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Fuyao Chen

MD-PhD Student, Biomedical Engineering

She/her/hers Year 5

Hometown: Shanghai, China

Undergraduate Institution: Vanderbilt University

Gap year activities and length: 2-years, work as a research engineer and clinic coordinator

Identities, affiliations, experiences, and or DEI-related activities you are involved in: I am a first-generation college student and an international student (still on F1 visa). From my personal experiences, I am very interested in the intersection of cultural and socioeconomic barriers in medical education and training. I have previously had the honor to serve on the national board of National First-Generation and Low-Income in Medicine Association. I'm also participating in the PATHS program (Program to Advance Training in Health and Sciences) to support students of disadvantaged backgrounds with their goal to apply to graduate and/or medical schools.

Something outside of academia you are proud of: Working on my first crocheting project right now, and it does look like a scarf :)

Also an academic PASS mentor