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Yale Clinical Neuroscience Neuroanalytics

The research efforts of the Yale Clinical Neuroscience Group for Neuroanalytics (Yale Neuroscience Neuroanalytics, YNN) broadly involve the disciplines of neuroengineering, computer science, mathematics, functional neurosurgery, neurology, cognitive neuroscience, neurobiology, and neurochemistry. Our work is translational with interdisciplinary faculty and students, as well as projects that involve both academia and industry. Projects, which are supported by government and foundation grants, include fabrication of brain sensing and modulatory devices, brain computer interfaces, computational electrophysiology in epilepsy, a multimodal interactive brain atlas, neurochemical analysis of brain rhythms, and algorithms to personalize future therapies in neurological disorders.

December 2022

  • Hari McGrath, Evan Collins, Kelly Pu, Omar Chishti and Drs. Sivaraju, Duckrow, Zaveri and Spencer attend the annual American Epilepsy Society meeting in Nashville, Tenn. They contribute four posters and one platform presentation.
  • Dr. Zaveri presents “Neuromodulation for Epilepsy” at the Seventh Annual Selected Topics in Neuroplastic & Reconstructive Surgery: An International Symposium on Head/Spine Trauma, Cranioplasty and Implantable Neurotechnologies with Cadaver Lab on December 9–11, 2022 in Miami, Fla.
  • A special issue entitled “The Network Theory of Epilepsy at Twenty” is announced in Frontiers in Network Physiology to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of Dr. Susan Spencer’s impactful paper on the network theory of epilepsy. The special issue will be edited by Drs. Zaveri, Lehnertz (University of Bonn) and Spencer.

November 2022

  • Hari McGrath, Omar Chishti, Alex King, Kelly Pu, Evan Collins, Elizabeth Watson and Marcus Woods present “The Yale Brain Atlas One Year On” at the Yale Epilepsy Program MACSIE seminar series.
  • Omar Chishti attends the Annual Society for Neuroscience meeting in San Diego, Calif..

October 2022

  • Dr. Zaveri presents “The Network Theory of Epilepsy” at the Yale Neuroscience Grand Rounds.

August 2022

  • The lab receives a NIH UG3 award for the NeuroProbe project (PIs: Spencer, Reed, Nami and Zaveri). The goal of the project is to develop a device for intracranial multimodal physiological monitoring in traumatic brain injury (TBI), obtain an IDE from the FDA, and complete a clinical trial at Yale.
  • Evan Collins begins his doctoral studies in biomedical engineering at MIT.
  • Marcus Woods joins the lab to work on a virtual reality interface for the Yale Brain Atlas.
  • Dr. Nami leaves Yale University for Apple.

June 2022

  • Kelly Pu (Columbia, BME) joins the lab as a postgraduate research associate.
  • Omar Chishti (Yale, BME) joins the lab as a postgraduate research associate.

May 2022

  • Tamara Jafar completes her year as a postgraduate research associate at the lab.
  • Congratulations to our graduating seniors, Daniel Bacheschi (BS electrical engineering), Omar Chisti (BS biomedical engineering), Evan Collins (BS biomedical engineering/MS) and Alice Huang (BS biomedical engineering).
  • Congratulations to Evan Collins for winning the D. Allan Bromley Prize awarded to the top student in biomedical engineering.


Group Contact: Dennis Spencer

Neuroengineering: Hitten Zaveri

Brain Atlas: Dennis Spencer

Computational Neurophysiology: Hitten Zaveri

Neurochemistry: Tore Eid