Chronic headaches after traumatic brain injury: Diagnostic complexity associated with increased cost.
McGeary D, Swan A, Kennedy E, Dismuke-Greer C, McGeary C, Sico J, Amuan M, Manhapra A, Bouldin E, Watson P, Kenney K, Myers M, Werner J, Mitchell J, Carlson K, Delgado R, Esmaeili A, Pugh M. Chronic headaches after traumatic brain injury: Diagnostic complexity associated with increased cost. Neurorehabilitation 2024, 55: 303-317. PMID: 39422976, PMCID: PMC11613006, DOI: 10.3233/nre-230277.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTraumatic brain injuryChronic headacheTraumatic brain injury diagnosisPost-9/11-era veteransPost-traumatic headacheAssociated with higher costsCare burdenBrain injuryHealthcare costsHeadache diagnosisEra veteransClinical characteristicsHeadache disordersHigher expendituresCareVeteransIndividual headachesHigh costHeadacheIntensive treatmentRefractory headacheOutcomesDiagnosisInjuryConfounding
Studying classic psychedelics for the management of headache disorders: Considerations for Veterans
Schindler E, Sico J. Studying classic psychedelics for the management of headache disorders: Considerations for Veterans. Journal Of Military Veteran And Family Health 2023, 9: 88-95. DOI: 10.3138/jmvfh-2023-0006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHeadache disordersCluster headacheLysergic acid diethylamideTreatment optionsBrain injuryTherapeutic effectAcid diethylamideTraumatic brain injuryConventional treatment optionsTrials of psilocybinMilitary membersPoor qualityPsychedelic drugsSummary PatientsHead traumaAvailable treatmentsHeadache managementHeadache treatmentCommon conditionHigh riskSide effectsSignificant disabilityHeadacheMore researchPoor efficacyCommon Pathways of Epileptogenesis in Patients With Epilepsy Post–Brain Injury
Misra S, Khan E, Lam T, Mazumder R, Gururangan K, Hickman L, Goswami V, Funaro M, Eldem E, Sansing L, Sico J, Quinn T, Liebeskind D, Montaner J, Kwan P, Mishra N. Common Pathways of Epileptogenesis in Patients With Epilepsy Post–Brain Injury. Neurology 2023, 101: e2243-e2256. PMID: 37550071, PMCID: PMC10727219, DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000207749.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsStandardized mean differencePoststroke epilepsyBrain injuryGenetic susceptibilityDisparate time pointsRisk of epileptogenesisLate-onset seizuresDevelopment of epilepsyBlood glucose levelsTraumatic brain injuryMean biomarker levelsIndividual genetic susceptibilityWeb of ScienceReported biomarkersPrimary outcomeEpileptogenic processBiofluid biomarkersBias assessmentBiomarker levelsCommon biological pathwaysEnrichment analysisGlucose levelsHigh riskPrognostic studiesEpilepsy
Characteristics and Gender Differences of Headache in the Veterans Health Administration
Sico JJ, Seng E, Wang K, Skanderson M, Schindler E, Ney JP, Lorenze N, Kimber A, Lindsey H, Grinberg AS, Kuruvilla D, Higgins D, Graham G, Sandbrink F, Scholten J, Shapiro RE, Lipton RB, Fenton B. Characteristics and Gender Differences of Headache in the Veterans Health Administration. Neurology 2022, 99: e1993-e2005. PMID: 36100437, PMCID: PMC9651459, DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000200905.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVeterans Health AdministrationHeadache diagnosisHealthcare utilizationIncidence rateHeadache careHeadache typesHealth AdministrationSociodemographic characteristicsMilitary-related exposuresAge-adjusted incidenceEmergency department utilizationElectronic health record dataRetrospective cohort designType of headacheHigh incidence rateTraumatic brain injuryUnited States veteransHealth record dataPost-traumatic stress disorderGender differencesMilitary sexual traumaHeadache disordersBrain injuryHeadache specialistsCohort design
Suicide Attempts in US Veterans with Chronic Headache Disorders: A 10-Year Retrospective Cohort Study
Androulakis XM, Guo S, Zhang J, Sico J, Warren P, Giakas A, Li X, Peterlin BL, Mathew R, Reyes D. Suicide Attempts in US Veterans with Chronic Headache Disorders: A 10-Year Retrospective Cohort Study. Journal Of Pain Research 2021, 14: 2629-2639. PMID: 34466030, PMCID: PMC8403028, DOI: 10.2147/jpr.s322432.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTraumatic brain injuryRisk of SAChronic pain conditionsChronic headacheChronic painSuicide attemptsPain conditionsAnnual incidenceHealth administrative dataHighest annual incidenceMultivariable Poisson regressionLarge-scale retrospective analysisChronic headPsychiatric comorbidityRetrospective studyBrain injuryRelative riskRetrospective analysisHeadachePainPoisson regressionVeteransAdministrative dataRiskDemographic factors