A major objective of the Yale-SCOR, is to train new investigators who will conduct cutting-edge translational interdisciplinary research with an emphasis on women’s health and tobacco use. Our training/mentoring plan recruits new investigators from multiple entry levels, ranging from undergraduate and graduate students to postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty members, and involves them in research addressing specific questions on sex- and gender-differences in tobacco use and treatment. If you are interested in learning more or inquiring about available positions, please contact
The SCOR mechanism has provided us the opportunity to mentor and train new investigators both at Yale and other universities.
Early Career Faculty and Post-doctoral & Graduate Trainees
Philip H. Smith, PhD, Yale University (Current Institution: Miami University)
Tomoko Udo Schaller, Yale University (Current Institution: SUNY: University at Albany)
Elisa DeVito, PhD, Yale University
Megan Smith, PhD, Yale University
Marci Mitchell, PhD, Yale University
Azure Thompson, PhD, Yale University
Stephen Wilson, PhD, Penn State
Corey Pilver, PhD, Yale University (Current Institution: VA Boston Healthcare System)
Irina Esterlis, PhD, Yale University
Sun Kim, PhD, UMass Medical School
Nancy Byatt, DO, UMass Medical School
Kelly Young-Wolff, PhD, MPH, Yale University (Current Institution: Kaiser Permanente)
Rebecca L Ashare, Yale University (Current Institution: University of Pennsylvania)
Christine Sandiego, PhD, Yale University (Current Institution: Molecular Neuroimaging - MNI)
Kathryn Smith, PhD, Yale University
Terril Verplaetse, PhD, Yale University
Lindsay Oberleitner, PhD, Yale University
Ansel Hillmer, PhD, Yale University
Yasmin Zakinizaeiz, PhD, Yale University
Walter Roberts, PhD, Yale University
MacKenzie Peltier, PhD, Yale University
Yonwoo Jung, PhD, Yale University
Angela Lee, PhD, Yale University
Undergraduate Trainees
Alejandra Morlett (Home Institution: San Diego State University)
Katherine Yanigasawa (Home Institution: Yale University)
Mira Kaufmann (Home Institution: Brown University)
Vladimir Smolgovskiy (Home Institution: University of Connecticut)
Christopher Gaglio (Home Institution: Roger Williams University)