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During his childhood in Wolcott, Conn., Karl Insogna’s parents instilled in him a few life lessons. Insogna, MD, FACP, Ensign Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology); director, Yale Bone Center; and associate director, Yale Center for X-Linked Hypophosphatemia; was taught to strive to leave the world a better place than you found it, and to do something to help others.
- September 14, 2023
Millions of patients die each year from critical illnesses that involve sepsis, which is a condition that disrupts the normal balance of body systems due to an infection and is associated with high inflammation.
- July 27, 2023
Gerald I. Shulman, MD, PhD, George R. Cowgill Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology) and professor of cellular and molecular physiology, received the 2023 European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)-Lilly Centennial Anniversary Prize. The award recognizes individual researchers who have made landmark achievements in the pathogenesis of diabetes.
- July 18, 2023
A new Yale study has found a possible explanation for why breastfeeding can provide protection.
- June 30, 2023
Yale researchers are seeing significant results in clinical trials involving the newest generation of anti-obesity medications.
- June 16, 2023Source: Yale News
In a new study led by Mireille Serlie, MD, PhD, professor of medicine (endocrinology), researchers found that while the detection of nutrients in the stomach does induce brain activity changes in lean people, such brain responses are largely diminished in people with obesity.