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Clinical Services

The Yale Toddler Developmental Disabilities Clinic specializes in providing clinical services for young children and their families.

Diagnostic Services

We provide multi-disciplinary assessments for infants and young children suspected of having Autism Spectrum Disorder, genetic disorders (e.g., Fragile X, Down or Rett Syndrome), global developmental or language delays, as well as emotional or behavioral challenges.

Our teams consist of highly experienced clinical psychologists, speech and language pathologists and clinical social workers.

Evaluations are comprehensive and tailored to the individual needs of the child and the family. Parents have the opportunity to discuss the results of the evaluation and implications with the clinical team. Parents also receive a written diagnostic summary and individualized recommendations.

Outpatient Services:

  • Parent Support and Training
  • Record Review
  • Consultation to pediatricians, early intervention providers, and school professionals

Additional Information:

For more information about the Yale Developmental Disabilities Clinic, please contact Brigid Gordon - (203) 764-8455.