Transplantation of an acutely isolated bone marrow fraction repairs demyelinated adult rat spinal cord axons
Sasaki M, Honmou O, Akiyama Y, Uede T, Hashi K, Kocsis J. Transplantation of an acutely isolated bone marrow fraction repairs demyelinated adult rat spinal cord axons. Glia 2001, 35: 26-34. PMID: 11424189, PMCID: PMC2605363, DOI: 10.1002/glia.1067.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAnimals, Newbornbeta-GalactosidaseBone Marrow TransplantationCells, CulturedEthidiumGlial Fibrillary Acidic ProteinImmunohistochemistryMiceMice, TransgenicMyeloid Progenitor CellsNerve Fibers, MyelinatedNerve RegenerationNeurogliaRatsRats, WistarRecovery of FunctionSpinal CordSpinal Cord InjuriesConceptsBone marrow cellsSpinal cordMyelin-forming cellsMarrow cellsDemyelinated rat spinal cordRat spinal cord axonsDorsal column lesionBone marrow cell fractionRat spinal cordX-irradiation treatmentSpinal cord axonsLacZ transgenic miceSchwann cell myelinationCell fractionCell transplantation techniquesDorsal funiculusPeripheral patternTransgenic miceTransplantation techniquesHematopoietic stem cellsIsolated cell fractionsCordFemoral bonePrecursor cellsTransplantation