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Everyday Communication - Part 2

In the latest SANA blog post, the second in a four-part series, social worker and speech and language pathologist Megan Lyons offers a multitude of tips for utilizing everyday activities to promote communication at home. In this second part, she discusses tips for helping children with turn-taking skills. Check out part one for tips for helping children with imitation skills!

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  • Everyday Communication - Part 1

    In the latest Social and Affective Neuroscience of Autism (SANA) blog post, the first in a four-part series, social worker and speech and language pathologist Megan Lyons offers a multitude of tips for utilizing everyday activities to promote communication at home. In this first part, she discusses tips for helping children with imitation skills.

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  • The Power of the Breath

    In this blog post, Karyn Bailey, LCSW, offers advice on the value of deep breathing. This is a step-by-step guide to learning a simple but very effective technique to help alleviate stress, for adults and children alike.

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  • Self-Care Strategies for Parents & Caregivers - Part 2

    In the latest Social and Affective Neuroscience of Autism (SANA) blog post, Yale Child Study Center Social Worker Amy Giguere Carney writes about how parenting can be a rich, joyful, fulfilling experience -- and can also be incredibly stressful and exhausting, often more so for parents of children with special needs. Several strategies and practices to employ are offered to help manage this stress. This is the second part of self-care strategies.

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