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Participate in our research

What is Involved?

The exact procedure varies according to which study you meet criteria for. First we need to see whether you are eligible to take part. Generally, this involves a short confidential phone interview and an in-person visit for psychological and medical screening (which includes blood work and a urine drug test). All information discussed is confidential.

If you meet criteria for any of our studies, you will be asked to return for one or more MRI scans and one or more PET scans. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan lasts between 30-60 minutes, and a PET scan may last up to 120 minutes. PET scans involve intravenous (IV) lines and in some cases arterial lines. During the PET scan, a molecule that binds to a certain receptor of interest, called a radiotracer, is given. It contains a small amount of a radiation which allows the PET camera to detect the signal. The amount of radiation from a PET scan is usually less than what you would receive from a CT scan and is below the dose guidelines established by the FDA and monitored by the Yale University Radioactive Drug Research Committee for research subjects. You may also be asked to perform some tests on a computer to assess cognitive functions such as memory and decision-making. You will be paid the following for each procedure you take part in.

Interested? Navigate here for more information and
help us determine your eligibility to participat in our research.