MIWI2 targets RNAs transcribed from piRNA‐dependent regions to drive DNA methylation in mouse prospermatogonia
Watanabe T, Cui X, Yuan Z, Qi H, Lin H. MIWI2 targets RNAs transcribed from piRNA‐dependent regions to drive DNA methylation in mouse prospermatogonia. The EMBO Journal 2018, 37: embj201695329. PMID: 30108053, PMCID: PMC6138435, DOI: 10.15252/embj.201695329.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDNA methylationRetrotransposon sequencesSmall RNAsArgonaute/Piwi proteinsPiwi protein MIWI2Suppressive epigenetic marksMouse prospermatogoniaChromatin statePIWI proteinsUnderlying molecular mechanismsDiverse organismsEpigenetic marksPiRNA clustersNascent RNAEpigenetic regulationTranslational regulationMIWI2RNA degradationRepeat sequencesGene expressionMolecular mechanismsTarget RNAMethylationRNAPiRNAs
The Role of PIWIL4, an Argonaute Family Protein, in Breast Cancer*
Wang Z, Liu N, Shi S, Liu S, Lin H. The Role of PIWIL4, an Argonaute Family Protein, in Breast Cancer*. Journal Of Biological Chemistry 2016, 291: 10646-10658. PMID: 26957540, PMCID: PMC4865913, DOI: 10.1074/jbc.m116.723239.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsP-element-induced wimpy testisPIWI-interacting RNAsPIWI proteinsMDA-MB-231 cellsArgonaute family proteinsGermline developmentDiverse organismsWimpy testisFamily proteinsProteome analysisClass II proteinsPIWIL4Potential therapeutic targetStem cellsProteinMHC class II proteinsMigration abilityRNATherapeutic targetPIWIL4 expressionCancer tissuesBreast cancer tissuesCellsKey roleBiogenesis
PIWI proteins and PIWI-interacting RNAs in the soma
Ross RJ, Weiner MM, Lin H. PIWI proteins and PIWI-interacting RNAs in the soma. Nature 2014, 505: 353-359. PMID: 24429634, PMCID: PMC4265809, DOI: 10.1038/nature12987.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPIWI-interacting RNAsPIWI proteinsPIWI-piRNA pathwayDiscovery of millionsWhole-body regenerationStem cell functionSomatic functionsDiverse organismsLower eukaryotesGenome rearrangementsSomatic cellsEpigenetic programmingBiological rolePathwayRNAProteinRecent studiesEukaryotesTransposonOrganismsBiologyUnanticipated dimensionsFunctionCellsRearrangement
Piwi Genes Are Dispensable for Normal Hematopoiesis in Mice
Nolde MJ, Cheng EC, Guo S, Lin H. Piwi Genes Are Dispensable for Normal Hematopoiesis in Mice. PLOS ONE 2013, 8: e71950. PMID: 24058407, PMCID: PMC3751959, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0071950.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPiwi genesHematopoietic stem cellsNormal adult hematopoiesisPIWI protein familyStem cellsStem/progenitor cellsDiverse organismsAdult hematopoiesisProtein familyLong-term hematopoiesisMyeloablative stressCompetitive transplantationTransient expressionHuman leukemia cell linesHSC compartmentLeukemia cell linesGenesProliferative stateNormal hematopoiesisCell typesMIWI2Progenitor cellsLineage reconstitutionHematopoiesisCell proliferation
piRNA biogenesis during adult spermatogenesis in mice is independent of the ping-pong mechanism
Beyret E, Liu N, Lin H. piRNA biogenesis during adult spermatogenesis in mice is independent of the ping-pong mechanism. Cell Research 2012, 22: 1429-1439. PMID: 22907665, PMCID: PMC3463270, DOI: 10.1038/cr.2012.120.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPIWI proteinsPing-pong mechanismSmall non-coding RNAsSame DNA strandNon-coding RNAsPiRNA biogenesisGermline developmentDiverse organismsEpigenetic regulationPiRNAsMIWIRepeat sequencesMILISame locusSequence featuresNucleotide positionsPostnatal testisBroad functionsAdult testisMouse testisDNA strandsAdult spermatogenesisProteinBiogenesisPrimary pathway
Uniting Germline and Stem Cells: The Function of Piwi Proteins and the piRNA Pathway in Diverse Organisms
Juliano C, Wang J, Lin H. Uniting Germline and Stem Cells: The Function of Piwi Proteins and the piRNA Pathway in Diverse Organisms. Annual Review Of Genetics 2011, 45: 447-469. PMID: 21942366, PMCID: PMC3832951, DOI: 10.1146/annurev-genet-110410-132541.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPIWI-interacting RNAsPIWI proteinsDiverse organismsStem cellsArgonaute protein familyPIWI-piRNA pathwayStem cell maintenanceSomatic stem/progenitor cellsAdult stem cellsStem/progenitor cellsPiRNA pathwayGermline specificationAnimal phylogenyGenome integrityProtein familyPosttranscriptional regulationCell maintenanceProtein bindsSomatic cellsEpigenetic programmingGermlineProgenitor cellsProteinOrganismsCommon mechanism
The Role of piRNAs in Germline Stem Cell Division and Spermatogenesis.
