Lynn Madden, PhD, MPA
Assistant Professor AdjunctCards
Since 2004, the focus of my work has been the relationship between improved access to care, particularly mental health, substance abuse and infectious diseases treatment, and the resultant improvements in both patient outcomes and financial performance. I have contributed to the refinement and theoretical understanding of the rapid cycle process improvement model as advanced by NIATX ( headquartered at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I have used this model as both a coach and a researcher in working with individual organizations, state level learning collaboratives, and learning collaboratives composed of organizations throughout the US and in Ukraine. Specific contributions to science cluster in three areas: Improving Access to and Retention in Substance Abuse Treatment, Enhancing Integration Between Substance Abuse Treatment Services and Infectious Diseases, and
Developing Strategies for Systems and Clinicians to Respond Effectively to Complex Patients.
- October 27, 2023
NIDA Invests Nearly $7M to Address the Opioid Crisis Among Women Who Experience Intimate Partner Violence
- July 21, 2023
Ukrainian Refugees Face High Barriers to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment, Yale Study Finds
- November 16, 2022
Discoveries & Impact (November 2022)
- October 10, 2022
Patients Receiving Methadone Treatment Prefer Clinicians Use Medically Accurate and Destigmatizing Language