Synaptic Reorganization in the Substantia Gelatinosa After Peripheral Nerve Neuroma Formation: Aberrant Innervation of Lamina II Neurons by Aβ Afferents
Kohama I, Ishikawa K, Kocsis J. Synaptic Reorganization in the Substantia Gelatinosa After Peripheral Nerve Neuroma Formation: Aberrant Innervation of Lamina II Neurons by Aβ Afferents. Journal Of Neuroscience 2000, 20: 1538-1549. PMID: 10662843, PMCID: PMC2605372, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.20-04-01538.2000.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLamina II neuronsSciatic nerve sectionLaminae IIINeuroma formationNerve sectionLamina IIDorsal hornNerve stimulationMonosynaptic EPSPsAbeta fibersControl slicesSpinal cord dorsal horn neuronsExtracellular field potential recordingsLow-threshold stimulationDorsal horn neuronsDorsal root axonsLow-threshold mechanoreceptorsSpinal cord slicesShort-latency responsesTransverse slice preparationHorseradish peroxidase labelingField potential recordingsLaminae IAberrant innervationSubstantia gelatinosa
The role of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in anoxic injury of spinal cord white matter
Imaizumi T, Kocsis J, Waxman S. The role of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in anoxic injury of spinal cord white matter. Brain Research 1999, 817: 84-92. PMID: 9889329, DOI: 10.1016/s0006-8993(98)01214-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVoltage-gated Ca2Spinal cord axonsAnoxic injuryDorsal columnsR-type voltage-gated Ca2N-type calcium channelsSpinal cord white matterRat dorsal columnsDorsal column axonsR-type Ca2Rat spinal cordCord white matterT-type channelsInflux of Ca2Dose-dependent mannerLoss of conductionAxonal conductionSpinal cordChannel blockersCalcium channelsSurface stimulationWhite matterPerfusion solutionInjuryGlass microelectrodes
Nuclear and cytoplasmic Ca2+ signals in developing rat dorsal root ganglion neurons studied in excised tissue
Utzschneider D, Rand M, Waxman S, Kocsis J. Nuclear and cytoplasmic Ca2+ signals in developing rat dorsal root ganglion neurons studied in excised tissue. Brain Research 1994, 635: 231-237. PMID: 8173960, DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(94)91444-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDorsal root ganglion neuronsEmbryonic DRG neuronsDepolarization-induced Ca2DRG neuronsGanglion neuronsRat dorsal root ganglion neuronsAdult dorsal root ganglion neuronsCytoplasmic Ca2Sensitive fluorescent dye fluo-3Rat DRG neuronsDorsal root gangliaExcised dorsal root gangliaFluorescent dye fluo-3Postnatal time periodsElevated extracellular potassiumEarly postnatal time periodsBrief electrical stimuliNuclear Ca2Dye Fluo-3Neonatal gangliaNeonatal neuronsTarget innervationRoot gangliaAdult neuronsEmbryonic neurons
Increased spike‐frequency adaptation and tea sensitivity in dorsal root fibers after sciatic nerve injury
Utzschneider D, Bhisitkhul R, Kocsis J. Increased spike‐frequency adaptation and tea sensitivity in dorsal root fibers after sciatic nerve injury. Muscle & Nerve 1993, 16: 958-963. PMID: 8355727, DOI: 10.1002/mus.880160912.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCompound action potentialDorsal root axonsNerve injuryDorsal rootsPotassium channel blockerAction potentialsSciatic nerveChannel blockersSpike adaptationSciatic nerve injuryPeripheral nerve injurySucrose gap chamberBrief tetanic stimulationDorsal root fibersWhole nerve recordingsSpike frequency adaptationTransection groupBurst dischargesTetanic stimulationNerve recordingsControl groupInjuryRoot fibersBurst responseNerve
Conduction properties of spinal cord axons in the myelin-deficient rat mutant
Utzschneider D, Black J, Kocsis J. Conduction properties of spinal cord axons in the myelin-deficient rat mutant. Neuroscience 1992, 49: 221-228. PMID: 1407548, DOI: 10.1016/0306-4522(92)90090-o.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDorsal column axonsMyelin-deficient rat mutantsSpinal cordFrequency-dependent conduction blockNormal age-matched ratsBrain slice chamberMyelin-deficient rat spinal cordAction potential dischargeRat mutantAge-matched ratsRat spinal cordSpinal cord axonsAction potential conductionControl ratsDemyelinated axonsConduction blockConduction velocityRefractory periodPotential dischargeControl axonsSlice chamberPharmacological resultsPotential conductionAxonsCompensatory mechanisms
