News & Updates
- We welcome Katie Holroyd, MD as a new NeuroHIV research fellow, who is spending a few months at Yale then working with our research partners in Bangkok, Thailand.
- With Shelli Farhadian, MD, PhD (Yale, Medicine/ID and Neurology), our lab has been awarded a $1.9 million grant supplement from the NIH to support The COVID Mind Study at Yale, our research project on lingering brain effects of COVID-19
- After three years of limited travel, members of the Spudich lab and the International NeuroHIV Cure Consortium met in Bangkok, Thailand with SEARCH Foundation colleagues and others to further our collaborative work on neuroHIV and HIV cure. We were honored to host Drs. Joshua Gordon, Leo Cubillos, and Dianne Rausch from NIMH to showcase work supported by their program.
- Diego Armengol, Yale medical student and Spudich Lab member, matched to residency in the Department of Neurology at the University of Miami School of Medicine! Diego also gave an invited oral presentation at the 2022 Conference for Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, "Longitudinal Modeling of Early HIV Burden in the Central Nervous System."
- Julian Weiss, Yale medical student and Spudich Lab member, matched for residency in internal medicine at Duke University School of Medicine!
- Phillip Chan, MD, PhD, our longstanding collaborator in NeuroHIV research, will be joining our lab as an associate research scientist in May 2022.
- We welcome Ferron Ocampo, MD as a new NeuroHIV research fellow, based with our research partners in Bangkok, Thailand.
- With Anita Huttner, MD (Yale, Pathology), Dr. Spudich has been awarded a $200,000, two-year grant supplement from the NIH to support research on brain effects of COVID-19 in people with HIV, both with and without substance use disorders.
- International NeuroHIV Cure Consortium (INHCC) Summer Mentee Program: The Spudich Lab at Yale hosts mentees through the INHCC's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Summer Program, an immersive experience that introduces neurosciences to high school and community college students who are typically underrepresented in the field. Spudich Lab mentees participated virtually in a variety of experiences in 2021, including: conducting real-data research; developing and performing at-home studies; completing virtual, interactive labs; and presenting findings to the INHCC audience. Spudich Lab members held autobiographical talks, sharing their academic and professional experiences. The mentees also participated in a virtual seminar series alongside other INHCC mentees, where they learned about topics of research, career pathways, and academic insights from several of the INHCC's more than 25 global collaborators.
- Dr. Spudich was a plenary speaker at this year's AAN meeting on post-COVID neurologic syndrome. Her talk is highlighted on the Yale Neurology website.
- Dr. Spudich organized and co-chaired the NIH Neurologic and Psychiatric Issues in SARS-Cov-2 meeting.
- The COVID Mind Study at Yale, our multidisciplinary, clinical study of long-term consequences of COVID-19, is open and enrolling, and we welcome referrals.
- Along with Josh Cyktor, PhD at the University of Pittsburgh and colleagues at Yale and Johns Hopkins, our lab has been awarded a new R01 from NIH/NIMH, "CNS Viral Persistence and Neuropsychiatric Perturbations in HIV: Single cell and Molecular Interrogation."
- Yale medical student Julian Weiss, a key member of our lab, has been awarded a Grant for Emerging Researchers/Clinicians Mentorship (GERM) from the Infectious Disease Society of America/HIV Medicine Association - his second GERM award for work with our lab.
- The first articles in a special, open-access issue of Neuroscience Letters that focus on neurologic considerations of COVID-19, co-guest edited by Serena Spudich and Shelli Farhadian, have been published covering neuropathology, neuropsychiatric complications, neuro-opthalmology, neuroimaging, and an overview perspective. Watch for additional articles on neuromuscular, neurovascular, pediatric, and other neurologic consideration.
- Welcome to Eunice Baik and Sharon Shin, our stellar, new lab Postgraduate Assistants.
- Neurologist Lindsay McAlpine, MD, has joined the lab as a Postdoctoral Fellow to train in neurological infections and neuroimmunology.
- With colleagues in Psychiatry and the Yale PET Center, our lab was awarded a new R01 from the NIH/NIMH and NINDS to use PET imaging to reveal mechanisms of synaptodendritic injury in HIV.
- Our experience running a dedicated neurology consult service for COVID-19 patients was published in Lancet Neurology.
- Along with Yuval Kluger, PhD, and Mark Gerstein, PhD, our lab was awarded a UM1 grant from NIH/NIDA Y-SCORCH program at Yale to study HIV and opioid use in the brain.
- Ms. Siobhan Slack has joined the lab to serve as Program Manager for the International NeuroHIV Cure Consortium and the Y-SCORCH project.
- An extensive review on the neurologic manifestations of COVID-19, co-authored by Drs. Farhadian and Spudich, was published in JAMA Neurology.
- An open-access supplement issue of AIDS focused on CNS HIV reservoirs co-edited by Dr. Spudich was published.