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COVID-19 Inpatient | COVID-19 Outpatient, Phase COVID-NA

Biological, Behavioral, and Genetic Mechanisms in the Intergenerational Transmission of Toxic Stress

What is the purpose of this trial?

Mothers that have a child 3 to 4 years of age may be eligible to participate in a research study to understand connections between stress, family sleep patterns, and child health and behavior. Compensation is up to $100 and a summary report of you and your child’s sleep.

Open to specific geographic areas only. If you are interested in participating please contact us to find out if your area is included.

  • Trial with
    National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) and American Nurses Foundadtion INC
  • Ages
    18 years and older
  • Gender
    Female only

Contact Information

For more information about this study, including how to volunteer, contact Eileen Condon

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You can help our team find trials you might be eligible for by creating a volunteer profile in MyChart. To get started, create a volunteer profile, or contact, or call 877.978.8343 for more information.

  • Last Updated
  • Study HIC