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Virtual Symposium on Quality Frameworks for Virtual Care: Opening Remarks

July 12, 2023
  • 00:00Welcome everybody.
  • 00:01It's a pleasure to greet you today
  • 00:04and serve as the host for today
  • 00:07for this virtual symposium on
  • 00:09Quality Frameworks for Virtual Care.
  • 00:12This is a program that is sponsored
  • 00:14and hosted by the Mass General
  • 00:16Hospital Center for Telehealth and
  • 00:17our Mass General Brigham Health
  • 00:19Systems Virtual Care Programming
  • 00:21with the collaboration and input and
  • 00:23planning of many of the experts that
  • 00:26you will see on the panels today.
  • 00:29We're really excited to share
  • 00:30this body of work with you and
  • 00:33together with you move this field
  • 00:35forward in an area that is vitally
  • 00:38necessary for us to be successful.
  • 00:41And that's really rethinking our
  • 00:43quality frameworks to make sure
  • 00:45that they are expansive enough to
  • 00:48incorporate the elements of virtual care.
  • 00:50And I think as we start to prepare ourselves
  • 00:54mentally for what today will will hold.
  • 00:58I'd like you just to think about
  • 01:00quality in a couple of different ways.
  • 01:02There are our traditional quality
  • 01:04frameworks that we apply to
  • 01:06care delivery and many of those
  • 01:08will extend across in person,
  • 01:10hybrid and purely virtual
  • 01:13care delivery models.
  • 01:14Some will be more uniquely
  • 01:15focused on in person care,
  • 01:17some more uniquely focused on virtual care.
  • 01:20And the goal of today is to really
  • 01:22rethink our quality frameworks so that
  • 01:24we can apply the same kind of rigor.
  • 01:27Hold ourselves to the same kind of
  • 01:29standards for the quality of care
  • 01:30delivery that we do when we used
  • 01:32to do primarily in person care.
  • 01:34So if I can have the next slide,
  • 01:35please
  • 01:41introduce myself. I'm Doctor Lee Schwam.
  • 01:43I'm the Vice President for Virtual Care
  • 01:45at the National Brigham Health System
  • 01:46as well as the Director for the Center
  • 01:48for Telehealth at NASA General Hospital.
  • 01:50I've, I've been a professor
  • 01:52of Neurology at Harvard.
  • 01:54And a faculty member at the
  • 01:56Massachusetts General Hospital
  • 01:57for almost 30 years and you know,
  • 01:59really delighted to serve as
  • 02:00today's moderator. Next slide,
  • 02:04so just a few logistics.
  • 02:05We're going to record all of
  • 02:07the sessions and they will
  • 02:08be stored and available at
  • where
  • 02:13you'll be able to review the review
  • 02:16them afterwards during the session,
  • 02:17if you'd like to ask questions,
  • 02:19please use the Q&A function.
  • 02:21And those questions will be
  • 02:23surfaced to the moderators.
  • 02:24Anything we don't get a chance to
  • 02:26answer during the symposium itself,
  • 02:28we will try to address with a series
  • 02:30of FAQs and post those answers to
  • 02:34the symposium website afterwards.
  • 02:36Additional resources after the session
  • 02:38will also be at the same website,
  • 02:40and that's where we have
  • 02:42traditionally posted additional
  • 02:44materials as they become available,
  • 02:46if at any point during the symposium
  • 02:48you have technical difficulties.
  • 02:50Just try to log out and use
  • 02:52the same link to rejoin.
  • 02:53If for some reason you need
  • 02:55further technical assistance,
  • 02:56you can call our telephone number
  • 02:58listed here or you can e-mail us
  • 03:02at
  • 03:03Next slide
  • 03:07So the MGH and National Brigham are
  • 03:10committed to hosting an annual symposium
  • 03:12on key topics related to virtual care.
  • 03:15We have subject matter experts
  • 03:16from across the country and across
  • 03:18organizations we are going to meet today.
  • 03:20The first inaugural symposium
  • 03:22was held last year in September,
  • 03:24and that is available as well on the web.
  • 03:27That was called Rethinking
  • 03:29Curriculum Competency and Culture
  • 03:30in the Virtual Care Era.
