Professor of Pathology; Director, Genitourinary Pathology, Pathology
Yale Genitourinary Pathology
Clinical Service
The Genitourinary Pathology service provides subspecialty expertise in tissue-based diagnosis of diseases of the kidney, bladder, prostate, and testis, especially malignancies that arise at these sites. The five attending genitourinary pathologists who cover the service are highly experienced and have worked closely together for many years. Standardization and uniformity of diagnostic approaches and terminology are assured by close and regular interactions amongst the five attendings and through a regular genitourinary pathology consensus conference. We render diagnoses on tissues submitted from Yale New Haven Hospital and on slide consultations from physicians and hospitals in Connecticut and around the United States. The Genitourinary Pathology service has a national and international presence in the pathology community.
Services and Expertise
Yale Genitourinary Pathology Team
Professor of Pathology; Director of Cytopathology; Director, Cytology Laboratory; Director, Cytopathology Fellowship Program, Pathology; Director, Anatomic Pathology Elective Program, Pathology
Professor of Pathology; Associate Director of Cytopathology, Pathology
Associate Professor of Pathology; Vice Chair of Operations and Director of Pathology Reference Services, Pathology; CLIA Laboratory Medical Director, Pathology; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health
The academic interests of the genitourinary pathologists are many, and include diagnostic/prognostic criteria for genitourinary malignancies, correlative radiology (multiparametric MRI)–pathology studies, exploration of three-dimensional technologies for diagnosis and grading of prostate cancer, and use of artificial intelligence tools for diagnosis, grading, and establishment of prognosis of prostate cancer.
Education and Training
Genitourinary Pathology Faculty are engaged in numerous educational and teaching activities at Yale:
- Yale School of Medicine : Course developer and lab leader on male genital malignancies in Beyond the Lifespan Medical Student Course
- Urology Department : Monthly teaching sessions on Genitourinary Pathology are provided for Urology residents and fellows.
- Pathology Department : Numerous lectures for pathology residents and fellows covering prostate cancer, mimics of prostate cancer, bladder cancer, testis cancer, and kidney cancer
- The Renal & Genitourinary Pathology Fellowship program at Yale is a one-year fellowship program that aims to provide outstanding training in diagnostic pathology of medical renal biopsies and genitourinary tumor biopsies. The fellowship training is integrated in both the renal and genitourinary pathology services at Yale