Mati MarcanoFaculty Affairs and Visa CoordinatorCardsContact Infomatilde.marcano@yale.edu203.737.4276Learn moreabout Contact InfoAboutGet In TouchMati MarcanoAboutCopy LinkTitlesFaculty Affairs and Visa CoordinatorGet In TouchCopy LinkContactsEmailmatilde.marcano@yale.eduAcademic Office Number203.737.4276LocationsNeurology- Vascular StrokeAcademic OfficeLippard Lab for Clinical Investigation15 York Street, Fl 10th floor, Rm 1003New Haven, CT 06510Get Directions
Neurology- Vascular StrokeAcademic OfficeLippard Lab for Clinical Investigation15 York Street, Fl 10th floor, Rm 1003New Haven, CT 06510Get Directions