  • 03:32And two of those sessions were
  • 03:35actually featured in articles
  • 03:37that appeared in the AM A website.
  • 03:41Highlighting aspects of different
  • 03:43elements of the symposia.
  • 03:45And you can also,
  • 03:46if you're interested,
  • 03:47visit that website and view the entire
  • 03:50contents of the first Symposium.
  • 03:52We're committed to having these be
  • 03:54open source and available to everyone.
  • 03:56A manuscript based on the first Symposium
  • 03:58is under review of the journal and
  • 04:00we hope to have that accepted soon.
  • 04:02Next slide.
  • 04:06So given the significant advancement
  • 04:08of virtual care that we've seen
  • 04:10emerged during this pandemic in the
  • 04:12almost two years since this all began,
  • 04:15it seems like now is the time to start
  • 04:17thinking about quality frameworks and how
  • 04:19they have evolved across organizations and
  • 04:21where they need to continue to evolve.
  • 04:24It's very clear to those of us at
  • 04:25least on this panel, that virtual care
  • 04:27in some capacity is here to stay.
  • 04:29It's not going to retreat and disappear,
  • 04:31even if it reduces in its penetration.
  • 04:34And so we we have to grapple
  • 04:36with this issue of quality.
  • 04:38And so key questions that we're going
  • 04:40to be thinking about and trying to
  • 04:42address today include, you know,
  • 04:43what are the guiding principles
  • 04:44that we need to establish.
  • 04:46And guiding principles are probably
  • 04:47an important thing to focus on here so
  • 04:50that we get a framework in place that
  • 04:53can adapt to the changing and rapidly
  • 04:56evolving environment we live in.
  • 04:58What virtual care looks like today
  • 05:00will most assuredly not.
  • 05:01Be what it looks like in a year or two
  • 05:03or three years, the pace of adoption,
  • 05:05the pace of technology is moving so fast,
  • 05:08I think we just need to be prepared
  • 05:10for change.
  • 05:10And so core principles rather than
  • 05:12a detailed laundry list is an
  • 05:15important approach.
  • 05:15What are the best practices that have
  • 05:18already been deployed to measure
  • 05:19quality of care for virtual care?
  • 05:21And how does that compare and align
  • 05:22with the existing in person frameworks?
  • 05:24You'll hear some really interesting
  • 05:26comments about that.
  • 05:28How have they evolved in the past year?
  • 05:29What do they look like when they started?
  • 05:31What do they look like now?
  • 05:32And has the increased adoption of
  • 05:35virtual care impacted patient access
  • 05:37and experience? Has it made it better?
  • 05:39Has it made it worse?
  • 05:40Has it made it better in some
  • 05:42areas where some others?
  • 05:43And how is that being measured?
  • 05:44What what are we doing to track?
  • 05:46The these really important aspects
  • 05:48of access and experience or what has
  • 05:51sometimes been called patient satisfaction,
  • 05:53and then what are the pitfalls or
  • 05:55barriers that you've encountered
  • 05:56in developing virtual care quality
  • 05:57frameworks at your own organization?
  • 05:59You'll hear from some of the experts
  • 06:01on today's call,
  • 06:01but we'd love for you to use the the
  • 06:03panel experience and the and the
  • 06:05Q&A function to tell us about your
  • 06:07own experiences because we learn
  • 06:09best when we learn from each other.
  • 06:11And then what are some nice examples
  • 06:13of how quality frameworks have
  • 06:15been applied in various use cases.
  • 06:18So with that said,
  • 06:19let me go to the next slide having
  • 06:22kind of prepared you for the the
  • 06:25overview of the conference today.
  • 06:28These are the four panels.
  • 06:30The first panel we'll talk about
  • 06:32general principles and quality measurement.
  • 06:33The second will be about developing A
  • 06:36framework. We'll take a short break.
  • 06:37We may eat into that break a little
  • 06:39bit if the first two sessions are
  • 06:41running a bit long,
  • 06:42and then we will come back for
  • 06:43how to apply the framework
  • 06:45in ambulatory settings and
  • 06:47in asynchronous use cases.
  • 06:48And then you'll have a
  • 06:50few brief closing remarks.