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Virtual Symposium on Quality Frameworks for Virtual Care: Closing Remarks

July 12, 2023
  • 00:00Before I forget, because I'll
  • 00:02I won't remember to do this,
  • 00:04let me remind all of you that if you
  • 00:07register for the conference with an e-mail,
  • 00:10we will be sending out a link.
  • 00:11When the edited video
  • 00:13symposium is available online,
  • 00:15it'll be freely and openly available.
  • 00:16You won't need a password
  • 00:18or anything like that.
  • 00:19If you have questions,
  • 00:21the e-mail link virtual care
  • 00:23consensus at
  • 00:24You can send to one of the organizers
  • 00:28if you have technical questions.
  • 00:30I want to just spend a moment and not
  • 00:32keep those on the East Coast away
  • 00:34from dinner or I guess those on the
  • 00:36West Coast away from a late lunch.
  • 00:38First of all want to thank each and every
  • 00:41panelist for the time they took to prepare.
  • 00:44The generous sharing of information
  • 00:46in the slides slide deck is is just
  • 00:50spectacular and for your commitment
  • 00:52to working in this area of.
  • 00:55What I consider really a major
  • 00:58frontier in patient centered care,
  • 01:00I mean this is fundamentally about
  • 01:03meeting patients where they are
  • 01:05both figuratively and literally.
  • 01:07We know we have some digital divide
  • 01:09issues that we have to overcome because
  • 01:11we want all of our patients to have
  • 01:14equal access to these technologies
  • 01:16when appropriate and as we think
  • 01:18about the Institute of Medicine.
  • 01:21You know,
  • 01:21quality framework and the six domains
  • 01:23of quality being patient centered
  • 01:25also means that we are being equitable
  • 01:28so that patients don't have a
  • 01:30different care experience based on
  • 01:32their social determinants of health.
  • 01:34And by that I, I I would say two things.
  • 01:37On the one hand,
  • 01:38we don't want to create disparities in
  • 01:40care where better care is happening
  • 01:42in person compared to lesser care,
  • 01:44lesser quality care is happening virtually.
  • 01:47And so you are relegated to virtual
  • 01:49and and in an in an environment where
  • 01:52it's lower quality or vice versa,
  • 01:54where in fact the convenience and
  • 01:56quality of the virtual is as good or
  • 01:58exceeds that of the in person care.
  • 02:00Which means that those who can least
  • 02:02afford it are forced to spend the
  • 02:04most amount of money to come and
  • 02:05see us in person when they otherwise
  • 02:07could see us remotely.
  • 02:08So we've got some really important work
  • 02:11to do there to address that divide.
  • 02:14But the more we can think about
  • 02:17how to channel this,
  • 02:19not through the lens of here's
  • 02:21this really cool technology,
  • 02:23how do we apply it?
  • 02:24But rather how do we use all the tools
  • 02:26available to us in an Omni channel
  • 02:28approach to know that Marcy likes
  • 02:30us to text her but John prefers in
  • 02:33app notification whereas Elizabeth
  • 02:35likes interactive voice response,
  • 02:37but Laura doesn't want to do anything
  • 02:39but see someone in person or talk to a
  • 02:42live customer service agent on the telephone.
  • 02:44By customizing our responses to our
  • 02:47patients through the channels that they
  • 02:49have identified work best for them,
  • 02:51we reduce the friction and we make
  • 02:54more cognitive space available to
  • 02:56meet the patient's actual needs.
  • 02:58I think it's so easy to forget we go to
  • 03:01work every day in a healthcare environment.
  • 03:03Healthcare is not scary for us.
  • 03:05Walking through the hallway of
  • 03:06a hospital isn't scary for us.
  • 03:08We we arrive there and we feel at ease,
  • 03:11but so many of our patients don't.
  • 03:13And the more we can free up space for
  • 03:16them to be able to focus on their own
  • 03:18problems and share that with us quickly,
  • 03:21safely, effectively,
  • 03:22the better we'll be able to meet
  • 03:25their actual healthcare needs.
  • 03:27So this is a really exciting
  • 03:29area in healthcare.
  • 03:30This is a really exciting time in our
  • 03:33society where we see both the promise
  • 03:36of digital technology but also many of
  • 03:39the challenges of digital technology.
  • 03:41We're on the cusp of a real.
  • 03:43The revolution and artificial
  • 03:44intelligence and machine learning,
  • 03:46where automation may start to be one
  • 03:48of the first things that patients
  • 03:50experience before they get to us.
  • 03:52And we have to make sure that we
  • 03:55are not disintermediated from our
  • 03:58patients by third parties who seek
  • 04:01to filter and triage patients to us.
  • 04:05So we have to maintain a direct
  • 04:07connection to our patients.
  • 04:08But that means we can't be
  • 04:10slow adopters here.
  • 04:10We have to be fast followers,
  • 04:13and we have to work together.
  • 04:15Particularly among the nonprofit,
  • 04:17AM C, and Community Hospital community,
  • 04:20we have to work together to figure out how
  • 04:23to create mechanisms that will be fair,
  • 04:26that will not disadvantage certain groups.
  • 04:28We need to be, you know, rural,
  • 04:30free delivery like the US Post Office,
  • 04:32and not just, you know,
  • 04:33name your favorite,
  • 04:35expensive.
  • 04:35Direct to consumer delivery service
  • 04:37that doesn't go to large parts of the
  • 04:40country where it's not profitable.
  • 04:42So I think we have so much to think
  • 04:45about if so many wonderful new avenues
  • 04:48to help deliver care and if patients
  • 04:51have really found this service valuable,
  • 04:54they will vote with their feet
  • 04:56and reimbursement will continue.
  • 04:58Because patients will demand that this
  • 05:00kind of access and capability continue.
  • 05:03If we haven't done our job well and
  • 05:05these services are failing our patients,
  • 05:07they will all revert back to coming
  • 05:09in person where they find value.
  • 05:11So I think we have a real litmus test
  • 05:14coming up and we will understand the
  • 05:16value of the service we provide when we
  • 05:18see whether patients vote with their fingers,
  • 05:21I guess or their feet.
  • 05:23They vote with their fingers.
  • 05:24We'll keep seeing them over video.
  • 05:25If they vote with their feet,
  • 05:26we'll be seeing them all in person.
  • 05:27Unless your patients can type on the
  • 05:29computer with their with their toes.
  • 05:31I don't think mine can.
  • 05:32So I want to once again thank all
  • 05:35of you for joining us and we're
  • 05:37really excited to continue this work.
  • 05:40We will be summarizing the contents
  • 05:42of this workshop as well and
  • 05:45hopefully producing another manuscript
  • 05:47that we will publish.
  • 05:49That will share some of the and condense
  • 05:51some of the wonderful observations
  • 05:53from from this year's symposium.
  • 05:55And I just want to end by wishing
  • 05:57you all a wonderful week.
  • 05:59I hope you all have a safe and
  • 06:02healthy end to the year and can enjoy
  • 06:05some family time over the holidays.
  • 06:08Have a wonderful night.
  • 06:09Thanks everyone.