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Pre-Clinical Education

In the first year of YSM’s integrated curriculum, the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences provides students with lectures, labs and workshops in the “Across the Lifespan” course. Directed by Dr. France Galerneau, the course is divided into life stages from conception to senescence.

Conception, Pregnancy and Birth

During this life stage, students will learn about the physiology of pregnancy, parturition and post-partum as well as disorders of this period.

Child and Adolescent Growth and Development

During this life stage, the student will learn the basic processes of growth and development from infancy through adolescence, and understand how the unfolding of these biological, cognitive, psychological and social underpinnings inform medical practice. The student will appreciate the critical role of the family and the community in achieving optimal outcomes.

The Reproductive Years and Middle Age

During this life stage, students will learn about urogenital embryology and anatomy*, and normal and abnormal physiology of the adult reproductive system including sexuality and fertility. They will be introduced to the most common type of inherited, metabolic, inflammatory, infectious and neoplastic disorders of the uro-genital tract using a symptom-based approach when appropriate. Some complications of early pregnancy will be discussed in this section, illustrating the continuity of events across the life cycle.

* The urogenital anatomy lectures and lab are placed at the beginning of the course (in the first life stage) so that students have acquired this basic knowledge necessary to fully understand the material presented in each life cycle.


During this life stage, students will learn about the physiology of aging and the multiple, often complex, medical, social, economic, and psychological factors that impact cognitional, functional status and quality of life. Some aspects of interdisciplinary care will be discussed in this section.

Medical Student Interest Group

Students interested in exploring the field of Ob/Gyn before the start of the clerkship year are encouraged to join the Ob/Gyn Medical Student Interest Group.

Click Here to Learn More about The Group

The Ob/Gyn Interest Group’s mission is to educate students about issues related to Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, Gynecologic-Oncology, Family Planning, as well as Urogynecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery. We seek to inspire health students to pursue research and clinical opportunities in the field. Yearly sponsored activities are included.