Brandon Lee, MD/PhD
Clinical Fellow
Residency Program: Yale Internal Medicine (Infectious Disease); 3rd year fellow (PGY5)
MSTP Program: University of Chicago, MD 2020, PhD (Immunology) 2018
Undergraduate: University of Chicago, Chemistry, 2011
Research Interest: I am a clinical fellow in the Section of Infectious Disease and a postdoctoral fellow in Noah Palm’s lab. My wet lab research focus is on understanding the pathophysiology of critical illness and how the microbiome influences sepsis. I am skilled in conducting traditional and gnotobiotic animal experiments, infection modeling, bacterial genomics, flow cytometry and sorting, vaccine development, and gut microbiome analysis, to name a few! In the clinical research world, I am conducting studies which aim to identify risk factors for critical illness development in patients with bacteremia. Feel free to reach out and ask me anything!
Personal Interests/hobbies: Outdoor activities, including kayaking, white water rafting, hiking, biking or just a nice long walk. Taking on new fitness goals regularly. Reading anything history. Staying up late discussing ridiculous ‘what if’ scenarios with equally inquisitive and ridiculous friends.