The Academic Community Early Psychosis Intervention Network: Toward building a novel learning health system across six US states
Vohs J, Srihari V, Vinson A, Lapidos A, Cahill J, Taylor S, Heckers S, Weiss A, Chaudhry S, Silverstein S, Tso I, Breitborde N, Breier A. The Academic Community Early Psychosis Intervention Network: Toward building a novel learning health system across six US states. Learning Health Systems 2024 DOI: 10.1002/lrh2.10471.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEarly Psychosis Intervention NetworkIntervention NetworkFirst-episode psychosisRegional clinical networksLearning health systemQuality improvement projectQuality improvement effortsCulture of continuous learningData elementsPrimary diagnosis of schizophreniaConsecutive 6-month intervalsFirst-episode psychosis clinicUsual careSuperior patient outcomesSpecialty servicesHealth systemClinical teamImplementation meetingsQuality assurance effortsImprovement projectClinical networksHealthcare systemPractice-based researchImprovement effortsQuality improvementThe anomalous effect of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on the duration of untreated psychosis
Nicholls-Mindlin J, Hazan H, Zhou B, Li F, Ferrara M, Levine N, Riley S, Karmani S, Mathis W, Keshavan M, Srihari V. The anomalous effect of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on the duration of untreated psychosis. BJPsych Open 2024, 10: e216. PMID: 39628123, DOI: 10.1192/bjo.2024.813.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTimelinePTC: Development of a unified interface for pathways to care collection, visualization, and collaboration in first episode psychosis
Mathis W, Ferrara M, Cahill J, Karmani S, Tayfur S, Srihari V. TimelinePTC: Development of a unified interface for pathways to care collection, visualization, and collaboration in first episode psychosis. PLOS ONE 2024, 19: e0302116. PMID: 39028697, PMCID: PMC11259254, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0302116.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPathways to CareDuration of untreated psychosisManual transcription errorsDevelopment of targeted interventionsReduce duration of untreated psychosisHealthcare accessibility researchReal-time data entryImprove patient outcomesEpisode psychosisCare pathwaysPatient journeyHealthcare contextPatient outcomesPaper-basedConversion of collected dataFEP treatmentData collection processNew HavenData collection methodsData entryTranscription errorsUntreated psychosisOpen-source codebaseData collectionWeb-based toolThe Italian adaptation of the Mini‐SIPS, a tool for early detection of individuals at clinical high risk and first episode of psychosis: A preliminary study of implementation in an Italian FEP program
Ferrara M, Basaldella M, Vacca F, Woods S, Walsh B, Cannon T, Srihari V, Grassi L. The Italian adaptation of the Mini‐SIPS, a tool for early detection of individuals at clinical high risk and first episode of psychosis: A preliminary study of implementation in an Italian FEP program. Early Intervention In Psychiatry 2024, 18: 1040-1046. PMID: 38769052, PMCID: PMC11625525, DOI: 10.1111/eip.13548.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchClinical high riskFirst-episode psychosisDSM-5-Attenuated Psychosis SyndromeItalian adaptationPsychosis syndromeDSM-5FEP programsEarly stages of psychosisItalian versionFirst-episode psychosis servicesFull-blown psychosisStages of psychosisEpisode of psychosisClinical structured interviewEpisode psychosisEstablished psychosisTrained psychologistsPsychiatric historyPsychosisPsychosis servicesHigh riskStructured interviewsClinical settingEarly detection of individualsAssess validityAntipsychotic drugs in first-episode psychosis: a target trial emulation in the FEP-CAUSAL Collaboration
