A systematic review and meta‐analysis of atypical visual attention towards non‐social stimuli in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder
Hinz J, Eikeseth F, Chawarska K, Eikeseth S. A systematic review and meta‐analysis of atypical visual attention towards non‐social stimuli in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research 2024, 17: 2628-2644. PMID: 39503176, PMCID: PMC11638896, DOI: 10.1002/aur.3261.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNon-social stimuliAutism spectrum disorderCircumscribed interestsSpectrum disorderAtypical visual attentionAttentional biasRelated stimuliASD groupStimulus dimensionsAttention allocationSymptom severityStimulus typeCompare attentionVisual attentionEye trackingStimuliAutismMeta-analysisPreschoolDisordersChildrenMeta-regressionFindingsAttentionTDFamilial Recurrence of Autism: Updates From the Baby Siblings Research Consortium.
Ozonoff S, Young G, Bradshaw J, Charman T, Chawarska K, Iverson J, Klaiman C, Landa R, McDonald N, Messinger D, Schmidt R, Wilkinson C, Zwaigenbaum L. Familial Recurrence of Autism: Updates From the Baby Siblings Research Consortium. Pediatrics 2024, 154 PMID: 39011552, PMCID: PMC11291960, DOI: 10.1542/peds.2023-065297.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRecurrence rateFamilial recurrence rateDatabase of infantsMale infant sexPredictors of recurrenceAssociated with recurrencePopulation-based studyMultiple affected siblingsProspective studyInfant sexHierarchical generalized linear modelsDiagnostic evaluationFamilial recurrenceAutism spectrum disorderRecurrenceResearch ConsortiumFemale probandsMultinational databaseMale probandsMaternal educationProbandsFemale siblingsProband sexLikelihood ratioCalculate likelihood ratiosEarly executive functioning predicts externalizing problems in neurodiverse preschoolers
All K, Chawarska K, Macari S. Early executive functioning predicts externalizing problems in neurodiverse preschoolers. Autism Research 2024, 17: 1053-1065. PMID: 38476104, PMCID: PMC11251695, DOI: 10.1002/aur.3109.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchExecutive functionExternalizing problemsAutism spectrum disorderAutism symptomsDevelopment of externalizing problemsSocial functioningEffect of executive functionSeverity of autism symptomsNeurodevelopmental disordersPredictors of externalizing behaviorExecutive function impairmentEarly executive functionEarly preschool yearsIncreased externalizing problemsEarly preventive interventionsPeer rejectionExternalizing behaviorsIncreased anxietySpectrum disorderPreschool yearsParenting stressIdentification of vulnerable childrenAutismFunctional impairmentTemperament
Face‐to‐face live eye‐tracking in toddlers with autism: Feasibility and impact of familiarity and face covering
Vernetti A, Butler M, Banarjee C, Boxberger A, All K, Macari S, Chawarska K. Face‐to‐face live eye‐tracking in toddlers with autism: Feasibility and impact of familiarity and face covering. Autism Research 2023, 17: 1381-1390. PMID: 38009948, DOI: 10.1002/aur.3060.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAutism spectrum disorderEye-tracking methodsSocial partnersAtypical developmentSocial attentionFace interactionEye-tracking taskEye-tracking procedureGroup of toddlersImpact of familiarityNeutral affectTask completion rateUnfamiliar personDiminished attentionAffective responsesSpectrum disorderNeurodevelopmental vulnerabilityParent conditionInteractive partnersIntervention outcomesInteractive faceAutismToddlersReal-world dynamicsTaskThe Selective Social Attention task in children with autism spectrum disorder: Results from the Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials (ABC‐CT) feasibility study
Shic F, Barney E, Naples A, Dommer K, Chang S, Li B, McAllister T, Atyabi A, Wang Q, Bernier R, Dawson G, Dziura J, Faja S, Jeste S, Murias M, Johnson S, Sabatos‐DeVito M, Helleman G, Senturk D, Sugar C, Webb S, McPartland J, Chawarska K, Trials T. The Selective Social Attention task in children with autism spectrum disorder: Results from the Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials (ABC‐CT) feasibility study. Autism Research 2023, 16: 2150-2159. PMID: 37749934, PMCID: PMC11003770, DOI: 10.1002/aur.3026.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAutism spectrum disorderSocial attention taskSchool-aged childrenAttention taskASD groupSpectrum disorderEye-tracking taskTotal T-scoreAttentional patternsAutism spectrumTD groupPresentation timeTrial feasibility studyGroup differencesPercent of timeOlder childrenTaskComparison groupToddlersT-scoreChildrenChildren 4Outcome variablesFaceCondition effectsModeling idiopathic autism in forebrain organoids reveals an imbalance of excitatory cortical neuron subtypes during early neurogenesis
