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C&MP 560 (also listed as MCDB 415 / ENAS 570 / MCDB 560 / PHAR 560) Cellular and Molecular Physiology: Molecular Machines in Human Disease.
Emile Boulpaep

The course focuses on the different classes of molecular machines that mediate movement, shift molecular states, or promote membrane transport, as well as their mechanisms of action. Molecular motors will be introduced and their mechanical relationship to cell function will be explored. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between the molecular structures of transport proteins and their individual functions. Interactions among transport proteins in determining physiological and biophysical behaviors of cells and tissues will also be stressed. Students will be taught the connections between mutations in genes encoding molecular machine proteins and a wide variety of human genetic diseases. The majority of lectures start with presenting a clinical vignette that illustrates a human disease caused by a deficient protein. In addition to the lectures, students read four assigned research papers and discuss the results with the instructor in class.

C&MP 570 Sensory Physiology
David Zenisek, Joseph Santos-Sacchi, Z. Jimmy Zhou

The course provides an overview of the mammalian special sensory systems, including molecular and cellular bases of vision, audition, taste, olfaction, and somatosensation. Faculty with focus in those areas lead presentations and discussions on peripheral and central mechanisms.

C&MP 580, Mitochondrial Bioenergetics and Intermediary Metabolism
Rachel Perry, Richard Kibbey

A comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of mitochondrial physiology and pathophysiology. Topics include glucose, lipid, amino acid, and cholesterol metabolism; mitochondrial bioenergetics; flux modeling; inherited and acquired metabolic disorders; and common methods used to characterize metabolism. In addition to these central topics, students will gain experience in reviewing papers and critically evaluating experimental design and implementation. The material will be presented in a mixed lecture/discussion format.

C&MP 550 Physiological Systems
Stuart Campbell, Peter Aronson, Emile Boulepaep, Elizabeth Holt, Mark Salzman, David Zenisek

The course develops a foundation in human physiology by examining the homeostasis of vital parameters within the body, and the biophysical properties of cells, tissues, and organs. Basic concepts in cell and membrane physiology are synthesized through exploring the function of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle. The physical basis of blood flow, mechanisms of vascular exchange, cardiac performance, and regulation of overall circulatory function are discussed. Respiratory physiology explores the mechanics of ventilation, gas diffusion, and acid-base balance. Renal physiology examines the formation and composition of urine and the regulation of electrolyte, fluid, and acid-base balance. Organs of the digestive system are discussed from the perspective of substrate metabolism and energy balance. Hormonal regulation is applied to metabolic control and to calcium, water, and electrolyte balance. The biology of nerve cells is addressed with emphasis on synaptic transmission and simple neuronal circuits within the central nervous system. The special senses are considered in the framework of sensory transduction. Weekly discussion sections provide a forum for in-depth exploration of topics. Graduate students evaluate research findings through literature review and weekly meetings with the instructor.

C&MP 600 Medical Physiology Case Conferences

Two-term course taught in groups of ten to twelve students by the same group leader(s) throughout the year. Workshop format permits students to apply basic concepts of physiology to clinical syndromes and disease processes. Students are expected to participate actively in a weekly discussion of a clinical case that illustrates principles of human physiology and pathophysiology at the whole-body, system, organ, cellular, or molecular level. Credit for full year only.

C&MP610 Mentored Clinical Experience
Raymond Russell, Michael Caplan

The goals of the course are to introduce MRSP students to aspects of clinically important human diseases. Students explore each disease over three one-and-one-half-hour sessions led by a clinician-scientist who is an expert in the relevant organ system. Students explore two disease processes per term. The first of the three sessions is devoted to a discussion of the clinical presentation, natural history, pathology, epidemiology, treatment, and prognosis of the disease process. During this session students have the opportunity to view gross or microscopic specimens of diseased tissue in association with members of the Pathology faculty. Students are assigned readings in pathology, pathophysiology, and clinical texts to prepare for the first class session. The second session focuses on translational aspects of the disease process. Students read and present papers relevant to the molecular basis of the disease and cutting-edge approaches to its therapy. In the third session students meet with patients who have experienced the disease and/or visit and explore facilities associated with diagnosis and treatment of the disease process. Prior to the third session students receive guidance as to what they will observe and how to approach the experience; and at the end of the session, the group discusses its thoughts and impressions. Students are expected to prepare for sessions, to participate actively, and to be scrupulously respectful of patients and patient facilities.

C&MP 630 Seminar in Molecular Medicine, Pharmacology, and Physiology
Don Nguyen, Titus Boggon, Susumu Tomita

Readings and discussion on a diverse range of current topics in molecular medicine, pharmacology, and physiology. The class emphasizes analysis of primary research literature and development of presentation and writing skills. Contemporary articles are assigned on a related topic every week, and a student leads discussions with input from faculty who are experts in the topic area. The overall goal is to cover a specific topic of medical relevance (e.g., cancer, neurodegeneration) from the perspective of three primary disciplines (i.e., physiology: normal function; pathology: abnormal function; and pharmacology: intervention).

C&MP 650 Ethics
Barbara Ehrlich, Kaur Singh

Organized to foster discussion, the course is taught by faculty in the Pharmacology, Pathology, and Physiology departments and two or three senior graduate students. Each session is based on case studies from primary literature, reviews, and two texts: Francis Macrina's Scientific Integrity and Kathy Barker's At the Bench. Each week, students are required to submit a reaction paper discussing the reading assignment. Students take turns leading the class discussion; a final short paper on a hot topic in bioethics is required.

C&MP 710 Electron Cryo-Microscopy for Protein Structure Determination
Fredrick Sigworth

Understanding cellular function requires structural and biochemical studies at an ever-increasing level of complexity. The course is an introduction to the concepts and applications of high-resolution electron cryo-microscopy. This rapidly emerging new technique is the only method that allows biological macromolecules to be studied at all levels of resolution from cellular organization to near atomic detail. Counts as 0.5 credit.