Szmulewicz A, Martínez-Alés G, Logan R, Ferrara M, Kelly C, Fredrikson D, Gago J, Conderino S, Díaz-Caneja C, Galvañ J, Thorpe L, Srihari V, Yatham L, Sarpal D, Shinn A, Arango C, Öngür D, Hernán M, Collaboration O. Antipsychotic drugs in first-episode psychosis: a target trial emulation in the FEP-CAUSAL Collaboration. American Journal Of Epidemiology 2024, 193: 1081-1087. PMID: 38576166, DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwae029.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFirst-episode psychosisFirst-generation agentsAntipsychotic therapyAntipsychotic drugsPsychosis onsetPsychotic disordersEpisode psychosisAripiprazolePaliperidoneRisk of hospitalizationPsychosisTarget trialsRisperidoneOlanzapineFirst-line therapyTreatment discontinuationEUFESTObservational cohortAntipsychoticsQuetiapineRandomized trialsPrimary outcomeAbsolute riskRisk differenceClinical questionsAccelerating Medicines Partnership® Schizophrenia (AMP® SCZ): Rationale and Study Design of the Largest Global Prospective Cohort Study of Clinical High Risk for Psychosis
Wannan C, Nelson B, Addington J, Allott K, Anticevic A, Arango C, Baker J, Bearden C, Billah T, Bouix S, Broome M, Buccilli K, Cadenhead K, Calkins M, Cannon T, Cecci G, Chen E, Cho K, Choi J, Clark S, Coleman M, Conus P, Corcoran C, Cornblatt B, Diaz-Caneja C, Dwyer D, Ebdrup B, Ellman L, Fusar-Poli P, Galindo L, Gaspar P, Gerber C, Glenthøj L, Glynn R, Harms M, Horton L, Kahn R, Kambeitz J, Kambeitz-Ilankovic L, Kane J, Kapur T, Keshavan M, Kim S, Koutsouleris N, Kubicki M, Kwon J, Langbein K, Lewandowski K, Light G, Mamah D, Marcy P, Mathalon D, McGorry P, Mittal V, Nordentoft M, Nunez A, Pasternak O, Pearlson G, Perez J, Perkins D, Powers A, Roalf D, Sabb F, Schiffman J, Shah J, Smesny S, Spark J, Stone W, Strauss G, Tamayo Z, Torous J, Upthegrove R, Vangel M, Verma S, Wang J, Rossum I, Wolf D, Wolff P, Wood S, Yung A, Agurto C, Alvarez-Jimenez M, Amminger P, Armando M, Asgari-Targhi A, Cahill J, Carrión R, Castro E, Cetin-Karayumak S, Chakravarty M, Cho Y, Cotter D, D’Alfonso S, Ennis M, Fadnavis S, Fonteneau C, Gao C, Gupta T, Gur R, Gur R, Hamilton H, Hoftman G, Jacobs G, Jarcho J, Ji J, Kohler C, Lalousis P, Lavoie S, Lepage M, Liebenthal E, Mervis J, Murty V, Nicholas S, Ning L, Penzel N, Poldrack R, Polosecki P, Pratt D, Rabin R, Eichi H, Rathi Y, Reichenberg A, Reinen J, Rogers J, Ruiz-Yu B, Scott I, Seitz-Holland J, Srihari V, Srivastava A, Thompson A, Turetsky B, Walsh B, Whitford T, Wigman J, Yao B, Yuen H, Ahmed U, Byun A, Chung Y, Do K, Hendricks L, Huynh K, Jeffries C, Lane E, Langholm C, Lin E, Mantua V, Santorelli G, Ruparel K, Zoupou E, Adasme T, Addamo L, Adery L, Ali M, Auther A, Aversa S, Baek S, Bates K, Bathery A, Bayer J, Beedham R, Bilgrami Z, Birch S, Bonoldi I, Borders O, Borgatti R, Brown L, Bruna A, Carrington H, Castillo-Passi R, Chen J, Cheng N, Ching A, Clifford C, Colton B, Contreras P, Corral S, Damiani S, Done M, Estradé A, Etuka B, Formica M, Furlan R, Geljic M, Germano C, Getachew R, Goncalves M, Haidar A, Hartmann J, Jo A, John O, Kerins S, Kerr M, Kesselring I, Kim H, Kim N, Kinney K, Krcmar M, Kotler E, Lafanechere M, Lee C, Llerena J, Markiewicz C, Matnejl P, Maturana A, Mavambu A, Mayol-Troncoso R, McDonnell A, McGowan A, McLaughlin D, McIlhenny R, McQueen B, Mebrahtu Y, Mensi M, Hui C, Suen Y, Wong S, Morrell N, Omar M, Partridge A, Phassouliotis C, Pichiecchio A, Politi P, Porter C, Provenzani U, Prunier N, Raj J, Ray S, Rayner V, Reyes M, Reynolds K, Rush S, Salinas C, Shetty J, Snowball C, Tod S, Turra-Fariña G, Valle D, Veale S, Whitson S, Wickham A, Youn S, Zamorano F, Zavaglia E, Zinberg J, Woods S, Shenton M. Accelerating Medicines Partnership® Schizophrenia (AMP® SCZ): Rationale and Study Design of the Largest Global Prospective Cohort Study of Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2024, 50: 496-512. PMID: 38451304, PMCID: PMC11059785, DOI: 10.1093/schbul/sbae011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchClinical high-risk individualsClinical high riskNational