Jourdon A, Wu F, Mariani J, Capauto D, Norton S, Tomasini L, Amiri A, Suvakov M, Schreiner J, Jang Y, Panda A, Nguyen C, Cummings E, Han G, Powell K, Szekely A, McPartland J, Pelphrey K, Chawarska K, Ventola P, Abyzov A, Vaccarino F. Modeling idiopathic autism in forebrain organoids reveals an imbalance of excitatory cortical neuron subtypes during early neurogenesis. Nature Neuroscience 2023, 26: 1505-1515. PMID: 37563294, PMCID: PMC10573709, DOI: 10.1038/s41593-023-01399-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIdiopathic autism spectrum disorderCortical neuron subtypesAutism spectrum disorderEarly cortical developmentCortical organoidsCortical plateExcitatory neuronsCortical developmentRare formNeuron subtypesUnaffected fatherASD pathogenesisForebrain organoidsEarly neurogenesisRare variantsIdiopathic autismRisk genesTranscriptomic alterationsNeuronsProbandsSingle-cell transcriptomicsForebrain developmentSpectrum disorderTranscriptomic changesAlterationsEvaluation of clinical assessments of social abilities for use in autism clinical trials by the autism biomarkers consortium for clinical trials
Faja S, Sabatos‐DeVito M, Sridhar A, Kuhn J, Nikolaeva J, Sugar C, Webb S, Bernier R, Sikich L, Hellemann G, Senturk D, Naples A, Shic F, Levin A, Seow H, Dziura J, Jeste S, Chawarska K, Nelson C, Dawson G, McPartland J, Trials A. Evaluation of clinical assessments of social abilities for use in autism clinical trials by the autism biomarkers consortium for clinical trials. Autism Research 2023, 16: 981-996. PMID: 36929131, PMCID: PMC10192100, DOI: 10.1002/aur.2905.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Concomitant medication use in children with autism spectrum disorder: Data from the Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials
Shurtz L, Schwartz C, DiStefano C, McPartland JC, Levin AR, Dawson G, Kleinhans NM, Faja S, Webb SJ, Shic F, Naples AJ, Seow H, Bernier RA, Chawarska K, Sugar CA, Dziura J, Senturk D, Santhosh M, Jeste SS. Concomitant medication use in children with autism spectrum disorder: Data from the Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials. Autism 2022, 27: 952-966. PMID: 36086805, PMCID: PMC9995606, DOI: 10.1177/13623613221121425.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsConcomitant psychotropic medicationsPsychotropic medicationsClinical trialsMedication useSchool-aged childrenClinical representativenessSelective serotonin reuptake inhibitorsConcomitant medication useVariety of medicationsAutism spectrum disorderSerotonin reuptake inhibitorsPsychotropic medication useNew treatment optionsGreater overall impairmentCentral nervous systemSpectrum disorderMedication classesReuptake inhibitorsAlpha agonistsTreatment optionsClinical endpointsInclusion criteriaStudy populationMedicationsNervous systemThe Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials: Initial Evaluation of a Battery of Candidate EEG Biomarkers
Webb SJ, Naples AJ, Levin AR, Hellemann G, Borland H, Benton J, Carlos C, McAllister T, Santhosh M, Seow H, Atyabi A, Bernier R, Chawarska K, Dawson G, Dziura J, Faja S, Jeste S, Murias M, Nelson CA, Sabatos-DeVito M, Senturk D, Shic F, Sugar CA, McPartland JC. The Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials: Initial Evaluation of a Battery of Candidate EEG Biomarkers. American Journal Of Psychiatry 2022, 180: 41-49. PMID: 36000217, PMCID: PMC10027395, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ajp.21050485.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBiological motion perceptionAutism spectrum disorderResting-state activityMotion perceptionEEG biomarkersGroup discriminationPsychometric propertiesBasic psychometric propertiesASD groupASD diagnosisNeural responsesSpectrum disorderAlpha powerN170Naturalistic studyPerceptionMixed resultsTask latencyVEP amplitudeContext of useLimited attentionInconsistent resultsAcquisition rateDiscriminationBatteriesEarly predictors of language skills at 3 years of age vary based on diagnostic outcome: A baby siblings research consortium study
