nurses of diverse race/ethnicity
Nam S, Kwon S, Lee SJ. Differences in employment, job characteristics, and work-related perceptions by sociodemographic factors among registered nurses of diverse race/ethnicity. Nursing Outlook 2022, 70: 737-748. PMID: 35933181, DOI: 10.1016/j.outlook.2022.05.014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsEmploymentEthnicityHumansJob SatisfactionNursesNursing Staff, HospitalPersonnel TurnoverSociodemographic FactorsSurveys and QuestionnairesConceptsJob characteristicsWork-related perceptionsOrganizational cultureManagerial positionsSafety climateJob satisfactionJob demandsWork environmentJob controlEmploymentGreater intentionsWhite nursesNurse employmentPerceptionDiverse race/ethnicityWorkplaceRace/ethnicityNon-hospital settingsIntentionJobsSatisfactionSociodemographic characteristicsRandom sample
Feasibility and acceptability of intensive, real‐time biobehavioral data collection using ecological momentary assessment, salivary biomarkers, and accelerometers among middle‐aged African Americans
Nam S, Dunton GF, Ordway MR, Ash GI, Jeon S, Vlahov D, Whittemore R, Nelson LE, Sinha R, Nunez‐Smith M, Granger DA. Feasibility and acceptability of intensive, real‐time biobehavioral data collection using ecological momentary assessment, salivary biomarkers, and accelerometers among middle‐aged African Americans. Research In Nursing & Health 2020, 43: 453-464. PMID: 32856310, PMCID: PMC8985242, DOI: 10.1002/nur.22068.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Relationships of Musculoskeletal Symptoms, Sociodemographics, and Body Mass Index With Leisure-Time Physical Activity Among Nurses
Nam S, Song M, Lee SJ. Relationships of Musculoskeletal Symptoms, Sociodemographics, and Body Mass Index With Leisure-Time Physical Activity Among Nurses. Workplace Health & Safety 2018, 66: 577-587. PMID: 29792132, PMCID: PMC8161463, DOI: 10.1177/2165079918771987.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLeisure-time physical activityRegular aerobic physical activityBody mass indexAerobic physical activityHigher body mass indexMusculoskeletal symptomsMass indexPhysical activityMuscle-strengthening physical activityPhysical activity promotion interventionsPatient handling tasksMultiple logistic regressionEmployment-related barriersCalifornia nursesPromotion interventionsHigh prevalenceSymptomsStatewide random sampleLogistic regressionNursesCross-sectional dataSociodemographicsLimited dataRegular engagementWhite nurses
Lifestyle Intervention for Sleep Disturbances Among Overweight or Obese Individuals
Nam S, Stewart KJ, Dobrosielski DA. Lifestyle Intervention for Sleep Disturbances Among Overweight or Obese Individuals. Behavioral Sleep Medicine 2015, 14: 343-350. PMID: 26375410, PMCID: PMC4794423, DOI: 10.1080/15402002.2015.1007992.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSleep disturbancesLifestyle interventionSelf-reported sleep disturbanceWeight-loss dietsAbdominal subcutaneous fatDifferent lifestyle interventionsAbdominal total fatLess sleep disturbanceMagnetic resonance imagingMood States questionnaireLoss dietVisceral fatObese individualsOverweight personsDepressive symptomsBody weightTotal fatResonance imagingAerobic fitnessSubcutaneous fatNovel findingsState QuestionnaireFatInterventionOverweight
Challenges of Diabetes Management in Immigrant Korean Americans
Nam S, Song HJ, Park SY, Song Y. Challenges of Diabetes Management in Immigrant Korean Americans. The Science Of Diabetes Self-Management And Care 2013, 39: 213-221. PMID: 23427240, DOI: 10.1177/0145721713475846.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsKorean AmericansSocial stigmaTraditional women's rolesWomen's rolesFamily obligationsFamily members' healthFamily membersCommunity levelFocus groupsFamily supportPublic awarenessMembers' healthAmericansOpen-ended questionsFinancial stabilityTop priorityFull implementationStigmaLanguage servicesEducationMost participantsLimits accessEntire familyImmigrationHealth care
Predictors of Exercise Intervention Dropout in Sedentary Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes
Nam S, Dobrosielski DA, Stewart KJ. Predictors of Exercise Intervention Dropout in Sedentary Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes. Journal Of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation And Prevention 2012, 32: 370-378. PMID: 23011489, PMCID: PMC3496000, DOI: 10.1097/hcr.0b013e31826be485.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsType 2 diabetes mellitusTotal percent body fatHigher insulin resistanceInsulin resistancePercent body fatSedentary individualsDiabetes mellitusExercise programIntervention dropoutBody fatControl groupQuantitative insulin sensitivity check indexShort Form Health SurveyInsulin sensitivity check indexExercise Self-Efficacy ScaleMultiple logistic regression modelEffective exercise programsWeek exercise interventionExercise intervention trialForm Health SurveySubcutaneous abdominal fatBenefits of exerciseType 2 diabetesLogistic regression modelsMood States questionnaireUnmet Needs for Social Support and Effects on Diabetes Self-care Activities in Korean Americans With Type 2 Diabetes
Song Y, Song HJ, Han HR, Park SY, Nam S, Kim MT. Unmet Needs for Social Support and Effects on Diabetes Self-care Activities in Korean Americans With Type 2 Diabetes. The Science Of Diabetes Self-Management And Care 2012, 38: 77-85. PMID: 22222514, PMCID: PMC3649548, DOI: 10.1177/0145721711432456.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedAsianDiabetes Mellitus, Type 2FemaleHealthcare DisparitiesHumansMaleMiddle AgedNeeds AssessmentSelf CareSocial SupportSurveys and QuestionnairesConceptsSelf-care activitiesType 2 diabetesUnmet needMiddle-aged Korean AmericansDiabetes Self-Care ActivitiesType 2 diabetes patientsType 2 diabetes careSocial supportCommunity-based intervention trialMultivariate regression analysisSignificant strong predictorsKorean AmericansDiabetes careIntervention trialsDiabetes patientsType 2Multivariate analysisDiabetesStudy designFuture interventionsUnmetBaseline dataSupport needsStrongest predictorRegression analysis
Development and validation of the high blood pressure-focused health literacy scale
Kim MT, Song HJ, Han HR, Song Y, Nam S, Nguyen TH, Lee HC, Kim KB. Development and validation of the high blood pressure-focused health literacy scale. Patient Education And Counseling 2011, 87: 165-170. PMID: 22030252, PMCID: PMC3288330, DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2011.09.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigh blood pressureHealth Literacy ScaleHealth literacyIntervention studiesLiteracy ScaleHypertensive Korean AmericansFunctional health literacyChronic disease managementHealth literacy toolsBlood pressureHBP managementPsychometric testingFocus group studyPsychometric evaluationGroup studyDisease managementSuch interventionsInterventionLiteracy toolsMajor barrierKorean AmericansLiterature reviewManagement interventionsPool of itemsEnd products