Institute of Mental HealthInstitute of Mental HealthAttenuated positive symptomsPersistent negative symptomsTransition to psychosisCHR statusHigh riskNegative symptomsPositive symptomsAnxiety symptomsPsychosocial functioningCognitive dataOutcomes of individualsDigital health technologiesDaily surveysPsychosisSCZPublic health needsMental healthNovel pharmacological interventionsSchizophreniaClinical outcomesHealth needsCorrection: On the proportion of patients who experience a prodrome prior to psychosis onset: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Benrimoh D, Dlugunovych V, Wright A, Phalen P, Funaro M, Ferrara M, Powers A, Woods S, Guloksuz S, Yung A, Srihari V, Shah J. Correction: On the proportion of patients who experience a prodrome prior to psychosis onset: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Molecular Psychiatry 2024, 29: 1567-1567. PMID: 38351175, DOI: 10.1038/s41380-024-02481-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOn the proportion of patients who experience a prodrome prior to psychosis onset: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Benrimoh D, Dlugunovych V, Wright A, Phalen P, Funaro M, Ferrara M, Powers A, Woods S, Guloksuz S, Yung A, Srihari V, Shah J. On the proportion of patients who experience a prodrome prior to psychosis onset: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Molecular Psychiatry 2024, 29: 1361-1381. PMID: 38302562, DOI: 10.1038/s41380-024-02415-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSources of heterogeneitySystematic reviewProportion of patientsMeta-analysisSubgroup analysisCochrane Database of Systematic ReviewsDatabase of Systematic ReviewsMeta-analysis of studies of patientsPsychosis onsetProspective cohort studyCochrane Central Register of Controlled TrialsCentral Register of Controlled TrialsRegister of Controlled TrialsAPA PsycInfoNarrative synthesisMeta-analysis estimatesCochrane Central RegisterPrevention of psychosisAscertainment methodsWeb of Science Core CollectionRecall biasQualitative studyAssess heterogeneityCohort studyOvid MEDLINEThe impact of early detection (ED) campaigns on care presentations: Beyond DUP reduction
Hazan H, Ferrara M, Riley S, Li F, Zhou B, Kline E, Gibbs-Dean T, Karmani S, Tayfur S, Tek C, Keshavan M, Srihari V. The impact of early detection (ED) campaigns on care presentations: Beyond DUP reduction. Schizophrenia Research 2024, 264: 457-461. PMID: 38266513, PMCID: PMC10923115, DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2024.01.022.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCoordinated specialty careDuration of untreated psychosisImpact of early detectionEarly detectionEarly detection campaignsSpecialty careAdjustment scoresCampaign yearDetection campaignsMediation analysisEffects of EDRegression modelsCareUntreated psychosisPositive symptomsGAFPatientsSalutary effectsRole of Early Psychosis Detection in the Relationship Between Personal Income and Duration of Untreated Psychosis
Venkataraman S, Hazan H, Li F, Ferrara M, Harper A, Ma J, Shah J, Musket C, Levine N, Keshavan M, Srihari V. Role of Early Psychosis Detection in the Relationship Between Personal Income and Duration of Untreated Psychosis. Psychiatric Services 2024, 75: 427-433. PMID: 38204369, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.20230239.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDuration of untreated psychosisFirst-episode psychosis servicesFirst-episode psychosisEarly psychosis detectionLow personal incomeSocioeconomic statusUntreated psychosisOutcome of first-episode psychosisLength of duration of untreated psychosisEffectiveness of early detectionSpecialty care clinicsProlonged duration of untreated psychosisReduce duration of untreated psychosisEffects of ageLow socioeconomic statusPersonal incomeIndicators of disparitiesEarly detection effortsAssociated with younger ageYears of educationSES indicatorsCare clinicsEarly detectionBlack raceHierarchical regressionSchizophrenia, A Practical Primer
