Ovary, Phase II
A Phase 2, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety, Efficacy, Pharmacodynamics, and Pharmacokinetics of Lademirsen (SAR339375) for Subcutaneous Injection Administered Every Week in Patients With Alport Syndrome
Health Professionals
What is the purpose of this trial?
Primary Objectives:
- To assess the efficacy of lademirsen (SAR339375) in reducing the decline in renal function.
- To assess the safety and tolerability of lademirsen (SAR339375) in participants with Alport syndrome.
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Principal Investigator
- Andrea Brennan
- Blair Colette McNamara, MD
- Clarice Grens
- Elena Ratner, MD, MBA
- Gary Altwerger, MD
- Jamie Malette
- Justin Persico, MD
- Kathleen Fenn, MD
- Katyayani (Katya) Papatla, MD/MPH
- Lisa Baker
- Martha Diaz
- Masoud Azodi, MD
- Megin Iaccarino
- Michelle Greenman
- Nesrine Khoury
- Peter Dottino, MD, FACOG
- Rebecca Bartomeli
- Renee Moye
- Last Updated12/10/2024
- Study HIC#2000036114