Pecukonis M, Young GS, Brian J, Charman T, Chawarska K, Elsabbagh M, Iverson JM, Jeste S, Landa R, Messinger DS, Schwichtenberg AJ, Webb SJ, Zwaigenbaum L, Tager‐Flusberg H. Early predictors of language skills at 3 years of age vary based on diagnostic outcome: A baby siblings research consortium study. Autism Research 2022, 15: 1324-1335. PMID: 35652157, PMCID: PMC9253079, DOI: 10.1002/aur.2760.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAutism spectrum disorderLow familial riskLanguage skillsASD groupElevated familial riskGesture's abilityLanguage developmentSpectrum disorderMaternal education levelIntervention servicesFamilial riskAutism spectrumLR infantsEarly predictorDiagnostic outcomesSkillsPresent studyPredictor variablesEducation levelPredictorsDisordersYears of ageInfantsAbilityOutcomesIdentifying Age Based Maturation in the ERP Response to Faces in Children With Autism: Implications for Developing Biomarkers for Use in Clinical Trials
Webb SJ, Emerman I, Sugar C, Senturk D, Naples AJ, Faja S, Benton J, Borland H, Carlos C, Levin AR, McAllister T, Santhosh M, Bernier RA, Chawarska K, Dawson G, Dziura J, Jeste S, Kleinhans N, Murias M, Sabatos-DeVito M, Shic F, McPartland JC, Trials T. Identifying Age Based Maturation in the ERP Response to Faces in Children With Autism: Implications for Developing Biomarkers for Use in Clinical Trials. Frontiers In Psychiatry 2022, 13: 841236. PMID: 35615454, PMCID: PMC9126041, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.841236.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAutism spectrum disorderEvent-related potentialsUpright facesTypical developmentASD participantsASD groupProcessing of facesNon-verbal IQERP component latenciesVisual processing systemFace memoryFace processingERP responsesTD childrenAutism spectrumSocial skillsTD groupInversion effectSlower latenciesSpectrum disorderSpecificity effectsAge-related changesNeurodevelopmental conditionsNeural biomarkersComponent latenciesElevated symptoms of executive dysfunction predict lower adaptive functioning in 3‐year‐olds with autism spectrum disorder
Powell K, Macari S, Brennan‐Wydra E, Feiner H, Butler M, Fortes D, Boxberger A, Torres‐Viso M, Morgan C, Lyons M, Chawarska K. Elevated symptoms of executive dysfunction predict lower adaptive functioning in 3‐year‐olds with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research 2022, 15: 1336-1347. PMID: 35388596, PMCID: PMC9253075, DOI: 10.1002/aur.2715.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAutism spectrum disorderDaily living skillsExecutive functioningEF deficitsAdaptive functioningSpectrum disorderLiving skillsExecutive functioning (EF) deficitsAutism severity scoresLower adaptive functioningCognitive flexibilityAtypical developmentDevelopmental presentationExecutive dysfunctionAdaptive skillsNonverbal functioningVABS-IIElevated symptomsAge threeToddlersLong-term detrimental impactDevelopmental quotientFunctioningChronological ageSymptom severity
Atypical Intrinsic Hemispheric Interaction Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder Is Present within the First Year of Life
Rolison M, Lacadie C, Chawarska K, Spann M, Scheinost D. Atypical Intrinsic Hemispheric Interaction Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder Is Present within the First Year of Life. Cerebral Cortex 2021, 32: 1212-1222. PMID: 34424949, PMCID: PMC8924430, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhab284.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPuppets facilitate attention to social cues in children with ASD
Macari S, Chen X, Brunissen L, Yhang E, Brennan‐Wydra E, Vernetti A, Volkmar F, Chang J, Chawarska K. Puppets facilitate attention to social cues in children with ASD. Autism Research 2021, 14: 1975-1985. PMID: 34350712, PMCID: PMC8434944, DOI: 10.1002/aur.2552.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAutism spectrum disorderVisual attentionAutism severityTD controlsSpeaker's faceYoung childrenSocial-communicative cuesSpeakers’ preferencesHigher autism severityAttention of childrenFunction of groupASD groupSocial cuesSpectrum disorderVisual preferenceHuman speakersSocial partnersSocial interactionSpeaker identityPuppetCuesChildrenEarly characteristicsReciprocal interactionsFace
Low-motion fMRI data can be obtained in pediatric participants undergoing a 60-minute scan protocol