Keshavan M, Srihari V, Reddy R. Schizophrenia, A Practical Primer. 2024 DOI: 10.4324/9781315152806.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
The effect of duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) on the risk for hospitalization after admission to a first episode service
Ferrara M, Guloksuz S, Hazan H, Li F, Tek C, Sykes L, Riley S, Keshavan M, Srihari V. The effect of duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) on the risk for hospitalization after admission to a first episode service. Schizophrenia Research 2023, 260: 198-204. PMID: 37688984, DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2023.08.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFirst-episode psychosis servicesLength of stayUntreated psychosisPsychiatric hospitalizationFirst-episode servicesDuration of hospitalizationIncidence rate ratiosNon-affective psychosisNew Haven areaPoisson regression modelsPatient characteristicsHospitalization ratesRecent onsetMedical recordsHospitalizationEffect of durationNegative binomial regressionSpecialized treatmentPsychosisRate ratioBinomial regressionAdmissionDUPEnrollmentFirst yearTowards a youth mental health paradigm: a perspective and roadmap
Uhlhaas P, Davey C, Mehta U, Shah J, Torous J, Allen N, Avenevoli S, Bella-Awusah T, Chanen A, Chen E, Correll C, Do K, Fisher H, Frangou S, Hickie I, Keshavan M, Konrad K, Lee F, Liu C, Luna B, McGorry P, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Nordentoft M, Öngür D, Patton G, Paus T, Reininghaus U, Sawa A, Schoenbaum M, Schumann G, Srihari V, Susser E, Verma S, Woo T, Yang L, Yung A, Wood S. Towards a youth mental health paradigm: a perspective and roadmap. Molecular Psychiatry 2023, 28: 3171-3181. PMID: 37580524, PMCID: PMC10618105, DOI: 10.1038/s41380-023-02202-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMental disordersSevere mental disordersEarly intervention paradigmYears of ageMost mental disordersEarly diagnosisEmergence of psychopathologyClinical careTypical onsetProtective factorsBrain developmentMental healthDiagnosisDisordersHealth paradigmMental health paradigmPsychopathologyIntervention paradigmPathogenesisYoung peopleCarePreventionAberrant Hierarchical Prediction Errors Are Associated With Transition to Psychosis: A Computational Single-Trial Analysis of the Mismatch Negativity
Hauke D, Charlton C, Schmidt A, Griffiths J, Woods S, Ford J, Srihari V, Roth V, Diaconescu A, Mathalon D. Aberrant Hierarchical Prediction Errors Are Associated With Transition to Psychosis: A Computational Single-Trial Analysis of the Mismatch Negativity. Biological Psychiatry Cognitive Neuroscience And Neuroimaging 2023, 8: 1176-1185. PMID: 37536567, DOI: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2023.07.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrecision-weighted prediction errorsHealthy control participantsCourse of schizophreniaCHR-P individualsLower-level precision-weighted prediction errorsControl participantsLow-level sensoryPredictive coding accountMismatch negativity paradigmHierarchical Gaussian FilterPrediction errorEarly psychosisSingle-trial analysisClinical high riskDouble deviantsMismatch negativityComputational mechanismsElectroencephalography amplitudeFuture psychosisComputational modelSchizophreniaPsychosisIndividualsParticipantsSensor space579. Benchmarking Observational Analyses Against Randomized Trial Results: An Application to First Episode Psychosis
Szmulewicz A, Martinez-Ales G, Ferrara M, Fredrikson D, Gago J, Srihari V, Yatham L, Conderino S, Shinn A, Ongur D, Hernán M. 579. Benchmarking Observational Analyses Against Randomized Trial Results: An Application to First Episode Psychosis. Biological Psychiatry 2023, 93: s328-s329. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.02.819.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSampling from different populations: Sociodemographic, clinical, and functional differences between samples of first episode psychosis individuals and clinical high-risk individuals who progressed to psychosis