Tea‐sensitive potassium channels and inward rectification in regenerated rat sciatic nerve
Gardon T, Kocsis J, Waxman S. Tea‐sensitive potassium channels and inward rectification in regenerated rat sciatic nerve. Muscle & Nerve 1991, 14: 640-646. PMID: 1922170, DOI: 10.1002/mus.880140707.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCompound action potentialRat sciatic nerveNerve crushRegenerated axonsSciatic nerveRegenerated nervesInward rectificationIntra-axonal recording techniquesAdult rat sciatic nerveTEA-sensitive potassium channelsPotassium channelsRegenerated rat sciatic nerveSucrose gap recordingsSciatic nerve crushPeripheral nerve axonsWhole nerve recordingsIntra-axonal recordingsVoltage-sensitive sodium channelsCrush injuryNormal nervesSensitive relaxationRepetitive stimulationAfterhyperpolarizationGap recordingsNerve recordings
Elevated extracellular potassium concentration enhances synaptic activation of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors in hippocampus
Poolos N, Kocsis J. Elevated extracellular potassium concentration enhances synaptic activation of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors in hippocampus. Brain Research 1990, 508: 7-12. PMID: 2159824, DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(90)91110-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNMDA receptor activationNMDA receptorsReceptor activationNMDA receptor-mediated componentN-methyl-D-aspartate receptorsElevated extracellular potassium concentrationReceptor-mediated componentReceptor-mediated conductanceChannel blocker tetraethylammoniumCentral nervous systemExtracellular potassium concentrationExtracellular potassium ion concentrationSlowed repolarizationOrthodromic stimulationPotassium equilibrium potentialCA1 regionPyramidal cellsRat hippocampusSynaptic activationBlocker tetraethylammoniumPostsynaptic activityRepetitive stimulationNeuronal activityNervous systemReceptors
Diminished dorsal root GABA sensitivity following chronic peripheral nerve injury
Kingery W, Fields R, Kocsis J. Diminished dorsal root GABA sensitivity following chronic peripheral nerve injury. Experimental Neurology 1988, 100: 478-490. PMID: 3366201, DOI: 10.1016/0014-4886(88)90033-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAction PotentialsAnimalsAxonsDenervationElectric Stimulationgamma-Aminobutyric AcidNerve CrushPeripheral NervesSpinal Nerve RootsTime FactorsConceptsGamma-aminobutyric acidPrimary afferent depolarizationDorsal rootsGABA sensitivityNerve lesionsSciatic nerveDorsal root compound action potentialsChronic peripheral nerve injurySciatic crush injurySciatic nerve lesionChronic pain syndromeLumbar dorsal rootsPeripheral nerve injuryPeripheral nerve lesionsPeripheral nerve transectionSucrose gap chamberCompound action potentialDorsal root fibersRat lumbar dorsal rootsDorsal root axotomyPain syndromeNerve injuryCrush injuryNerve transectionSciatic axotomyBuspirone attenuates synaptic activation of hippocampal pyramidal cells
Mauk, Peroutka S, Kocsis J. Buspirone attenuates synaptic activation of hippocampal pyramidal cells. Journal Of Neuroscience 1988, 8: 1-11. PMID: 3339401, PMCID: PMC6569355, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.08-01-00001.1988.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsExcitatory postsynaptic potentialsPyramidal cellsStratum radiatumSynaptic activationAfferent fibersHippocampal CA1 pyramidal cellsInput resistanceStimulation of afferentsEffects of buspironeCA1 pyramidal cellsHippocampal pyramidal cellsPostsynaptic potentialsPresynaptic fibersConduction slowingFiber excitabilitySpike activityAnxiolytic agentsBuspironeRefractory periodRadiatumRapid hyperpolarizationReceptor sitesMeasurable effectExcitabilityMembrane potential
Activity-evoked increases in extracellular potassium modulate presynaptic excitability in the CA1 region of the hippocampus