Horien C, Fontenelle S, Joseph K, Powell N, Nutor C, Fortes D, Butler M, Powell K, Macris D, Lee K, Greene AS, McPartland JC, Volkmar FR, Scheinost D, Chawarska K, Constable RT. Low-motion fMRI data can be obtained in pediatric participants undergoing a 60-minute scan protocol. Scientific Reports 2020, 10: 21855. PMID: 33318557, PMCID: PMC7736342, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-78885-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPediatric participantsMRI protocolMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scansFunctional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scansShorter MRI protocolsScan protocolResonance imaging scansImaging scansMRI sessionsFMRI connectivity analysisFMRI dataFMRI findingsSignificant confoundScansReplication groupConnectivity analysisAutism spectrum disorderMock scanSpectrum disorderParticipantsHead motionProtocolSex Differences in Gender‐Diverse Expressions and Identities among Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Brunissen L, Rapoport E, Chawarska K, Adesman A. Sex Differences in Gender‐Diverse Expressions and Identities among Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Research 2020, 14: 143-155. PMID: 33283980, DOI: 10.1002/aur.2441.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAutism spectrum disorderGender-related concernsGender Identity QuestionnaireParents of girlsSpectrum disorderASD ages 6Sex differencesParents of youthParents of boysIndividualized supportGender identity/expressionSex-typed behaviorSame-gender behaviorElevated distressIdentity QuestionnaireParents' responsesAutismChild's appearanceChild's ageAge 6Gender expressionReal distressBirth sexYouthGender dysphoriaAtypical Emotional Electrodermal Activity in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Vernetti A, Shic F, Boccanfuso L, Macari S, Kane‐Grade F, Milgramm A, Hilton E, Heymann P, Goodwin MS, Chawarska K. Atypical Emotional Electrodermal Activity in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Research 2020, 13: 1476-1488. PMID: 32896980, PMCID: PMC10081486, DOI: 10.1002/aur.2374.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAutism spectrum disorderPhysiological arousalTypical developmentEmotional challengesAge-matched toddlersAutism symptom severityEmotion-eliciting conditionsCore ASD symptomsSeverity of autismSkin conductance levelFear emotionCognitive processesFear conditionTD peersASD groupEmotional expressivityEmotional expressionASD symptomsPleasant eventsExternalizing problemsSpectrum disorderThreatening eventsUnderstanding of precursorsBehavioral problemsBehavioral expressionFunctional Outcomes of Children Identified Early in the Developmental Period as at Risk for ASD Utilizing the The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)
Stenberg N, Schjølberg S, Shic F, Volkmar F, Øyen AS, Bresnahan M, Svendsen BK, von Tetzchner S, Thronæs NT, Macari S, Cicchetti DV, Chawarska K, Suren P, Øien RA. Functional Outcomes of Children Identified Early in the Developmental Period as at Risk for ASD Utilizing the The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa). Journal Of Autism And Developmental Disorders 2020, 51: 922-932. PMID: 32424708, PMCID: PMC7954713, DOI: 10.1007/s10803-020-04539-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAutism spectrum disorderChild Cohort StudyCohort studyAutism symptomsLanguage disordersM-CHATSpectrum disorderLower IQDevelopmental concernsNorwegian MotherDevelopmental periodIntellectual disabilityEarly interventionBirth cohort studyMonths of ageChildrenItem criteriaFunctional outcomeBetter outcomesGreater severitySwift accessEarly identificationIQDisordersFathersAtypical Value-Driven Selective Attention in Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Wang Q, Chang J, Chawarska K. Atypical Value-Driven Selective Attention in Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. JAMA Network Open 2020, 3: e204928. PMID: 32374399, PMCID: PMC7203607, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.4928.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAutism spectrum disorderNonsocial stimuliSelective attentionTypical developmentSocial stimuliValue learningNonsocial domainsNonverbal IQSpectrum disorderSocial domainsValue-driven attentionDevelopmental delaySimilar chronological ageNonsocial objectsAttentional priorityMore effective interventionsPreferential attentionASD groupAutism symptomsAutism severityTD groupVerbal IQTest phasePreschoolersIQ
Social Processes and Risk for Autism
Klaiman C, Saulnier C, Rubin E, Chawarska K, Klin A. Social Processes and Risk for Autism. 2019, 350-370. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199837182.013.15.Peer-Reviewed Original Research