Hagler M, Ferrara M, Yoviene Sykes L, Li F, Addington J, Bearden C, Cadenhead K, Cannon T, Cornblatt B, Perkins D, Mathalon D, Seidman L, Tsuang M, Walker E, Powers A, Allen A, Srihari V, Woods S. Sampling from different populations: Sociodemographic, clinical, and functional differences between samples of first episode psychosis individuals and clinical high-risk individuals who progressed to psychosis. Schizophrenia Research 2023, 255: 239-245. PMID: 37028205, PMCID: PMC10207144, DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2023.03.047.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFirst-episode psychosis servicesClinical high riskClinical high-risk individualsEarly detectionFirst-episode psychosis individualsRecent psychiatric hospitalizationCourse of illnessHigh-risk individualsAttenuated positive symptomsCHR researchGeographic catchmentSyndromal psychosisPsychosis individualsPsychiatric hospitalizationEarly intervention effortsHigh riskPsychosis servicesPositive symptomsGlobal functioningClinical resourcesProtective factorsDifferent populationsFE participantsGeneralizability of findingsFES program
DUP redux: Observations vs. experiments in early intervention (invited commentary on Nkire et al.)
Srihari V, Li F. DUP redux: Observations vs. experiments in early intervention (invited commentary on Nkire et al.). Schizophrenia Research 2022, 251: 46-48. PMID: 36565532, DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2022.12.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGranular analysis of pathways to care and durations of untreated psychosis: A marginal delay model
Mathis W, Ferrara M, Burke S, Hyun E, Li F, Zhou B, Cahill J, Kline E, Keshavan M, Srihari V. Granular analysis of pathways to care and durations of untreated psychosis: A marginal delay model. PLOS ONE 2022, 17: e0270234. PMID: 36472968, PMCID: PMC9725156, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0270234.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchUntreated psychosisAntipsychotic prescriptionsEarly detection campaignsPatient characteristics influencesEarly detection effortsPatient characteristicsClinical nodesLonger DUPFunctional declineOutpatient programPsychosis onsetSpecialized treatmentPsychosisNumber of daysDetection campaignsNetworks of careHigh functioningPrescriptionEnrollmentPTCDurationStart datePromoting the Success and Sustainability of Coordinated Specialty Care Teams in Ohio
Breitborde N, Parris C, Stearns W, Nawaz S, Seiber E, Hamilton S, Hefner J, Hogan T, Singh P, Knudsen K, Martt N, Srihari V, Cahill J, Jani A, Anagbonu F, Baughman C, Carpenter K, Dunivant C, Dunlap N, Guirgis H, Lazarus S, Moe A, Nguyen C, Wastler H, Montesano V. Promoting the Success and Sustainability of Coordinated Specialty Care Teams in Ohio. Psychiatric Services 2022, 74: 766-769. PMID: 36415991, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.20220126.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPredictability modulates neural response to eye contact in ASD
Naples AJ, Foss-Feig JH, Wolf JM, Srihari VH, McPartland JC. Predictability modulates neural response to eye contact in ASD. Molecular Autism 2022, 13: 42. PMID: 36309762, PMCID: PMC9618208, DOI: 10.1186/s13229-022-00519-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAutism spectrum disorderEvent-related potentialsNeural responsesAdult participantsAmplitude of N170Perception of gazeP300 event-related potentialExperiment twoN170 responseAnxiety symptomologyCognitive abilitiesNeural basisExperiment oneNeural processingASD sampleSpectrum disorderInterpersonal interactionsN170P300 responseAutistic womenEye contactEye trackingSocial interactionSocial contextSocial world