Lin H. The Role of piRNAs in Germline Stem Cell Division and Spermatogenesis. Biology Of Reproduction 2008, 78: 281-281. DOI: 10.1093/biolreprod/78.s1.281a.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPIWI-interacting RNAsPIWI subfamily proteinsSubfamily proteinsProtein familyDiverse mechanisms of gene regulationGermline stem cell divisionMechanisms of gene regulationRegulation of mRNA stabilityGermline stem cellsNon-coding small RNAsStem cell self-renewalStem cell divisionPiwi subfamilyGenomic distributionCell self-renewalRepetitive sequencesIntron sequencesGene regulationSmall RNAsSelf-renewalGametogenic eventsCell divisionDiverse organismsPIWIMRNA stability
A novel class of small RNAs in mouse spermatogenic cells
Grivna ST, Beyret E, Wang Z, Lin H. A novel class of small RNAs in mouse spermatogenic cells. Genes & Development 2006, 20: 1709-1714. PMID: 16766680, PMCID: PMC1522066, DOI: 10.1101/gad.1434406.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPIWI-interacting RNAsSmall RNAsMouse male germlineArgonaute protein familyPost-transcriptional levelSmall noncoding RNAsMouse spermatogenic cellsDiverse organismsMale germlineTranslational regulationProtein familyNoncoding RNAsSubfamily membersGene expressionMicro RNAsNovel classRNAPotent regulatorMIWISpermatogenic cellsPotential roleBiogenesisGermlinePolysomesOrganisms
Molecular characterization of hiwi, a human member of the piwi gene family whose overexpression is correlated to seminomas
Qiao D, Zeeman AM, Deng W, Looijenga LH, Lin H. Molecular characterization of hiwi, a human member of the piwi gene family whose overexpression is correlated to seminomas. Oncogene 2002, 21: 3988-3999. PMID: 12037681, DOI: 10.1038/sj.onc.1205505.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGene familyPiwi gene familyHuman membersGerm cellsMolecular characterizationPiwi family genesPIWI family proteinsEnhanced expressionEmbryonic germ cellsGerm cell phenotypeGerm cell characteristicsGerm cell proliferationStage-dependent patternDiverse organismsDrosophila melanogasterC. elegansGermline cellsGenomic regionsFamily genesFamily proteinsSignificant homologySame precursor cellRNA interferenceChromosomal regionsKb mRNAmiwi, a Murine Homolog of piwi, Encodes a Cytoplasmic Protein Essential for Spermatogenesis
Deng W, Lin H. miwi, a Murine Homolog of piwi, Encodes a Cytoplasmic Protein Essential for Spermatogenesis. Developmental Cell 2002, 2: 819-830. PMID: 12062093, DOI: 10.1016/s1534-5807(02)00165-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTarget genesPiwi family genesCytoplasmic protein essentialRound spermatid stageDiverse organismsPiwi genesTranslational regulationFamily genesProtein essentialCytoplasmic proteinsMaster regulatorMurine homologMIWIGenesSpermatid stageStem cellsMRNASpermiogenesisCREMSpermatogenesisSpermatogenic arrestPiwiHomologEncodesCloning