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Infectious Diseases Newsletter

November 28, 2022

Welcome from Erol Fikrig, MD

Greetings from New Haven, Conn. The clinicians, researchers, educators, and staff within Yale Department of Internal Medicine’s Section of Infectious Diseases are on the leading edge of scientific discovery in research, education, and clinical care. We created this triannual newsletter to share the news out of our section.

In this first issue, we highlight recent recognition received by our faculty and staff, along with discoveries in the lab and in the hospital. Also included is an overview of HIV/AIDS care at Yale, and features on our fellow Eric Elliott, MD, PhD, and one of our junior faculty and “rising stars,” Shelli Farhadian, MD, PhD.

I am excited to share the inaugural issue of Yale's Infectious Diseases newsletter. I'd like to hear your news as well. Please contact me, my email address is hyperlinked below.


Erol Fikrig, MD
Waldemar Von Zedtwitz Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases), and Professor of Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases), and of Microbial Pathogenesis
Section Chief, Infectious Diseases
Yale Department of Internal Medicine, Yale School of Medicine

Fall 2022

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