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The Yale Alliance for Trainees with Chronic Illnesses (YATCI)

The Yale Alliance for Trainees with Chronic Illnesses (YATCI) is a Yale GME organization dedicated to the well-being and professional development of medical trainees with chronic health conditions. YATCI was formed during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic to form a community and advocate for trainees at higher risk of COVID-19 but extends beyond the pandemic to include all trainees with chronic health conditions.

Vision, Mission Statement and, Goals:

  • Develop a community and social network for trainees with chronic health conditions to offer support, identify challenges in the workplace, and generate solutions to help achieve their optimal well-being and performance
    • Currently meet biweekly, Thursdays at 7 pm via Zoom
  • Serve as a liaison to the Yale GME office and other GME organizations to inform and generate policies which support and protect trainees with chronic health conditions
  • Participate in institutional and national advocacy
    • For example, we are in the process of planning kick off events of career panels and meet and greets for medical students and trainees with chronic health conditions


Feel free to contact if interested in joining YATCI community!