Poolos N, Mauk M, Kocsis J. Activity-evoked increases in extracellular potassium modulate presynaptic excitability in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. Journal Of Neurophysiology 1987, 58: 404-416. PMID: 3655875, DOI: 10.1152/jn.1987.58.2.404.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAction PotentialsAnimalsElectric StimulationFemaleHippocampusIn Vitro TechniquesPotassiumRatsRats, Inbred StrainsReaction TimeConceptsEnd of stimulationConduction velocityRepetitive stimulationCA1 afferentsStratum radiatumCA1 regionPostsynaptic elementsPostsynaptic activityBiphasic changeRat hippocampal slice preparationCompound action potentialHippocampal slice preparationCharacteristic field potentialHigher stimulation frequenciesPostsynaptic modulationPresynaptic volleyKynurenic acidPyramidal cellsSlice preparationPresynaptic axonsPresynaptic excitabilitySynaptic transmissionConduction blockIon-sensitive microelectrodesPostsynaptic activation
The supernormal period of the cerebellar parallel fibers effects of [Ca2+]o and [K+]o
Malenka R, Kocsis J, Waxman S. The supernormal period of the cerebellar parallel fibers effects of [Ca2+]o and [K+]o. Pflügers Archiv - European Journal Of Physiology 1983, 397: 176-183. PMID: 6878005, DOI: 10.1007/bf00584354.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAxonsCalciumCerebellar CortexElectric StimulationExtracellular SpaceMaleMicroelectrodesNerve FibersPerfusionPotassiumRatsRats, Inbred StrainsConceptsSupernormal periodConditioning stimulationActivity-dependent changesParallel fibersCerebellar parallel fibersConditioning volleyIon-sensitive microelectrodesConditioning stimulusExtracellular calciumLatency changesLatency shiftCortex exhibitExtracellular ionic concentrationsTest response latenciesTest latencyStimulationResponse latencyRelative increaseSmall increaseLatencyPeriodSuperfusateExcitabilityEffects of extracellular potassium concentration on the excitability of the parallel fibres of the rat cerebellum.
Kocsis J, Malenka R, Waxman S. Effects of extracellular potassium concentration on the excitability of the parallel fibres of the rat cerebellum. The Journal Of Physiology 1983, 334: 225-244. PMID: 6864558, PMCID: PMC1197311, DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.1983.sp014491.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Effects of GABA on stimulus-evoked changes in [K+]o and parallel fiber excitability.
Malenka R, Kocsis J. Effects of GABA on stimulus-evoked changes in [K+]o and parallel fiber excitability. Journal Of Neurophysiology 1982, 48: 608-621. PMID: 6290614, DOI: 10.1152/jn.1982.48.3.608.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntra-axonal recordings in rat dorsal column axons: membrane hyperpolarization and decreased excitability precede the primary afferent depolarization
Kocsis J, Waxman S. Intra-axonal recordings in rat dorsal column axons: membrane hyperpolarization and decreased excitability precede the primary afferent depolarization. Brain Research 1982, 238: 222-227. PMID: 6282392, DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(82)90787-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrimary afferent depolarizationIntra-axonal recordingsRat lumbosacral spinal cordDorsal column stimulationDorsal root potentialsLumbosacral spinal cordDorsal column axonsDorsal columnsDorsal rootsAxonal depolarizationRoot potentialsSpinal cordGABA responsesNeuronal elementsIntracellular correlatesProlonged depolarizationMembrane hyperpolarizationHyperpolarizationDepolarizationExcitability
Effects of 4-aminopyridine on the frequency following properties of the parallel fibers of the cerebellar cortex
Kocsis J, Malenka R, Waxman S. Effects of 4-aminopyridine on the frequency following properties of the parallel fibers of the cerebellar cortex. Brain Research 1980, 195: 511-516. PMID: 6249447, DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(80)90090-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAminopyridinesAnimalsCerebellar CortexElectric StimulationEvoked PotentialsMaleNerve FibersNeural ConductionPotassiumRatsSynaptic Transmission
Dependence of refractory period measurements on conduction distance: A computer simulation analysis
Waxman S, Kocsis J, Brill M, Swadlow H. Dependence of refractory period measurements on conduction distance: A computer simulation analysis. Clinical Neurophysiology 1979, 47: 717-724. PMID: 91501, DOI: 10.1016/0013-4694(79)90299-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchA supernormal period in central axons following single cell stimulation
Kocsis J, VanderMaelen C. A supernormal period in central axons following single cell stimulation. Experimental Brain Research 1979, 36: 381-386. PMID: 488207, DOI: 10.1007/bf00238919.Peer-Reviewed Original Research