Yale Endocrine Neoplasia Clinic Faculty
Endocrinologists include Drs. Clemens Bergwitz, Elizabeth Holt, Silvio Inzucchi, Grace Lee, Patricia Peter and Olga Sakharova.
Affiliated surgeons in the Yale Section of Surgical Endocrinology include Drs. Tobias Carling, Glenda Callender and Courtney Gibson.
Affiliated surgeons in the Yale Department of Neurosurgery include Drs. Dennis Spencer, Ketan Bulsara and Sacit Bulent Omay.In addition, the Clinic has close working relationships with the Section of Nuclear Medicine, The Yale Bone Center (DEXA), the Departments of Pathology and Diagnostic Imaging (Ultrasound, CT, MRI) and the Department of Oncology Genetics.
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology); Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Coordinator, Endocrinology