Assessment Opportunities
- Pelvic Exam Instruction: A Gynecologic Teaching Associate will give you immediate verbal feedback on your performance.
- Shared Decision-Making Workshop: Your faculty preceptor will provide feedback after your interview with a simulated participant.
- Mid-Clerkship feedback: Please use the Folio website to guide your interview and record your feedback.
- Faculty Evaluation of Observed Clinical Encounter: Use the form in your expectations book during your week in clinic; you may ask a faculty member, fellow, APP or resident to observe you.
- EPA 5: Ask a clerkship director to scan the QR code on the back cover of your expectations book or click this link to record feedback on a note you write during your week in clinic.
- Postcede small-group simulation: You will receive formative feedback from faculty members.
- uWISE 100-question quiz: You will receive automated feedback while taking this and other uWISE quizzes.
- MedHubevaluations: You will receive summative evaluations from the 9 or more supervisors you identify on MedHub throughout the rotation.