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Srihari Appointed to Board of Directors of NAMI Connecticut

June 18, 2019

Vinod Srihari, MD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, has been appointed to the Board of Directors of NAMI Connecticut, the state chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

NAMI is a grassroots organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for people who live with mental illness, as well as their families and loved ones. The Hartford-based organization, in conjunction with 10 affiliates, serves people in Connecticut through education, support, and advocacy programs at the state and local levels.

The Yale Department of Psychiatry has long had a connection to the NAMI board. Past board members have included Hilary Blumberg, MD, John and Hope Furth Professor of Psychiatric Neuroscience, and Professor of Psychiatry, and in the Child Study Center and of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging.

Currently, Morris Bell, PhD, ABPP, Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Scientist in Psychiatry, represents the department on the board. His term will expire at the end of June.

Srihari is Director of the Specialized Treatment for Early Psychosis (STEP) Program at Yale. The clinic provides care to people who are early in the course of a psychotic illness. Srihari is also Associate Program Director of the Yale Psychiatry Residency Training Program, although he is stepping down from that post after 10 years.