Last month’s 2018 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) annual meeting in Seattle, Washington saw a strong presence from the Yale Child Study Center.
Several trainees across the medical school and Child Study Center received awards for their research and academic accomplishments.
- Tanuja Gandhi received the Educational Outreach Travel Award
- Amalia Londono Tobon and Hannah Reed (now a postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University) received recognition for their AACAP Pilot Research Awards
- Jennifer Dwyer received recognition for her Depression Fellowship from the Klingenstein Third Generation Foundation (KTGF)
Several medical students were honored for receiving Summer Medical Research Fellowships through AACAP (Gao and Desir) and Lifemember travel awards (Carly Kawanishi).
Faculty mentors Linda Mayes and Michael Bloch, who helped sponsored these awards, were also acknowledged at AACAP.
Congratulations to our award winners and thank you to our presenters and all of our community members who represented the Yale Child Study Center at this year’s AACAP!
Christopher Hammond, a recent Solnit graduate, was honored for his mentorship of a trainee who received the AACAP Jeanne Spurlock Minority Medical Student Award for substance abuse research.
The Yale Child Study Center’s presenters and co-authors of presentations included: Jean Adnopoz, MPH; Bekir Artukoglu; Michael Bloch, MD, MS; Julie Chilton, MD; Eileen Condon, APRN, MS, PhD; Jennifer Dwyer, MD, PhD; Thomas Fernandez, MD; Lucy Gao, BA; Dylan Gee, PhD; Theresa Gladstone, BA; Bethany Goodhue, BS; Ellen Hoffman, MD, PhD; Margaret Holland, MPH, MS, PhD; Karim Ibrahim, PsyD; Liliya Katsovich, MA, MBA; Hedy Kober, PhD; James Leckman, MD; Patricia Leebens, MD; Alan Lewis MD, PhD; Amalia Londono Tobon, MD; Carolyn Marsh, BA; Andres Martin, MD, MPH; Linda C. Mayes, MD; Rebecca Muhle, MD, PhD; Emily Olfson, MD, PhD; Aaron Roberto, MD; Helena Rutherford, PhD; Lois Sadler, PhD, RN; David Saunders, MD, PhD; John Schowalter, MD; Arietta Slade, PhD; Kunmi Sobowale, MD; Dorothy Stubbe, MD; Denis Sukhodolsky, PhD; Nathalie Szilagyi, MD; Timothy Van Deusen, MD; Larry Vitulano, ABPP, PhD; Joseph Woolston, MD.
Congratulations to our award winners and thank you to our presenters and all of our community members who represented the Yale Child Study Center at this year’s AACAP!
Featured in this article
- Michael Bloch, MD, MS
- Julie Chilton, MD
- Jennifer Buenzle Dwyer, MD, PhD
- Thomas Fernandez, MD
- Dylan Gee, PhD
- Ellen J. Hoffman, MD, PhD
- Margaret Holland, PhD, MPH
- Karim Ibrahim
- Liliya Katsovich, MS, MBA
- Hedy Kober
- James Leckman, MD, PhD
- Patricia Leebens, MD
- Amalia Londono Tobon, MD
- Andrés S Martin, MD, PhD
- Linda Mayes, MD
- Rebecca Muhle, MD, PhD
- Emily Olfson, MD, PhD
- Aaron J. Roberto, MD
- Helena Rutherford, PhD
- Lois S. Sadler, FAAN, RN, PhD
- David Saunders, MD, PhD
- John Schowalter, MD
- Arietta Slade, PhD
- Dorothy Stubbe, MD
- Denis Sukhodolsky, PhD
- Lawrence A. Vitulano, PhD, ABPP
- Joseph Woolston, MD