Resident Evaluation
Residents receive daily feedback from the faculty. In addition to daily feedback, a monthly summative evaluation for the rotation is completed by the faculty. Evaluations primarily focus on the six ACGME core competencies: medical knowledge, patient care, professionalism, interpersonal and communication skills, systems-based practice and practice-based learning. The program director and associate program director review these evaluations with bi-annual meetings occurring between residents and program leadership. These meetings also serve as an opportunity for the resident to charter a course for the future goals. The curriculum is designed for the basics to be mastered, then the subspecialties, and then the development of leadership in the final year.
Every February, the In-Training Examination by the American Board of Anesthesiology is administered, a valid and reliable assessment to guide the resident in the achievement of board certification. Mock oral examinations in the format of the American Board of Anesthesiology oral exam are administered to all CA-1 and CA-2 residents. Mock oral exams are simulated as several faculty are also Oral Board Examiners.
The curriculum along with the evaluation system is designed to guide a medical student into becoming a competent board-certified anesthesiologist.