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Chemical Metabolism Core

The Chemical Metabolism Core (CMC) offers cutting edge technology, to measure targeted and untargeted metabolomics (6600+ QToF SelexION), to calculate metabolic fluxes from stable isotope labeled samples (6500+ QQQ SelexION LC-MS/MS), and to measure cellular respiration (Agilent Seahorse XF 96 Pro). Each of these can be integrated for global and focused investigation of mitochondrial biochemistry and cell metabolism. All of our subcores including additional services for the isolation of rodent islets and islet functional studies are described below.

Data will only be retained in the CMC for 2 years after the data has posted. Therefore, we strongly recommend saving your data as soon as possible and creating your own back up copy for your records.

2023-24 Rates

Rate changes for each of our core services have been updated for the 2023-2024 fiscal year and go into effect on July 1st, 2023.


Stephan Siebel, M.D., Ph.D., Technical Director of the Yale CMC